Since selling bags to the Qin family, six people have made a lot of money without day or night, but they are also very tired. Qin Lan’s heart looks haggard, and her family, especially her family, is still struggling with Han’s decision not to continue doing this, otherwise the tiredness will outweigh the gains.

Qin Lanxin directly asked Qin Lanbing to temporarily close the restaurant as soon as the bag was sold out in the morning. Han and Qin Lanyue were going to dig wild vegetables, which also stopped Qin Lanxin.
"Big girl, what can I do for you? How to put the restaurant? " Qin Xiangzheng and asaps looked at her puzzled.
Qin Lanxin gathered all her family in the courtyard, and it was cool when the plane tree was blowing with the river wind and in the shade.
"Parents are too tired to sell bags these days. Everyone has a good rest today! The body is a revolution, money can’t be earned, and even the body doesn’t care about the day. Make some bags less, or we’ll hire someone to help make bags. "Qin family has no strong labor, Qin Lan’s strength is strong, and there are eleven-year-old women who are weak and small. It’s no big deal.
"It’s too expensive to hire people, or we’ll do less. You’re all too young to go like this," Han said, looking at the children anxiously
"I can’t make money this day. I can’t make fun of my body, big girl. What do you think? Let me talk about dad and listen to you first!" Qin Xiangzheng looked up at his eldest daughter in a wheelchair. He didn’t help this father. Now this family is supported by Qin Lan’s heart.
"Elder sister, I also listen to you!" Qin Lanyue sitting beside asaps smiled and said
"I also listen!" Qin Lanbing and Qin Lanrui said with the same mouth.
Han also looked at her, smiled and nodded, and her daughter did things with discretion. It must be right to listen to her.
Qin Lan thought for a moment and said, "I think Aunt Deng, Aunt Yu and Sister Miao have been free for a long time, and our three families are close. Why don’t we hire them to help us sell bags?"
"Isn’t it a bit much to hire three big sisters?" Qin Lanyue didn’t think it was necessary to hire so many people to sell bags. It was just a while ago!
Qin Lanxin shook her head and said little. Then she told her family that since making bags at home is so popular, she can go to the dock and sell them by boat or fish lane, so that the demand for bags will become natural and she needs help to make more bags.
However, she also said that this is a temporary idea of her own. In a couple of days, she can go to the dock, boat and fishing lane to try to sell a bag. If there are many buyers, she should hire more people to make more bags.
It was the Qin family who never dreamed that Qin Lan would go out at noon to try to sell bags in the fishing lane. As the evening approached, the shopkeeper Zheng of Li Ji Qianzhuang and the shopkeeper Lin of Li Ji Restaurant personally went to the door with gifts.
After exchanging pleasantries and chatting with each other, the two shopkeepers got down to business with Qin Xiangzheng.
"Brother Qin, let me get this straight. I want to talk about business with your family this time. My old lady likes to eat your Sam Sun Bao very much. I wonder if Brother Qin would like to sell your bag in Li Ji Restaurant?" Li Ji bank Zheng shopkeeper is naturally invited rehmannia looked at Qin Xiangzheng asked.
"Yes, Qin shopkeeper, I have eaten your bag, too. If you sell it in a restaurant, it must be very popular with the guests." Lin shopkeeper has been working in Li Ji restaurant for nearly twenty years, and he knows best about the tastes of the guests.
Qin Xiangzheng was flattered and overwhelmed by the arrival of Zheng shopkeeper and Lin shopkeeper. Although he was not long at Baishi Wharf, he also knew the Li family’s position in Fujiangkou, and he knew from He Laosi that these two were important people in the fishing lane.
His family didn’t even have a steady heel in this white stone pier, so he let these two "big shots" come to talk business with them with gifts. That’s why people often say that "a big pie fell from the sky" and then it happened to fall into his house.
Zheng shopkeeper found that after he and Lin shopkeeper put the words out, Qin Xiangzheng and asaps were pleasantly surprised. The three children at the door were a little surprised by the girl beside Qin Xiangzheng, and then they were lost in thought, and their brows were slightly wrinkled.
Before coming, the old lady specially told them that it was not Qin Xiangzheng’s husband and wife but their eldest daughter, Qin Lanxin, who really cared about the Qin family. I’m afraid it was only the twelve-year-old Qin parents who finally made up their minds.
"This is your daughter qin girl? I’ve heard your name for a long time. You’re a great girl. Hehe, Miss Qin, would you like to sell this bag to Li Ji Restaurant? " Zheng shopkeeper walked over to see Qin Lan’s heart and asked, but the inquiry and refinement in his eyes made Qin Lan’s heart see clearly.
Supposedly, the Li family is really kind to the Qin family. Now, the two shopkeepers of the Li family are looking for the door and the Qin family is afraid that they also have the intention to help.
However, there are some things that can’t be confused at will, especially if there are too many personal feelings in business, and the two sides can’t be long-term together.
Qin Lan heart smiled and walked leisurely from Qin Xiangzheng to Zheng shopkeeper and Lin shopkeeper, and then looked up at them with a deep blessing and said gently, "Lan Xin thanked the two shopkeepers for patronizing the Qin family to me, and also thanked the old lady Li’s kindness and kindness, which is my family’s weakness. Xiao Liji Restaurant sends guests to the party every morning and evening. Even this package should not be used, and coarse wild vegetables should not be on the table, but it will pollute the name of Li Ji restaurant."
"Girl, do you disagree?" The shopkeeper Lin was shocked at the bottom of his heart. Qin Lan’s words and deeds really don’t look like a poor woman, and there are some people who can’t figure it out outside the words.
"That’s not such a good thing, but it’s really difficult to catch it if there is a ten thousandth chance. Don’t say that even this wild vegetable should not be used in my family. It is also rare in winter when the fish in the lake is hard to catch. If you buy food and meat to make other stuffing bags, you can’t afford to go according to the present situation of my family." Qin Lan told the truth
She has enough money in her hand to turn around her own restaurant. If she takes over the business roots of Li Ji restaurant, it won’t last for a few days. People’s big restaurants will never give their guests a stuffing or coarse bread!
Hear Qin Lan heart explain Zheng shopkeeper and Lin shopkeeper heart is a loose to her willing to and Li Jiahe.
Lin shopkeeper suddenly looked at Zheng shopkeeper Zheng nodded knowingly at him and then smiled and said to Qin Lanxin, "Miss Qin, I have a legal one here, don’t you think?"
The collection is too poor, and I will cry when I write ~ (_) ~ I like to watch my friends cheer on the collection and evaluation! It depends on everyone’s support!
Chapter 20 Hiring people to help
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"Please say it!" Qin Lan’s attitude is always the same, and there is a slight alienation in gentle respect. This is what experienced and sophisticated businessmen will do. It really shouldn’t appear in a girl who is only twelve years old.
Zheng shopkeeper looked at Qin Lan’s heart and his eyes were more focused, just like in the face of a man who didn’t know all the details and didn’t know that the other party would be like a master of action. Although he was relaxed and pleased, his heart was more cautious.
At the moment, he regards Qin Lanxin as a real businessman, an object he needs to negotiate with.
"What Miss Qin is worried about is that she doesn’t have any revolving silver in her hand. Li Ji Bank can lend you a sum of silver for the time being. Of course, the condition is that your family wants white flour as a package and the stuffing should be mixed with vegetarian food. What do you think of three different stuffing packages for Li Ji Restaurant every day?" The shopkeeper Zheng thinks that Mrs. Li is really prescient, and this method is good for both Qin and Li, and by the way, he sold a favor to the Qin family
"But my family has nothing to mortgage!" Zheng shopkeeper’s proposal is really exciting, but Qin Lan has always believed that "there is no free lunch". The Li family has been doing business for generations, but they are all child prodigies. She doesn’t like to owe more and more.
"Just pay back your land deed and land deed!" Qin’s family has nothing of value, and Zheng’s shopkeeper has asked the old lady Gu for instructions before she came.
"My land title deed is worth twenty taels. This time, I’ll take the secret recipe as collateral. Let’s get an estimate from the shopkeeper Zheng!" Qin Lan heart said with a smile
"Miss Qin, this … I’m not sure!" Zheng shopkeeper dozen careless said
This Qin Lan’s heart is really exquisite. Once the situation turns around, she can’t show the "human" value of the Li family by mortgaging her secret recipe.
If this package doesn’t sell well in Li Ji restaurant, people will not only say that Li family is confused, but also say that Li family is greedy for the secret recipe of Qin family package. After all, this Qin family package is famous in Baishi Wharf, but it is impossible to change places.
If it sells well, others will say that the Li family is stained with Qin Jiaguang and the influence of the Li family restaurant is sure to get louder and louder.
Zheng shopkeeper was vaguely aware that one day, in the eyes of outsiders, Li Jiahe and Qin Jiahe owed Qin family favors instead.
No, maybe all this is just a fantasy. With Qin Lan’s intelligence, she wouldn’t have thought of it. It should be a coincidence, right? !
No matter what Zheng shopkeeper thinks in his heart, the two packages of Li Qin will be closed, and Qin Lan’s heart also quickly estimated the cash flow of a white flour package in his heart.
Next, Qin Lan’s heart came forward and the shopkeeper Zheng and Lin finally finalized the concrete agreement between the two sides, but Qin Lan’s heart came up with the agreement in a short time, which made the two shopkeepers of the Li family marvel at the brevity, clarity and responsibility of the text. It was the first time they heard about it and signed it for the first time.
Zheng shopkeeper gave Qin Lanxin one hundred and twenty pieces of silver on the spot after the signing of the mortgage loan document and the joint document.
The Qin family officially gave Li Ji Restaurant a package seven days later. Before that, Qin Lan wanted to get all the white flour, vegetables, meat, spices, etc. ready, and to rebuild the small kitchen next to the East Room at home. In addition, he had to hire someone to help.
After seeing off the shopkeeper Zheng and the shopkeeper Lin, Qin Lan put Wen Du away and asked Qin Lanbing and Qin Lanyue to invite the Zhang family and Yu’s mother to say that they would all have dinner at Qin’s house tonight.
Qin Lanxin decided to make fried noodles with wild vegetables in the big pot of the restaurant because the restaurant had been waiting for a long time and the cold noodles prepared today were not sold out, and she dug up a lot of wild vegetables in the afternoon.
When Zhang Shuier, Xiang and john young heard that Qin Lan wanted them to go to the Qin family for dinner, they fled to the Qin family, which helped to light the fire and which helped to wash the vegetables, and stared at the Qin family cauldron greedily.
"You children are really shameless and know to come to your sister’s house to eat and drink!" When Deng’s and Yu’s walked in the door, they looked at Zhang Shuier and john young and criticised them.
"Sister Lan Xin said that I have food to eat when I am working, and I help with my work!" Zhang Shuier, hey hey, smile. She’s famous and cheeky.
"Sister-in-law Hong Lian and Sister Yue, please sit in the house when you come. Why haven’t you seen Zhang Dage and Miao Er?" Asaps quickly walked out to meet two people into the house.
Deng’s motioning with his hand found a stool in the courtyard and said with a smile, "Don’t go inside. This courtyard is cooler than the house. Tonight, the moonlight is better. Let’s talk in this courtyard. The child’s father went out to catch fish with Uncle He all day long. He was too tired to get a few money. Miao Er won’t come back until midnight."
"Xiu Yuansao, what do you want us to do?" Yu Shi was washing clothes at home, so Qin Lanbing ran over and called her, saying that Han Shi had something to find her.
Han asked them not to worry about saying that they were inarticulate, and let Qin Lan say to them after dinner.
Just now, when the Qin family went to call someone, Deng’s and Yu’s were still polite when the two children said that eating was polite. I didn’t expect Qin Lanxin to really cook a big pot of fried noodles for two families. They were all very embarrassed.
After the dinner, all three families gathered in the Qin courtyard to enjoy the cool air. Qin Lanxin also told Deng’s, Yu’s and Zhang Miaoer about hiring their bags.
"Aunt, aunt, sister Miao, I really want to ask you to come and help my family. Maybe I can’t give you too much money, but I promise that if the business is good, I will definitely give you a raise. If you are really too busy, are there any honest people who will introduce me to two restaurants in Li Ji? My family is really short of hands." Qin Lan sincerely said to several people.
Yu’s eyes immediately turned red, and some eagerly said, "Lan Xin’s great aunt is willing to work in your home, and it’s not easy for you to make a bag. Just give her 500 pence a month, not one or two."
"Aunt Lan Xin and your sister Miao Er are also willing to pay. Just do what your aunt said and work as a coolie for an old man. It takes 700 pence a month. You tell one or two aunts that you are doing what we do. Your kindness is appreciated. You can invite your aunt and your sister Miao Er to work. This feeling will not be forgotten by the whole family!" It is rare for Deng’s family to speak solemnly and seriously, and the sincerity in his words touched Qin Lan’s heart.
"Red-violet sister-in-law, Xiu Yuanmei, who is in love with you? Let’s not be polite. This salary is what it should be!"
Qin Lan-hsin discussed the matter of wages with asaps and Qin Xiangzheng early in the morning. Now, the Qin family can sell six or seven hundred bags early every day, and some people can sell more than one thousand bags when they are scheduled later. In this way, just packing a month will make a profit.