At noon, I arrived at Longhu Mountain and looked down at Longhu Mountain. I couldn’t help sighing that Longhu Mountain was full of incense and aura. Longhu Mountain was the founder of Taoism. At this time, the true religion had not yet emerged. The whole Longhu Mountain has nine Taoist temples of one size and nine palaces, and each Taoist temple has a purple peak. Taoist priests are in charge of the stone steps in the mountain. The outer court is crowded with incense, wishing believers and pilgrims are bustling.

After pondering for a moment, I finally fell in the shape of a person and lost all my breath. Walking on the mountain at this time is naturally not the time to start work. It is not bad to go to a close look first.
Longhushan Taoism is different from other sects. It is a hereditary sect whose core is the Zhang family’s own office and relatives. Longhushan has experienced nine Tianshi from Zhang Daoling in the Eastern Han Dynasty, namely Zhang Daoling Zhang Heng, Zhang Lu Zhang Sheng, Zhang Zhaocheng, Zhang Jiao, Zhang Hui and Zhang Jiong. At present, Longhushan teaches Tianshi as the ninth Tianshi Zhang Fu.
Tianshi is the title of Zhang Daoling Heaven, and the world will continue this title. If the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Palm Sect is called Tianshi by the world, except Zhang Daoling, other Zhang Zhangjiao did not take the position of Tianshi in Heaven and did not accept the title of Tianshi until the early Yuan Dynasty. In other words, Zhang Daoling is a Tianshi, but Tianshi does not necessarily refer to Zhang Daoling alone.
In addition, Taoist priests in Longhushan can be married and born, otherwise there would be no inheritance. The Zhang family, men, women and children all have Taoist status, and women and children can also learn Taoism. However, this is only limited to Zhang’s surname, that is to say, daughters can learn Taoism, but not even if this daughter-in-law happens to be surnamed Zhang. This also ensures that the doorways are closely related to each other to some extent. Although the Zhang family women can learn all kinds of Taoism, they take over the teaching positions and teach Tianshi men and women.
I didn’t pay attention to watching the scenery in the mountains on the way. I have been thinking about a problem. At this time, Zhang Fu is the ninth generation of Tianshi, followed by the 54th generation of Tianshi Longhu Mountain. It has continued to the later generations. As the saying goes, it is reasonable soon. Since it has continued, it naturally has its rationality and merits. If I cut it from here, it will have an impact on future generations.
I can do whatever I want with those religious sects that have not continued to the later generations. I must be cautious about this kind of sects that are still in the later generations. This is the largest Sect of Taoism, and it will have a great impact to change it rashly.
Because of the cautious thoughts in my heart, I deliberately pay attention to the words and deeds of Taoist priests in the mountains and their good fortune and virtue. There is no denying that some of them do have bad intentions, but most Taoist priests are good. Will it be unfair to them if I cut the gordian knot?
This idea was rejected by me in an instant, because this idea made me feel ashamed. There were many sects that were cleared by me and King Kong Gun before, and there were no shortage of people buried with koo. I can’t be afraid of them just because Dragon and Tiger Mountain is powerful, and then dig my heart and make excuses not to do it. This is definitely not my fashion style, but many Taoist priests in Dragon and Tiger Mountain are long-lasting philanthropists. These people must have accumulated virtue and done good deeds to benefit the people on weekdays. If I kill them, I will feel uneasy.
At this time, my heart is very contradictory. If I start to kill the waste, I will be wronged by many good people who have worked hard to cultivate and do good deeds. In the end, I will abolish this injustice. However, if I don’t start, I will fall into the name of bullying and being afraid of hard work. Outsiders will not think that I am merciful because they are superior to ordinary people. They will think that I am afraid of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain spells and Zhang Daoling’s fame.
A sect can’t tell the scum. Zhang Bingzheng, the brother of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, met in the palace earlier. This guy is a bully. If the whole Dragon and Tiger Mountain is his brother, I’ll be relieved. If there is a fairy to stop me, I’ll come to the rescue. Even in Zhang Tianshi, I have something to say, but now the whole Dragon and Tiger Mountain is still good. Does it make me like a hand to kill or not to kill?
There are two kinds of people in the world, one is to think twice before you act, the other is to think twice before you respond, and the other is to be stupid. If something goes wrong, I will rush to deal with it. Naturally, I disdain to do this kind of person. If you think about it in advance, you can make fewer complications and achieve your goal smoothly. Some things are not difficult to implement, but to think and prepare before implementation.
Walking slowly in Longhu Mountain, my mind is finally thinking about how to make up my mind to formally worship the mountain on the ninth day. Teacher Zhang Fu showed his card. There are many Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain. Eleven of them have lost their lives. I will let the rest of them go for the time being.
I made this decision after careful consideration. It is the fairest thing for me to do this, and it can be said that it is a concession. If Zhang Fu is a wise man, he should agree to my terms. If he blindly protects his master, he can’t blame me for taking advantage of the wind and not showing mercy. Even if the Dragon and Tiger Mountain hides three immortals and causes serious consequences, I can’t blame me even if I have something to say in Zhang Tianshi.
Dragon and Tiger Mountain is a gate where guests come from all sides to make vows. There are pilgrims of all ages, men and women, unlike Buddhists, who have old men and women. Among these pilgrims, besides wishing for the old and the young, there are also many good families and small jasper who come to ask for marriage. Where there are men, there are not necessarily women, but where there are women, there are usually men. Most of the crowds in Dragon and Tiger Mountain are young men and women who touch marriage with longing for love. This scene makes me very curious, and when I have a plan, I will stop at the high stone steps and look at these young people with great interest.
When men and women reach puberty, they will be interested in the opposite sex both physically and psychologically. If they are mortal, they will avoid it, but everyone’s criteria for choosing a spouse are different. After two hours from the stone steps, I found that three girls personally or sent their maids to send out sachets or towels. In ancient times, women were interested in showing men and women. I talked and paid attention to these couples who were attracted to each other.
A rich girl dressed in a silk dress chose a poor scholar. She may have made this choice out of admiration and sympathy for the literati, but when she saw the scholar’s eloquence, she ignored the faint white powder that covered the scholar’s face. The poor family was so poor that he paid so much attention to his appearance. The rich girl was doomed to tragedy in the future. The reason for her tragedy was that she was not observant and intelligent enough to read, and people were not necessarily good people.
An official celebrity ordered a maid to send a fragrant towel to a well-dressed young man, who is also a scholar. This pair will be very happy in the future. My judgment is not that some things don’t need magic. You need to observe carefully to see the clues. The first reason is that this young man’s dress is not new like others, but an old shirt with faded color. According to the traces of clothes and ironing, he is not yet. It’s the first day to wear this dress. From this, it can be said that he didn’t deliberately dress up before going out, but he casually wore a dress he usually wears. This shows that he is not vain and has no purpose. However, although the old material of his dress is authentic and expensive silk brocade, and a piece of jade around his waist is also leisure. All this says that this young man is not a poor man, but a person who has a certain identity and does not pay attention to superficial reading. This official celebrity probably values him, so she chose it right.
The third is a poor girl with a beautiful face. She is carrying a basket, which seems to be a promise rather than a blind date. As a result, she saw a princess from an official family who sent out a sachet before moving. Then the poor girl took out a snack in the basket and invited the official to taste it for three times. In the end, the two of them went hand in hand. In the eyes of ordinary people, this poor girl belongs to the opposite position, but she has courage. Sometimes the key to success is to narrow the gap between status and knowledge. Of course.
In the evening, the pilgrims and tourists gradually dispersed, and I walked to the main peak Tianshi House. The ninth Dragon and Tiger Mountain Tianshi Zhang Fu’s breath was there. He is the pinnacle of aura, and now he is 60 years old. He is the person in charge of Longhu Mountain, but he is not the highest. The highest three people are in the back of Longhu Mountain.
Wandering outside the Tianshi Mansion, Tianshi Mansion covers an extremely wide area. The pavilion covers an area of not more than 100 acres. This is the residence of Tianshi in past dynasties, and tourists and pilgrims are not allowed to enter. There are also special Taoist priests outside Tianshi Mansion to persuade visitors to return one by one.
Because I had made up my mind not to sneak attack, I went straight to Tianshi House and stopped ten feet away from Tianshi House to prepare to speak and invite me.
"Outsiders are not welcome to leave quickly here." Just then, the road flyover Zhike came along in the distance.
I turned to look back, and I couldn’t help laughing when I saw the human face. It turned out that this person was none other than someone else. I kicked Zhang Bingzheng outside the palace. This guy has a purple spirit. How can he see the big gate?
I saw Zhang Bingzheng Zhang Bingzheng also saw me. This guy was stunned for a moment before he reacted and pulled up his voice and cried, "Come on, really come …"
Chapter 647 Nine generations of Tianshi
Zhang Bingzheng belongs to such people who have little brains and are smart enough to die. To be fair, I don’t hate this kind of funny guy very much because his little thoughts are in the air, but he is not sinister. Besides, I am ready to attack the enemy this time, and I ran in with him to inform him.
Zhang Bingzheng’s cry soon stopped. Don’t ask, don’t know, someone stopped him from yelling. He came from the side door of Tianshifu and ran out. Many younger brothers went to Taoist temples and the hills to inform about the move.
King Kong cannon and I have swept more than 50 Taoist temples in two days, and they have already become a veritable evil star. It is impossible for these people not to be afraid of my letter for help.
Seeing my arrival makes me so nervous, I still have a little pride in my heart. This is strength. With enough strength, everyone will respect you for three points.
After a wick of incense, a thin Taoist priest wearing a divinatory robe came out, followed by many disciples. This person wearing a divinatory robe is naturally Zhang Fu, the ninth teacher of Longhu Mountain. The robe he wears is surrounded by a pattern of divinatory symbols on a white background, which is well known to the world, and those behind him are not all younger generations. Some of them may be his uncles and brothers, Xiuhe and his age are all there.
"Is the Tianzunge a real person riding the wind?" Zhang Fu came forward to kowtow, and he asked me questions because I was wearing an ordinary robe with no crown. He was not sure that the man who was thrown into the crowd would never be found again was the evil star who killed 60 sects. Besides, I was a little too young for him, and a 20-year-old boy really shouldn’t be in the fairy class.
"Just him, just him, I have seen him." Zhang Bingzheng showed his head from behind the crowd and shouted for the dissatisfied eyes of the left and right elders
"Measure the Buddha and ride the wind to see the Tianshi". I kowtow and return the gift. Since I am polite, I should return the gift. This is a matter of courtesy.
After I confessed my identity, Zhang Fu fell into a brief hesitation, obviously considering my motivation for coming and adopting an attitude towards me.
"Real people come from afar, please come to serve tea." Zhang Fu thoughtfully raised his hand for a moment to welcome guests. His move was a bit unexpected to his master, but it didn’t surprise me. A large Sect of palm teachers should have this kind of tolerance and insight. They may not be afraid of things, but they will never make trouble, especially not easily provoke the Taoist immortals.