"We can’t and don’t suggest making everything public. Panic will be the end. We are in a war that we must understand before we can win. Therefore, we must be responsible for ourselves and human beings. That is to say, from now on, you can’t talk to people about your work in this command, including your closest family.

"After the meeting, everyone should sign a guarantee. Before the meeting, you are welcome to express your worries. Because everyone refuses to sign this guarantee, it will not do anyone any harm, but he should leave this room and we will have him sent home immediately."
She bet herself that no one would get up and leave, but there would definitely be something wrong with her.
Someone raised his hand. Mick Rubin is a biologist from Manchester. His specialty is mollusks.
"Does this mean we can’t leave here?"
"The Whistler Fort Hotel is not a prison," Li said. "You can go wherever you want at any time. You can’t talk about work."
"So if …" Rubin faltered.
"What if you said it anyway?" Li made a melancholy expression. "I understand why you have this problem. In that case, we will deny your words to ensure that you can’t break the provisions in the guarantee again."
"This … er … did you do that? I mean, you … "
"Someone taught me? As we all know, Germany left the European Union for a joint investigation three days ago, and the provisions of the North Atlantic Treaty on preparation for war also started. Norway, Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark all declared a state of emergency, and Canada and the United States also cooperated with the development of the world situation, and we did not rule out the possibility of being led by the United States in the face of this special situation-we have the authorization. "
Rubin pursed his lips and nodded. There were no more questions.
"Good," said Li. "Then let’s do it! Major General Pique, please. "
Pique pressed the remote control, and a picture of Zhang Weixing appeared on the big screen, from high shooting to the coast surrounded by villages and towns.
"Maybe it came from somewhere else," he said. "Maybe it was earlier, but today we’re going to talk about it here in Wanchako, Peru." He pointed at different locations in the sea with a light pen. "This place lost 22 fishermen in a few days, and speedboats, yachts and sailboats disappeared one after another in very sunny weather, and debris was found in some places."
Pique showed a new photo.
"We have been observing the sea," he went on to say. "There are many floating monitors and robots in the sea that send ocean currents, salinity, temperature, carbon dioxide content and all kinds of endless information through wires. Seabed measurements record the exchange of sea water materials on the seabed. We have hundreds of military and civilian satellites in Taizhong. It seems that it is not a problem to find out the disappearance of the ship, but it is not that simple because we are too scouts and have blind spots like all things with eyes."
The image shows that it is a part of the earth’s surface with satellites of different sizes and flying heights hanging, just like giant insects.
Pique said, "There are 35 artificial celestial bodies, not including the Magellan exploration satellite and the Hubble telescope. Most of them are scrap metal and are working normally. There are about six of them, and you get information through some of them, and also through military satellites."
The light pen is moved to a bucket with a solar panel. "The KH12 keyhole optical satellite in the United States can recognize faces with a high resolution difference of five centimeters during the day, and it is equipped with infrared and multi-spectral systems at night. Unfortunately, it is not rooted when there are clouds." Pique pointed to another satellite. "Therefore, many reconnaissance satellites, especially microwave dark clouds, will not prevent radar from scanning the planet’s surface to simulate three dimensions. Unfortunately, radar images need to be explained. Radar does not know colors and cannot see through glass. It has shapes in the world."
"Why not combine these technologies?" Pahlman asked.
"Yes, but it’s very troublesome. This is the main problem of the whole satellite surveillance. It can cover the whole country or the whole specific sea area at least. One day, many people need to be able to scan a large area for integration. Once you need a detailed image of a narrow area, you have to take pictures accurately. Most satellites are in orbit and it takes about 90 minutes to get back to the same position."
A Finnish diplomat said, "Can’t some satellites be fixed in critical areas?"
"It’s too high. Stationary satellites can only be stabilized at an accurate altitude of 35 kilometers. They can identify the minimum distance kilometers from there. Even if Helgoland Island sinks into the sea, they can’t see it." Pique paused. "But if you know the target, you can arrange it."
They saw a picture of the water from a lower height, and the sun shone obliquely on the waves, mapping the sea like a flowing glass surface, with boats and tiny narrow shapes. A closer look turned out to be reeds weaving boats with a person squatting on each side.
"KH12 zoom lens" Pique said, "On this day, many fishermen disappeared in the continental shelf area along the coast of Wanchako, so we were able to take this picture because of the limited reflection in the morning."
A picture and a silver block are distributed over a vast area. Two reed boats are drifting alone.
"It’s a large group of fish swimming about three meters above the water, so we can still see that the problem is that the sea water hardly loses magnetic waves. Fortunately, if the water quality is clear enough, our optical equipment can look into a small part of the water, and we can also take a whale heat map at a depth of 3 meters with infrared rays, so the military loves infrared rays so much because it can let people see submarines."
"Golden mackerel?" A young brunette asked the famous brand that she was an ecologist from Reykjavik, Iceland.
"It could be South American sardines."
"There must be millions of fish that are amazing. I have been overfished in South American waters for a long time."
"That’s right," Pique said. "But it’s puzzling that we mainly find these schools of fish where swimmers, divers or small fishing boats are missing. This is an abnormal behavior. For example, a 19-meter-long trawler was sunk by herring off the coast of Norway three months ago."
"I’ve heard the news," said the female ecologist. "It’s the Stein Home, right?"
Pique nodded. "Those animals got into the net and swam past the trawler. When the crew were trying to harvest them and pull the deck, the boat was overturned. The crew tried to cut the net rope, but it didn’t help. The boat sank in ten minutes."
"It wasn’t long before a similar case happened along the coast of Iceland," mused the female ecologist. "Two crew members drowned."
"Yes, it is a strange case, and if the world cases are added together, more people have been sunk by fish in recent weeks than in the past. Some people say it is coincidence that the fish are struggling for survival, while others find that the process is almost the same, as if the fish have planned actions. We do not rule out this possibility. These animals were arrested because they wanted to capsize."
"This is a long talk." A Russian representative expressed disbelief. "Since when did fish have an agenda?"
"Since they sank the trawler," Pique replied succinctly, "they have done this in the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean seems to have learned how to bypass the trawler. It seems that they suddenly understand what a trawler or purse seine stands for, but even if their ability to walk suddenly increases, these animals have to learn to observe it first."
No fish or school of fish can see a hole 11 meters high and 14 meters wide in the net.
"But they really seem to know these nets. Anyway, the fishing fleet complained that the losses were heavy and the whole food industry was greatly affected." Pique gasped. "The second reason for the disappearance of ships and personnel is well known, but it takes a little time for KH12 to record this process."
Ann Navach stared at the screen. He knew what would happen. He had seen these pictures and even lost information, but he still felt suffocated every time he looked at them. He thought of Susan stringer.
The photo shows continuous shooting floating like a 12-meter-long sailboat on the projection screen. There are two people sitting in the calm stern. A woman is lying on the front deck basking in the sun. A huge shadow floats close to the boat. It is an adult humpback whale and the other two are following.
"Pay attention here," Pique said. The whale swam across the port side of the ship, and something dark blue appeared slowly approaching the water. It was another vertical whale. It drilled a tail fin from the water, and the boatman turned around and froze. The huge body turned over and hit the sailboat, breaking the boat into two pieces. People were spinning like puppets and flying to the middle mast, breaking two whales and jumping off the wreckage. The pastoral scenery became chaotic. The hell boat sank and the pieces floated alone in the white spray diffusion water circle, and those people were never seen again.
"There are very few people present who have directly experienced this kind of attack," Pique said. "That’s why these pictures are available. Now animal attacks are no longer limited to Canada and the United States, but appear in the small boat route."
Ann Navach closes her eyes. What will happen when the DHC2 seaplane and whale collide? Will there be a ghostly chronicle in this part? He didn’t get up the courage to ask, and his indifferent glass eyes saw everything, which made him endure.
As if responding to his thoughts, Pique went on to say, "This kind of data may make people feel ironic. We are not voyeurs. We try our best to help immediately wherever we can." He raised his eyes and there was no expression in his eyes. "Unfortunately, it was too late."
Pique went on to say, "If we think of the attack broadcast as a kind of infection, then the source of this infection is in the coastal area of vancouver island. The earliest conclusive case occurred near Tofino. Although it sounds incredible, we can almost see that their strategic gray whales, humpback whales, fin whales, sperm whales and other large whales are responsible for attacking the ship, and then the smaller and faster killer whales are responsible for destroying people floating in the water."
The Norwegian professor raised his hand. "What makes you think it’s an infection?"
"We didn’t say it was a disease, Dr. Johnson," Pique replied, "but it spread like a disease from Tofino south to California north to Alaska in a few hours."
Johnson shook his head. "I want to say that this superficial phenomenon will mislead us to make wrong conclusions."
"Dr. Johnson," Pique said patiently, "if you want to spend more time, listen to me …"