Since non-human names can’t be called dog leftovers, root-rooted local names have many uncommon words.

Give you some approximate pronunciations.
(Gu Gu) ト = Giant cat;
Lei Yi = Lei Gong;
Hey = stare;
丠 = tofu;
Tang = latest;
In fact, everyone can read half of it!
And you can visualize these words. Anyway, you are reading them, regardless of their pronunciation as symbols.)
Chapter 116 Not far from the radical village
"Congratulations to the brutal manor owner for completing the large-scale property building-the seawater desalination and development project of Fei’s Dead Canal"
"’Great Architecture’ Achievement II Progress 6/1"
Not far from the manor, Zhuang was awakened from his sleep by a sign
At present, five large buildings have been built in the manor.
Virtual city three-dimensional traffic body, Green Island Port, Hongdao Port, Neng Tower and the currently completed Fei Dying Canal are all large-scale buildings, but some of these buildings are made up of small buildings, others are huge buildings.
In addition, after the continuous expansion of the manor, the manor palace has finally become one of the "large buildings"
With these six large-scale buildings and the restoration of more than a dozen pyramids in Lanshiye Manor, the property has greatly increased and turned into a state of "manor is me and manor", and the body shape has reached 12 or 13 meters.
Now Zhuang is not far away, and it is estimated that Indigo (Emperor Yi) can be tied alone.
However, Zhuang is not far away, but he is not happy, because it is not even just a start for the manor owner.
The pyramid of Lanshiye Manor has been restored, but that’s Lanshiye Manor City, which is still far from the restoration of the whole manor.
In the heyday of Indigo, his height was less than 30 meters.
Not to mention the complete state of indigo (clothing emperor)
And when he upgraded the manor, he saw from the illusion that the manor owners were always indomitable, and then the manor owners had to queue up to celebrate Berber’s birthday.
If you don’t say these things, even a lock will make him feel uneasy.
And locked each other that one punch let zhuang not far from a rare feeling of power being suppressed nai.
"What the hell is that monster …"
He has long known that the giant dog of war is the early weapon of factory owners. Of course, factory owners will make progress, but such a huge robot is not too abnormal …
Compared with it, even whale fat is a small fish
The most important thing now is to improve your combat effectiveness.
Whether it is the manor or the palace, it is a top priority.
The simplest and most convenient way to improve combat effectiveness is to build various large-scale buildings through "building great strength"
However, large-scale buildings are expensive, and now the manor is developing rapidly, and how much money is filled in is not enough. Of course, we have to find ways to spend other people’s money to improve our combat effectiveness.
"All the projects of the owner have been sent!" At nine o’clock in the morning, Feng Liangzhou, the acting duke, commanded several hammer men with great strength and poverty to move a lot of materials into the conference room.
"What is this?" Zhuang is not far away.
"You forget? You asked me to find all the large-scale projects that the former state group participated in but were finally put on hold! " Feng Liangzhou cheerful way
"This … so much?" Not far from Zhuang, my eyes are almost popping out.
If this conference table had not been condensed by the sap of bluestone leaves, it would have been crushed by this file piled directly to the ceiling.
"What can I say?" Feng Liangzhou shrugged. "Things often happen. This is our working environment …"
It’s such a hassle to engage in large-scale projects. Historically, large-scale projects have always faced all kinds of dystocia. Sometimes it’s hard to bid and bid for several years. Suddenly, a fund is not in place and the policy changes, so it is cancelled.
Some projects are repeated for decades and hundreds of years before they are finally built
For example, the most famous cross-harbour tunnels in Midi and Lanxi have been demonstrated two years ago.
"But these projects are absolutely three years without eating for three years! Of course, if a company is dragged down by a project, there will be many "Feng Liangzhou patted the box in front of him and let him cough violently immediately."
"Bah bah … somebody clean it up for me!"
Not far from Zhuang, he also reached out and hit a box casually, taking out a document and blowing dust freely.
A few big characters "Serava Canal Project" appeared on the surface.
"What is this?" Zhuang is a stranger to this name. Why hasn’t he heard of this canal?
"Ah, this?" Feng Liangzhou heard this name immediately eyes a bright "before I retired, I was also studying this if it wasn’t pitted by damn six mans state, even I would also like to join in! But fortunately, I didn’t participate because this guy is more unreliable than the dying canal! "
"Oh?" Zhuang is not far away from wondering how unreliable the law is.
This planned canal is also located in the East Central Region.
In the border area between Saber State and Sawtooth State
As we all know, many states in the eastern and central regions are simply local tyrants.
For example, Zhongmadao Prefecture is one of the best.
In the second World Cup, the local tyrants of Sabre State held out their rings and covered their mouths when their team was abused by the enemy. The photos were simply the hottest expression packs.
That’s right. People in Sabre State are so local tyrants. Everyone is a Thanos fan.
Another state, Sawtooth State, is also a local tyrant.
They happened to host a World Cup football match.