Wenyi was joking with Bin Chen for a while. I felt my body energy. Peng Pai’s injury recovered strangely. According to his thigh, Lin said thoughtfully, "Although I feel poor in charm, you don’t touch my thigh, so cool, do you? Why don’t you put your hand there? "

Fang Lin’s law of meditation, if you know him well about this exam, you can say that the earth people can surpass him. He comes from the experience of creating the beast White Dragon. Under normal circumstances, Wen Yi and Bin Chen here bring energy back to the earth, but Fang Lin has a faint understanding and feels that it can be tested.
Wen Yi was joking, but the body seemed to have been stabbed through a small hole, and an energy gurgled into it and exclaimed, "Yeah! Fang Lin, what are you doing? "
Fang Lin got up and said with satisfaction, "It’s nothing but helping you double your skill, and you can take it with you when you go back!" "
Wen Yiwen jumped up with five fingers, and sure enough, he found that the magic power of the flame greatly increased, and the pillar of fire in his palm was seven meters high, like fireworks in the first month.
Bin Chen see envy than was about to speak Fang Lin reached out and said to Bin Chen, "Wen Yi likes to relax and hate work, so you don’t have to learn from him and exercise yourself to be valuable."
Looking at Bin Chen a face of wry smile face Fang Lin heart laughed.
At this time, the other E-soil locust has got the trace of Ye Lisha and Lin Yu, and Fang Lin casually released the three-headed one-horned dragon to greet Wenyi and them to ride.
Wenyi was still very happy to finally have his own mount, so he immediately picked a tallest ride.
Fang Lin saw that Bin Chen was still unhappy and comforted and said, "There are many ways to improve strength, but one way to improve the realm is to realize that Wen Yi, a lazy guy, doesn’t want to practice to a higher realm, but it is not a good thing that you still have the opportunity to benefit from external forces to increase aura!"
Bin Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "I mean, being angry is worse than being a fat boy like Wen Yi!"
Wen Yi was furious when he heard this, but he didn’t give him the chance to jump. Another one-horned dragon drove the rush to Fang Lin, followed by Wen Yi, who was unwilling to lag behind and also prompted the one-horned dragon.
Finally joined Fang Lin Wenyi and Bin Chen to complete their own assessment, and each friend’s strength has improved, and he is no longer afraid of Warcraft here.
After three people rode in a one-horned dragon, a Qing Juan boy quietly looked at the grass that had just been destroyed by Fang Lin’s landing. The eyes of Dinahus broke out with unprecedented light.
"It’s amazing that the guy can raise his strength to such a high level in such a short time. I must tell him the difference!"
Dinahus stepped off his feet, and soon after he passed by, he suddenly burst into hot golden flames, claiming to be the most outstanding genius of the Yanshi family for thousands of years, and he has also recovered his golden flame power.
The first fatalistic challenge in the seventh century
The first fatalistic challenge in the seventh century
The first fatalistic challenge
Whew! A small animal with six tails was caught by a green light to help it struggle, but it also managed to turn its fate around.
Three-headed one-horned dragon rushes past, and the rider is triumphant Fang Lin. He has arrested four Warcraft head 46 magic-tailed foxes and can apply for the exam.
Wenyi and Bin Chen watched with envy as Fang Lin shot that green light and manipulated the one-horned dragon to move closer to Fang Lin.
"Fang Lin! Don’t forget your brother if you are proud of yourself! We haven’t finished yet! You won’t help either? "
Fang Lingen ignored Wen Yi and complained that "I didn’t bring you a deed! I’ll give each of you a seal. You didn’t take less Warcraft along the way, did you? How can you blame me for your bad luck and not meeting your own Warcraft? "
Wen Yi grumbled and said, "You can seal fifteen heads of Warcraft, many powerful Warcraft, and I can’t accept it. I’m very upset about leaving it for Warcraft. If only you could send me two more."
Bin Chen said nothing as usual. At this moment, another magic-tailed fox appeared. He casually lifted a yellow phosgene and rolled it up. The magic-tailed fox was wrapped away from his wrist. An odd bracelet immediately added a golden fox totem. In addition to this fox totem bracelet, seven images of Warcraft loomed.
"Magic-tailed fox, I also started. In addition to this Warcraft, I’m still short of green rhinoceros Wenyi. Did you catch two heads of Warcraft? You have to work hard! "
"You really piss me off!"
Driving a one-horned dragon all the way, Wen Yi took the lead and became angry.
Fang Lin with Wenyi Bin Chen turned a circle after hunting Warcraft has contacted her to find the magic insect leaves pear sand. The two of them are not very far away. Lin called Wenyi and Bin Chen to join them.
Although there is no Fang Lin around, Ye Lisha and Lin Yu have been helped by Bailong. At this time, several heads of Warcraft have been arrested, but they are worried because Bailong is no longer from Fang Lin.
Fang Lin didn’t command the magic worm to do anything strange, so the two girls didn’t know that Fang Lin had returned. After a few days of tracking, Lin Yu found a reptile nest with a thousand feet lurking outside. Two people were chatting about what happened in recent days.
"Recently, it seems that the number of missing candidates has increased, and many people have suddenly disappeared. Do you think it is Warcraft?"
Lin Yu’s question Ye Lisha hesitated to think before saying, "I don’t think Warcraft is too powerful, but some candidates have great problems. I’m afraid it’s not an accident that we saw the two candidates duel!" I heard that every year there will be some unexplained missing persons in the exam. I am worried that some candidates may not have such a simple purpose! "
Lin Yu’s novel says, "Will they attack each other again?"
Ye Lisha some certainly said, "I think it should be Fang Lin also don’t know what happened? There is no news from Wenyi and Bin Chen. If we could unite together, the situation would be much better. "
Lin Yu’s small nose wrinkled and scoffed. "Wen Yi’s smelly temper is really amazing. Our Kunlun Xiandao disciples are much stronger than them, but we haven’t seen anyone so smelly!"
Ye Lisha couldn’t help but poof bursts into a smile and said, "Wenyi, that guy is really fun. I heard that they got hooked up with Fang Lin, but there are too many differences in ability."
Lin Yu was about to ask about the problem of hooking up with the sky. A rustling sound made the two girls have a tacit understanding and shut up.
A strange creature with a head like an longicorn, a length like a centipede and a length of several meters like a train climbed out of a huge pit on the ground.
"It’s no wonder that the thousand-legged reptile is so huge that it can be rated as level 50 Warcraft."
Lin Yu and Ye Lisha have been lying in ambush on the ground for a long time. They looked at each other together and drank a few black shadow ropes and jumped out of the ground. They firmly tied up the thousand-legged reptile Ye Lisha’s strength to support the magic of Qian Yinshan. Lin Yuze drank a high drink and pumped his right foot hard.
Lin Yu’s nine yuan gong xiu is enough to reach the realm of flesh as steel. Even the rocks with the same volume can break out a gap. Although the crustacean with a thousand feet can’t withstand a deep depression for Lin Yu’s head.
However, such a blow is not enough to make the thousand-legged reptile lose its combat effectiveness. It hurts for a while, and the thousand-legged reptile roars at the sky with its head held high, and its long body swings wildly trying to break free from the shackles of the thousand-yin network.
Ye Lisha’s mana rose to the limit. The forehead has already seen the sweat. Lin Yu saw that he failed to let the millipede lose his resistance. Long and powerful long legs kicked out girls’ natural fear of insects again. Even Lin Yu was no exception. She dared to kick the millipede and let her hand hit it. It was impossible. This also led to Lin Yu’s shrinking hands and binding feet. Some miraculous moves made it impossible to attack.

Huashan Xiaohe Bieyuan

When Sun Zhongshou heard that Yan Li and Liu Fangliang were coming, he said, "I didn’t expect these two to come. I’d better meet them myself. I can’t lose our’ Shan Zong’ statecraft."
Sun Zhongshou and Darren E. Scott and others set up the "Shan Zong" in order to avenge Yuan Chonghuan’s wrongs, but the actual leaders were Sun Zhongshou and Darren E. Scott in Shan Zong and Yuan Chengzhi.
Sun Zhongshou asked Wang Yue after leaving Yuan Chengzhi, "Uncle Wang, Yan Li and Liu Fangliang are really so good?"
Although Yuan Chengzhi’s martial arts are high, his vision is not high. He is a little nervous when he hears Yan Li and Liu Fangliang’s position. After all, they are senior officials in the army of King Chuang, and they are even more popular in front of King Chuang Li Zicheng.
Wang Yue took a look at Yuan Chengzhi and took a sip of tea. In his heart, he still had a high skill in making tea. He felt that making tea by himself didn’t taste right.
"What’s so great about it?" Wang Yue smiled. "Yan Li still has a little culture. He is a scholar. I am not very clear about Liu Fangliang. Chengzhi, Yan Li and Liu Fangliang should come here this time to find you. You should take the initiative not to be sold and help the people."
Yuan Chengzhi is the younger generation of Wang Yue, and Yuan Chonghuan has saved Wang Yue’s life. Wang Yue feels that he should wake up at this time.
Sun Zhong Shou came in with two young people.
Wang Yue, the young man in the robe of the scribes, guessed that it should be Yan Li and the other one was Liu Fangliang.
"young master"
Sun Zhongshou said, "These two are Yan Li’s strategist and General Liu Fangliang, and this is our young master Yuan Chengzhi."
Yan Li and Liu Fangliang fuels.
"Yan Li met Shan Zong Shaozhu"
"Liu Fangliang met Shan Zong Shaozhu"
Yuan Chengzhi also said happily, "Yuan Chengzhi has seen Li Junshi and General Liu, but Cheng Zhi admires them."
Wang Yue shook his head secretly. Yuan Chengzhi is still too immature. Just now, I told him that Yan Li and Liu Fangliang are nothing, but now I am still so excited to see these two people.
Darren E. Scott asked, "I don’t know if you two have any insights this time."
Yan Li fuels, saying, "Did you dare to know for a long time that the seclusion and cultivation of Huashan, the young master of Shan Zong, was caused by Master Mu’s refusal to let us bother you?"
Yuan Chengzhi laughed. "It’s very kind of you, Li Junshi."
Yan Li took out a pair of couplets and said, "You laughed at the rough writing and ink."
Playing couplets, Yan Li read, "Huanglong has not smashed Wu Mu, and Han Zuo is waiting for Zhuge Xing to fall."
Wang Yue secretly nodded not to say that couplet is a good word. This Yan Li is not the kui who has won a jury, and he is also very good at flattering. No wonder he can get along well in the Li Zicheng army
Sure enough, Yuan Chengzhi and others were very excited to see this couplet.
Sun Zhongshou said happily, "Well, this is to compare our DuShi to Yue Fei and Zhuge Liang."
Yan Li laughed. "Yuan Dushi is the most admired person. He can compete with Mu Zhuge, but the treacherous court official of the bad king Wu was in power. This made Yuan Dushi wronged and killed Emperor Chongzhen. This is a self-destruction of the Great Wall. I have always wanted to go to Yuan Dushi’s grave to worship, but I failed to do so. I wrote this couplet and gave it to the young master. It is also a long-cherished wish."
Yuan Chengzhi took the elegiac couplet and thanked him, "Li Junshi, you are really my father’s bosom friend."
Wang Yue sighed and said, "Okay, okay, let’s get down to business. Don’t be so sour. It’s all nonsense."
In the clause, Wang Yue was sitting alone, but everyone else got up to meet Yan Li and Liu Fangliang.
Yan Li now noticed Wang Yue sitting behind Yuan Chengzhi.
"I wonder who this is?" Yan Li doubt way
Yuan Chengzhi laughed. "Oh, this is my uncle Wang Yue."
Yan Li and Liu Fangliang exclaimed "Ah".
This young man is the king who wants to recruit "imperial doctors"?
Wang Yue’s reputation as an "imperial doctor" shocked the world, but not many people have seen Wang Yue. It is easy for Wang Yue to go out to treat those landlords and rich people.
The average person’s consciousness is that the imperial doctors are all sage like type and white-haired. Wang Yue, a teenager, and the "imperial doctor" are too out of touch.
Now Yan Li and Liu Fangliang saw Wang Yue’s natural surprise ratio.
"seen the imperial doctor"
Yan Li and Liu Fangliang quickly salute fuels.
Wang Yue waved his hand and said, "Don’t bother offering imperial doctors? You flatter me too much. I just know some medical skills. Hehe, sit down and don’t do it. "
Although Wang Yue is an "imperial doctor", he still knows how to be modest.
Everyone sat down and Yan Li said, "You should know that the army of King Chuang is now defeated by the army in Shaanxi area, and tens of thousands of them will be wiped out cleanly. King Chuang will soon head east for the capital. Wouldn’t it be even more powerful if you could get help from Shan Zong? You can’t worry about big things. "
Yan Li also said to Wang Yue, "I hope that the imperial doctor can go to Shaanxi to treat the king and the army. Yan Li is grateful."
When Yuan Chengzhi heard that King Chuang was injured, he was anxious and said, "Uncle Wang, you promised."
"Huh?" Wang Yue stared at Yuan Chengzhi.
"Li Junshi, I Wang Yue, who is not from Shan Zong, is not qualified to ask you." Wang Yue looked at Yan Li and said faintly, "But after all, my Wang Yue’s life was saved by Inspector Yuan, and now I am an uncle in Yuan Chengzhi. Can I ask you a few questions?"
Yan Li nods "imperial doctor, please".
Wang Yue asked with a smile, "Shan Zong can help King Chuang take the capital, and when the time comes, you will be God. When you go overseas, Jin Dalai will look after the Central Plains, and you will be like the enemy?"
"Rebellion throughout the ages is all in the name of saving the people from heaven and saving the people from heaven. So is Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. So is the opening angle."

"I didn’t mean that." I quickly explained that King Kong Gun was in a rage at the moment and I shouldn’t have stimulated him.

King Kong Gun gave me a bad look and turned around and walked into the card. I frowned and hesitated for a moment, but I decided to follow him. Although King Kong Gun could observe the breath of the red macaque, he had to go through a period of time when he was extremely vulnerable to attack. I can’t let him be in danger.
"Xiao Jiu, I’ll go and see him." Mu Zhuifeng naturally doesn’t trust reckless King Kong cannons.
"I’d better go. You and Ye Aofeng wait outside. It will teleport spells. It doesn’t necessarily come out from the door. When we come out, we will speak first." I stretched out my hand and grabbed Mu Zhuifeng and turned to go in.
When I entered the card, I found that the King Kong cannon was rushing across the mountain peak. He was the first to enter the card. At this moment, I should have found the location of the red macaque.
Running Reiki quickly followed the King Kong cannon to the pool opposite the mountain peak and found that the two bottles of white wine at the pool had disappeared. There was still a little fresh blood left in the place where the white wine was previously placed, which means that the red macaque headed for the white wine.
This scene makes me angry and anxious. It obviously scorns and teases us. It means eating human brains and drinking white wine. What is urgent is that it is good at teleportation and change. If we do this, it will kill us one by one sooner or later.
When King Kong Bao saw me coming in, his face suddenly showed signs of unhappiness, so he ignored me. Instead, he shouted loudly and let the monkey come out and fight with him.
"Are you crazy enough?" I watched the king kong cannon.
"Just now, if it weren’t for my flash, they would have killed me. Isn’t it right to kill the two mercenaries? What did you say when I quarreled with Ye Aofeng? " King Kong cannon hysterically shouted at me.
The words of King Kong Gun immediately made me say that it was his subconscious reaction to kill those two mercenaries who shot at him earlier. When Ye Aofeng satirized him, I didn’t say anything to help him, and I also blamed him for such an excessive move.
"We need him at the moment" I shook my head and sighed.
"Have you forgotten what you said in Li Zicheng’s tomb?" King Kong Cannon twitched his face. "Look at his tone of voice and tone of voice all the way. Let’s go out and kill him. I’ll die if I’ve lived enough anyway. I won’t break into this tomb."
"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I reached out angrily and grabbed the hair of King Kong cannon and pressed his head into the pool. At the moment, I feel aggrieved and dying. It’s you, King Kong, not me. Who am I fighting to the death?
King Kong Gun never thought that I would make a hasty move, and thump, thump, thump and choke two pools. When I saw it, I was afraid that this sunny pool had not been seen for thousands of years, and I quickly pulled him out.
After I dragged the King Kong cannon out, it was not angry but frightened and confused. After looking at me for a moment, it actually reached out and grabbed my hair.
"What do you want?" I glared at the king kong cannon. This guy dared to fight back after a long time.
"Not you look at the water there is something …"
Chapter 5 is costly
"What is it?" I frowned and asked
"Three dragons!" The king kong cannon was frightened.
"Don’t bullshit the horse to find the location of the red macaque." I’m dissatisfied with the fact that this pool is the size of a house and the water depth is less than one meter, not to mention three dragons, but none of them can curl up.
"Look at that," said King Kong Bao, reaching out to pull my hair.
"You want to get back at me?" I’m even more angry. At this time, the situation is quite critical. King Kong Gun is still in the mood to do this.
At this time, two screams came again at the door. I quickly skimmed the king kong cannon and swept it to the door. Sooner or later, these mercenaries would have to die at the hands of this red monkey.
After the scream, there was an urgent gun. Don’t ask, don’t know, everyone has fought back, but the counterattack has not achieved the effect, because I have seen two weak ghosts appear on the left side of the Kari peak, which means that the macaque has killed two mercenaries and escaped back safely.
With two ghosts as reference objects, I immediately turned around to track the head, and the ghost will dissipate quickly after leaving the body, so when I swept near, I was able to judge the specific position of the macaque according to the ghost, but I was glad that although the ghost dissipated, I clearly saw two drops of blood. The head was suspended three feet from the ground, and the two heads were separated by about two feet, so I judged that the macaque should hold the two heads with both hands at this moment.
When the golden opportunity came, I quickly took out my pistol and fired at the center of the two skulls. I chose the position where the two skulls were one foot away. The gun was to hit the macaque’s chest and abdomen as much as possible, and it was very unlikely to hit the macaque’s head. If I could hit its chest and abdomen, it would have achieved the expected goal.
After three shots, the screech came, and at the same time, the macaques with two heads landing disappeared.
"What’s up?" King Kong cannon followed me, turned around and turned my back.
"I hit it." I turned around and said that although I didn’t see its blood, I heard its sound. The red macaque was angry and called for pain. From this, I can be sure that my previous attack has achieved certain results, but I am also more worried about the red macaque’s revenge. If I hurt it, it will definitely take crazy revenge on me, but it will also make it go out to kill those mercenaries who have been frightened.
"Old in the water, there are really three little dragons. They look like small fish on the surface of the water. You can see dragons when you put your head into the water." King Kong Bao shouted at me with an extremely anxious face, saying that he really hoped I could believe him.
"Be careful, it’s around us." I didn’t pick up the words of King Kong cannon and turned to warn him. Although I couldn’t observe the breath of the red macaque, my keen intuition could feel a strong chill around me, which means that the red macaque is hiding around me at the moment and waiting for an opportunity.
"Believe me when you are older!" The king kong cannon kept biting the urgent question.
"I believe you, please find out its location quickly." When I said to King Kong Gun, I was convinced that King Kong Gun was telling the truth at this moment, because this Kari peak came from a pool on the top of a lonely peak in a deep valley, and there should be no swimming fish. Besides, even if there were fish, it would be impossible to live in a dark environment for more than 2,000 years. But I am determined that the first thing to do now is to try my best to kill this red macaque beside the spy.
After watching it for a while, the King Kong cannon suddenly screamed, "Be careful and go out again!"
"Go to the pool!" I didn’t wait for the King Kong cannon to shout, so I jumped at the water pool and swept over. The red macaque came and went to take pictures. Will we go to Shimen for rescue or not? Besides, I doubt that this move is to take us for a walk as a dog, so that we can get tired and wait for an opportunity. Its main goal should be that everything I do is to expose my flaws, so I just don’t take it seriously.
Besides, I was swept away by the water pool because of the king kong cannon. If there are really three little dragons in my water pool, it is natural for the red macaque to guard it here. I will destroy the water pool and rescue Zhao by besieging the state of Wei, forcing it to turn around and stop it.
In the process of forward-grazing, I used the magic trick of resisting air continuously to prevent the red macaque from finding my action track. After several times of flicker, the killer finally came to the pool. At this moment, there was no gun and a tragic cry outside the card. Mu Zhuifeng shouted "Evil animals are presumptuous!" It can be confirmed that the macaque is playing a trick on me. Its target is no longer the harassment of those mercenaries outside, but it distracts my mind so that it can seek revenge.
Backward, quickly draw out the sword, rotate and wave, and make sure that the red macaque is not in front of me. Immediately, the sword is put into the sheath, and the right hand is stretched forward to move the mountain. The waterbending technique is quickly applied to remove the water part in the pool. Who knows, only after the agent finds out that the pool in the pool is far more shallow than it looks, the mountain-moving tactic has removed one half of the pool.
With the decrease of the pool, the situation of the pool changed immediately. The pool that seemed plain before was no longer the scene that the rocks at the bottom of the pool disappeared, but it was replaced by a large piece of green jade. In the previous swimming, several small fish had become three and a half feet long golden baby dragons with four claws on their bellies, but it turned out to be three golden dragon larvae that had not yet reached the five claws.
At this moment, I finally understand what’s going on with this card. The location of the Qin Emperor’s Mausoleum is positive. The isolated solitary peak in this valley does not mean that the mountains border on each other, which makes the aura condense but not leak around. The mountain peak breeds a large area of aura, jade and leisure jade, which is the essence of the land. The rain of the solitary peak is the blood of heaven, and the nourishment of earthworm makes the jade pond pregnant with three golden dragon larvae. This red macaque is waiting for the three golden dragon larvae to be swallowed when the five claws are together, which should rob a golden dragon.
"What are you going to do?" King kong gun swept up and asked.
"These are three golden dragons with five claws, but they died when they were young!" I frown and say
"What’s wrong with dying?" The king kong gun detective grabbed a golden dragon and threw it into the gravel by the pool.
As I said, Jinlong was very fragile in his childhood. Without Yuchi, the root water quickly withered and shriveled into shape.
"Old four, go out and help." Just then, Mu Zhuifeng rushed from a distance and shouted at me.
"Monkeys have become Ye Ao’s style, and I can distinguish them." Mu Zhuifeng said anxiously to us.
"His mama" king kong cannon curses a turn and sweeps away at the card.
"Sister Liu, look at the golden dragon with five claws." I reached out and caught another baby dragon. These golden dragon seedlings have done nothing to us human monks before killing them with five claws.
"Old in this is the golden dragon with five claws?" Mu Zhuifeng flicker quickly moved over.
Mu Zhuifeng’s words instantly made me frown, so the king kong cannon called me Mu Zhuifeng, which has always made Xiao Jiu the nickname to call me. How could she call me Lao Yu?
Mu Zhuifeng swept to me from the opposite side of the pool. In an instant, I quickly thought about three things. First, I carefully observed her clothes and breath, and found that although her breath was abnormal, her left abdomen faintly revealed a trace of focus and illness. In addition, she held in her left hand three swords of Yu Shen and a quiet spirit, so I quickly determined that this mu Zhuifeng was false. Second, she called me by mistake, and her abdomen was sick. Third, the quiet spirit was the last one of the three swords of Yu Shen, which was unusual and did not drive it away. It’s her habit to make the dagger think of the previous sentence "Evil animals are licentious" when she makes the ghost shine. I can be sure that this red macaque robbed her weapon outside to trick me.
After confirming that this pursuit of the wind is a change of the red macaque, I considered the second thing, that is, it is very difficult to carry out the plan, because it knows that the King Kong cannon will find its plot when it returns to Shimen, so it must do it at once, and its most likely way is to stab me with this ghost. If I want to take the opportunity to fight back, I must make the right method and grasp the right time. The pistol is the first choice. There is no doubt, but I must grasp the gun time early, and it will make the teleport method escape late again. The dagger will stab me, and it’s hard to grasp this opportunity. Finally, I made a decision. When it gets close, I grabbed it with my left hand, and then the gun asked me to catch it, so it would make teleport die.
The last thing I consider is to plan the consequences. At this moment, my left hand came by with a dagger, and it happened to face me face to face. I am usually used to the right hand gun being able to grasp its right hand with my left hand after face to face, which led to a very serious situation, that is, both of us are armed, and the other hand is free, which may lead to the consequences of both sides. Even so, I decided to take a chance, because this red macaque teleportation is really hard to prevent. If I miss this opportunity, I will never have such a good opportunity again.
After what happened, I expected the change of the red macaque to chase the wind and immediately stabbed the dagger into my abdomen. At the same time, I reached out my left hand and grabbed its right arm and right hand, quickly pulled out my waist pistol and pulled the trigger at its head.
Some things can be expected, but some things are beyond my control. The red macaque needs a prick, and I need to grab my hand, pull out my gun and shoot. When I left, I missed the opportunity. I didn’t expect that the bullet was delayed for half a second after pulling the trigger. At this time, the ghost had been plunged into my right abdomen, and then the bullet smashed its head completely, splashing its brains and blood all over my face.
Abdominal pain didn’t confuse my mind, but it became very clear. At this moment, I remembered that the bullet would be delayed and have an explosion effect because the fourth bullet in my magazine was an ivory bullet unloaded from a Meizhu pistol, which she used to deal with Ye Aofeng.
Chapter 59 Blood escort
"Old in the pursuit of the wind is false." At this time, the super loud voice of King Kong cannon came from outside Shimen.
I didn’t answer the king kong cannon, but quickly loosened the red macaque’s left arm, gritted its teeth, pulled out the abdominal dagger, cut the clothes and bandaged the wound.

Even the five-vein foundation can’t stop Su Mo’s knife!

Throughout the process, Su Mo’s eyes eventually fell on Guo Yishen.
This is the only six-vein foundation in the battlefield
When this man dies, the rest will collapse without a fight!
There are a few monks in the summer who have some strange movements. Su Mo glanced at it lightly and ignored the knife to continue to kill Guo Yi.
At the same time, Guo Yi also felt Su Mo’s killing heart.
Guo Yi knows in his heart that he is definitely no match for Su Mo.
But he is not without a chance to win!
The only chance is to have a female body in the middle stage of the foundation in that realm of cultivation in the camp of the Zhou Dynasty!
If this woman is in distress, this Su Mo is bound to be disturbed and exposed, and it is easy for him to sneak in and slay her on the spot.
If we can capture this woman alive, the situation will become simpler.
On this Guo Yi took a deep breath and calmed his mind’s eyes with a decision.
See who moves faster!
If Su Mo kills him first, he can talk.
However, if the female practitioner in the middle period of Tsukiji falls into their hands first, Su Mo will die and the Zhou Dynasty will be defeated!
The woman in Guo Yi’s sight is already a caged bird.
Brother Zhou around her has been attracted away, and there is a monster beast that looks like a wolf and is black all over.
"Come on!"
Guo Yi’s heart will no longer avoid pulling out a protective charm from the bag and crushing it on the spot.
At the same time, Guo Yi offered a shiny glass frame on the top of his head.
The blood quenching knife was cut head-on without any fancy and cleanliness.
Guo Yi looked dignified, and his fingertips stirred up a series of rich spiritual forces and injected them into the glass mirror.
The rapid expansion of the glass mirror is like a dazzling golden sky over Guo Yi’s head.
The blood quenching knife cuts the glass mirror and sends out a tremor, which sounds like ringing the clock of the ancient temple.
Although Guo Yi temporarily blocked this knife with the glass mirror.
But his body is still shaking violently around the protective symbol, and this power shocks and collapses on the spot!
Until now, Guo Yicai really realized that Su Mo’s knife broke out into terrorist forces!
Before Guo Yi can catch his breath, the second knife comes.
A blood mans arrival almost tore the sky above his head!
At a glance, Guo Yi noticed the ecstasy in the eyes of another battlefield scene.
Do it!
Those five monks have already made moves!
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, sumo, look back. Your sister’s horse is going to die!"
Guo Yi laughed and facial features have been distorted.
Then Guo Yixiao stopped abruptly and his heart sank.
Sue ink blood quenching knife didn’t pause.
Sue ink look calm in those deep eyes Guo Yi can’t see the slightest panic worry!
Even Su Mo didn’t look back.
How come…
What’s wrong?
Guo Yi consciously looked at another battlefield.

Look at the fading sky and think about the distance between the college and here. Rosfer is so resigned that he will follow the night feather into the wall door.

Pass the invitation to Ye Yu and Luo Sifu, and see a building in front of them. The building outside is like a church and a castle, surrounded by various flower beds and grass walls. The tower at the top of the auditorium is also inlaid with a huge golden bell. If you don’t talk, no one will think that such a solemn place will be a dirty slave market.
There are several winding and staggered corridors in the entrance. After seeing the top crystal bank card of Night Feather, the beautiful waitress led them to an eastern corridor. They were not surprised at what they were wearing. They knew clearly that a person’s wealth could not be judged by his clothes.
After all the way through the art corridor decorated with various famous paintings and sculptures, Rosfer was full of stars and night feathers in his eyes, and they were arranged to sit in the luxury box in Building No.5.
Inside the building, there is indeed an auditorium, the ceiling is hung, and the luxurious magic crystal chandelier is lined with curved seats around the semi-circular auction platform, while the building is a variety of boxes. However, it is more appropriate to say that it is an auditorium than a theater. Night Feather found that their box is right in front of the auction platform, but it is best to have farsighted magic in one direction. It is not a matter of distance to see all the seats. There are snacks and fruits on the left-hand side of the platform. Night Feather and Rose naturally eat like a pig while there are waiters and waitresses waiting in the dark. On the right hand side, there is a long square black box with a slender screen and a number button to confirm and cancel. A thin line extends from the surface to the ground to bring them here. The waitress explained that that is the number pressed by the auctioneer, which is the price you paid when you auctioned. If you confirm that the number displayed on the screen is correct, you can press the confirm button to bid, otherwise you can press the cancel button to cancel these. Only people in luxury boxes can bid in a unified way.
As the host walked, the noise around the auction table suddenly became quiet.
After a chat, the auction was official.
An auction is not just some elixir, magic nucleus, etc. Although Rosfer looks at the saliva and his eyes glow at night, he is short of interest. Who makes his uncles love to collect all kinds of curiosities? He has been very afraid to be interested in these ordinary people since he was a child ~
Then the slaves were auctioned off, but they were all very ordinary male slaves and female slaves. Some of them were still sallow and emaciated. The first batch was not a good thing. They stayed in the slave dungeon for the night, but they didn’t move at all. They watched the stage being driven away and flogged. Although he was a slave, he never bowed down, but he just lost his self-esteem and went with the flow without any resistance. The creature has long been numb to the world. It is a luxury and superfluous feeling for these roots to fight for biological sympathy.
It is very unwise to look for a person in the auditorium full of people, and there are luxury boxes for the night feather root method to find Peter. Although it can be locked by telepathy, it is hard to guarantee that it will not be discovered by this slave market. It is impossible for such a huge slave market to be discovered by a master wizard and a samurai. Let’s just consider him lucky and let you go for a while, Peter!
At this time, the last quivering figure in the slave team attracted his attention. His slave’s different clothes were tattered to the point where they could be covered slightly. His body was covered with whip marks, and there was hardly a trace of intact skin. His manager whipped him and staggered step by step, but a whip fell behind him with an unstable center of gravity. But he immediately pulled at him without stopping. Although he was in pain, he clenched his teeth without saying a word. His face flashed and then he struggled to get back to the team as if he were resigned. All night long, the slave watched him with an unyielding but resigned expression. He frowned around the night feather in front of his eyes.
The slave’s body was injured and dirty to death, and his worn-out body trembled like a horse was dying. No one wanted the slave owner to try it, so that the night feather at his desk could be photographed as soon as it was twice as hard as the reserve price. He could not go to collect the goods before the auction was over. The night feather was for Rosfer to take care of the slave himself, and he still stayed in the box. Rosfer felt as if he had become a night feather servant, and he was ordered to look at it with a sad smile. Innocent night feather, he also went.
Taiwan has changed from one slave to another, and the ornaments and looks of slaves have gradually improved. Most of them are brothel owners, and many nobles buy some to go back to be maids or vent pipes. Some of them become crazy when they see good-looking male slaves. The ladies are shouting high prices, and some slaves with abnormal looks are almost taken away by people in luxury boxes.
"When it is a special thing!" The host immediately cheered up with such a shout, and he would like to see what the so-called special things are.
Two cages were pushed to the stage, and Ye Yu was a little glad that Rosfer had to take care of the man first, because the cages in front of him were full of-half elves!
"As you can see, these are semi-elves. They have a beautiful figure and are unspeakable. It is an indispensable spice bed in life!" The host introduced the half elves in the cage and cried and trembled together.
Half-elves shouldn’t be said to be rejected by humans and elves. Half-blood hybrids are not proud of the world. Elves don’t like the smell of human beings. Half-elves covet their beauty and strength. They always like to catch them as pets or slaves. They often live in groups, avoiding elves and guarding against human beings. Similarly, half-blood hybrids are also secretly living. Of course, some people can’t see that half-blood hybrids live. Heather is an example among human beings. Like Rose, she organizes everyone and has certain strength not to be bullied.
It should be their neck rings that seal their magic. Night Feather pondered that even if they are so smart and half-elf, it is really hard to grasp the stage. There are only two half-fairies and one half-fairies. The two half-fairies seem to be twins with the same beautiful face, while the half-fairies bow their heads and can’t see their looks, so they can’t be much worse.
Auction is sister flowers first, and they are sold together. People in Taiwan are crazy about bidding for night feathers, but they are not interested. He knows it’s just a stomach dish, but he wants to return to it. Why don’t he press the auction button to give Rothfer more help to increase the new force? There are now more than five people in Rosfer’s organization, and they will be asked to do more than intelligence work themselves.
The host looked at the rising price of 1 gold coin and laughed. It’s great that he has 1/10% of everything he finished! At this time, the machine around me showed the auction price of No.5 luxury box! The host trembled and couldn’t restrain his excitement and screamed, "1 crystal coin 1 crystal coin!"
Suddenly there was silence. A crystal coin bought two slaves? ! That can buy the whole brothel and renovate it several times! Even aristocrats are not willing to spend this big price to buy two female slaves. They can buy better through other channels.
How? The bid is too high? Night feather doubts scratched his head. He doesn’t want to bid any more. And although he knows all kinds of prices very well, he has completely inherited his uncle’s business skills, but it’s his first contact with buyers and sellers.
Although it was regrettable that no one paid a high price, the host announced that the female half-elf owned it
Then there are men and half elves. Some experience night feather paid a gold coin price directly. I didn’t expect the table to be silent again. You know, the price of men and women slaves has to drop by 1 time, but if you can say it, you can’t take back the night feather or auction the man and half elves at a gold coin price.
[mobile phone, brain synchronous reading is ok, CHM,UMD,JAR]
Mobile phone access: enjoy reading anytime, anywhere!
Chapter 14
Slave auctions are going on. There are even aphrodisiacs and aphrodisiacs in the medical instruments made by magic and alchemy … Taiwanese people are bidding fiercely, especially some elderly people are throwing caution to the wind and constantly shouting prices. Seeing these, Night Feather suddenly realized that the aphrodisiacs are so good to sell. Why didn’t he expect to sell them? And those magic tools, he tried to take out one at random, which is better than before. It seems that there will be no worries about the lack of funds in the future ~ ~ ~
Another cage was carried off the stage.
"oh! ! Oh! ! ! Oh! ! ! !” Taiwanese people screamed.
That cage turned out to be a beautiful mermaid! Glossy sea blue long hair hangs straight down to the feet to cover the shining fishtail hair. The cover is looming, white and almost penetrating the skin, which more lures men’s animal desires. The exquisite and beautiful face is now full of horror, long eyelashes are trembling, and drops of crystal tears are falling from the green eyes. But such a lovely expression is even more humiliating!

The power gap is too big, and the guards are thousands of pounds strong, and the roots are not enough in front of the master fighters.

Small round eyes with resentment sword to liguan.
Liguan sneered, "You are a good swordsman, but your speed is too slow and your strength is too weak to pose a threat to the seat structure."
Xiao Yuan’s swordsmanship is good, but her cultivation is first-class. Li Guangen didn’t look at her.
"Ding …"
The sword stabbed liguan, and a huge force came from the tip of the sword, and the small round arm was numb.
Li Guan caught a claw at Xiaoyuan. If he was caught by this claw, he would die.
Small round eyes with despair guru fighters really can’t compete.
Just then …
A clear sword sounded and liguan’s hair exploded and his back was numb.
"It’s the danger of firm but gentle"
Liguan felt great danger and could take back his paw and hit a palm behind him.
Shock wave collided with paw print, and the outbreak of innate qi caused a storm.
The guards’ guns were scattered by the true innate qi, and Xiaoyuan was also saved.
Liguan looked at the snow-white figure and was shocked by "innate fighters!"
People fencing is very high, but firm but gentle is also influenced by innate qi. This person is suspected to be an innate fighter.
Xiaoyuan shouted "Big Miss" when she saw the beautiful white image not far away.
It was Wang Qing who saved Xiaoyuan.
Wang Qing’s most critical moment has finally arrived.
Wang Qing glanced at the escort who was killed by liguan and said to Xiaoyuan with Shaqi in his eyes, "Xiaoyuan, you take people to kill those blood drops. Don’t leave liguan this old thing. I’ll deal with it."
Xiao Yuan nods, "It’s Miss Big."
Xiaoyuan also wants to help Wang Qing, but her martial arts are first-class, and the roots in front of the master fighters are not enough. Now I hope that all the departments will fall to Wang Qing.
His escort were also very excited when they saw Wang Qing coming.
"The eldest young lady is a master, and she will surely defeat the old thief."
All the escorts are convinced that Wang Qing will win.
Xiaoyuan said to the escorts, "Don’t let go of all those blood drops if you can still fight with me."
There are more than 30 armed guards who can fight. He can’t make any mistakes by forming a gun array, and then he can kill more than a dozen blood drops.
"Yes," the escorts attacked the master of blood drops with pike.
They were humbled just now, and now it’s time to counterattack.
Li Guan secretly hated that Wang Qing would arrive at this time and she became a master fighter.
It’s only six years ago, Wang Qing didn’t know any martial arts, but now he has become a master. It’s terrible to cultivate talent like this.
"Wang Qing, you remnants of the power are really tough. It’s really not easy to kill you." liguan sneered. "Six years ago, your brother Wang Yue was like this, and now you are like this. I didn’t expect that in just a few short years, you became a master. If I had known that, I would kill you no matter how much I spent that year."
And the court has been a menace to the master.
The Manchu court controlled the whole day, but there were only two master fighters in the palace
Wang Qing’s sword pointed at liguan and said with a smile, "If everyone can predict the latter, wouldn’t this world be so interesting? Six years ago, my brother killed the master of blood drops and you fled. I wonder if you and my sword can retreat safely today?"
Liguan was livid and defeated by Wang Yue six years ago. He always thought it was a great shame for him. You know, Wang Yue was still a half-step master at that time.
"What a big breath," Li Guan roared. "I don’t believe that your fencing can reach your brother’s level."

So luky is also a little worried, and needs to confirm whether there is anyone here in Blue buff, and mantis is also nearby, because he must be nearby when it comes to refreshing buff.

"Oh, L Casadin seems to be preparing for gank when he is on his way, and the emperor is also heading in the same direction. It seems that the road has been suppressed for too long, which has caused L note." The black live broadcast situation.
Doudou said, "Yes, and the buff will be refreshed at this time. If Casadin and Huang return from work, they will probably attack our blue buff."
"Well, this route selection is very reasonable. When there is no wave, there is a great chance. I wonder if the lpl team can notice it."
"they’re ss. pay attention to buff road."
Luky hurried to the road and woke up in a hurry, facing Zhang Hao and Yan Liang.
It seems a little late to be informed that Panson and Jinks quickly retreated, but Cassadine and Huang both raided from behind the tower through displacement.
And behind Nami is directly the big move to stay in front of the guys.
"Hold on, I’m coming."
Seeing Cassadine and Huang appear, luky said in a dark voice, it’s not good. The guy opposite really got to the road.
"Howl, howl"
A bright light is lit up, which is the emergency support of Dao Mei in the fierce battle of Lu Dao Mei Road, and Rambo is also the two sides of the road. A melee of 5v5 will be exhibited here.
Cheer again for more than 12 minutes. After just over 10 seconds, a 5v5 team battle suddenly broke out, which is also fascinating.
Nami’s big move trapped Persson and Jinks. Fortunately, Yan Liang is experienced and placed a row of bombs on the opposite ad and auxiliary road, which slightly slowed their progress.
It is this little gap that makes Nami control fail to take the opportunity to free Zhang Hao from the huge wave effect at the first time. The first time, he received the W-skill holy shield attack to prevent the emperor from attacking Jinkesi.
When there are no waves in my spare time, Jinx flashes and escapes to the tower, otherwise it will be cool if I am provoked by the emperor eq a little slower.
"Ah, it’s a little awkward. Fortunately, it’s not a murder case." Adzuki breathed a sigh of relief, and Jinksy was lucky to escape perfectly.
However, Zhang Haoke is not so lucky. Pan Sen saved Jinkesi, and there is no extra ability to provoke the subsequent arrival from the royalist eq. Nami controls and decisively surrenders Pan Sen to be bounced by a bubble to make L a fat meal.
"Zhang Hao, you hang in there. We’ve got a horse."
Luky is a little anxious. He has reached the road now, and the consumption of Jinkesi has already made Quinn in a bad state. At this moment, the sudden attack of Zhang Hao immediately made Quinn panic.
A set of explosions easily took away and refreshed the skills at the same time, but there was a little trouble when trying to jump away. Rambo’s deceleration effect hung on the mantis, and then the enemy swarmed to harvest the mantis
"Ah, this is a fierce team battle. At present, it is a balance of power between the two sides, but the situation is slightly more passive."
"They lost ad and fielding, while lpl lost an auxiliary and fielding pair, and the core output is still there."
"Take buff and get the blue first."
Yan Liang is directing the ball girl. There is a defensive tower across the road at the moment. I dare not expect anything. After all, the defensive tower is still very deterrent after only 12 minutes.
"It seems that the ball girl is going to get the blue, but L seems to know the ball girl’s movements."
Adzuki looked at the situation and was not optimistic. At the moment, Nami, Casadin and Rambo are all going to Blue buff.
That is to say, they have an idea about this buff
"Now both sides are not playing wild."
Black look at the situation is also white. It seems that the opposite side is going to die with lpl. After all, without the interference of wild disciplinary skills, the buff competition will be more intense.
Chapter 416 Recall the past and suddenly look back
"Be careful not to rush."
There are a few people awake in Yan Liang, and now the main force of lpl is still there. There is no need to spell out a life-and-death situation, and lad has been killed. This is good news, which is more beneficial to lpl and also takes the initiative in the battle.
It should be L to worry at this time.
"Both sides are testing each other’s situation, and it can be said that it is explosive to see who can seize the opportunity." Adzuki eyes looked at the screen motionless for fear of missing a little detail.
"Now it’s 3v3 with ad, single and wild lpl. I think it’s a battle force, so don’t be too cautious."
Black also looks at the screen and is definitely 100% supportive of his national team and has a strong sense of honor for lpl Black.
The two teams are constantly testing and approaching skills, harassing and the smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger. Several people’s status has been adjusted, and the big move D has been completed. At the same time, the health and mana are quietly recovering. Everything is looking for opportunities in the war.
"Be careful. Keep moving. Code him."
Yan Liang continued to command, and now Rambo took the lead in making a big move. When this letter was sent to the road before leaving, there was no good chance to make a big move. Now Rambo is also making a move in this narrow terrain.
"Lying in the trough is awesome."
"Sharp and big move"
"Giving strength is doing"
The barrage flew out of the screen and commented on Rambo in real time. This big move was very strong. It was just right for the battlefield division. Dao Mei and Jinks Syndra behind him were separated, and Casadin cut in and went straight to Dao Mei.
Rambo followed by Q skills arson feast, so lpl had to choose to retreat first.

Gotze’s threat to Inter Milan’s defence is naturally much greater than that of Bican and Draiwa.

He is making Inter Milan defenders afraid to press easily.
In this way, Inter Milan’s attack is naturally subject to this and cannot do its best.
If you don’t try your best, it’s not easy to score goals in the face of Lazio’s defense …
Winning this substitution proves his effectiveness. When Inter Milan want to attack again, Gotze’s active performance in the frontcourt will make Inter Milan players weigh it carefully …
It is always impossible to watch his attack until Mourinho gnashes his teeth on the sidelines.
But who told him that his team was behind?
If he is in the lead now, he will always win …
Lazio ended Mourinho’s entanglements and troubles in the 77th minute.
After a series of dazzling ball moves, Gotze sent the football to the restricted area. This time, cavani was not offside. He directly ejected the football and flew into the Inter Milan goal for the second time!
"beautiful! How beautiful! " CCTV commentator shouted excitedly, "This is Lazio’s best way to score goals! Continuous ball propulsion! And not that kind of back and forth! Lazio has been moving forward all the time, without retreating or stagnating! In this way, the team’s promotion can really take shape! "
"It’s true that Lazio fully demonstrated their ball skills and running skills in this continuous ball. Every player will continue to run forward after the ball is finished, and will not choose to stop, so that Lazio’s attack can continue to move forward without getting into trouble … so that when they reach the front of the restricted area, they can go directly to the most dangerous place because there are enough receiving points, just like the position of Gotze and cavani just now …" The commentator told the audience how wonderful the ball was just now.
Lazio fans in the stands jumped up and shouted.
They don’t care how wonderful the goal was tactically, they need to know that Lazio are two goals ahead of Inter Milan now, that’s enough!
Ten minutes before the horse, Lazio led Inter Milan by two goals!
This means that Inter Milan has no hope of coming.
Don’t say it’s a reversal, even it’s difficult to tie the score.
Mourinho was most worried about something.
The shadow of defeat hangs over every Inter Milan player.
When the game was resumed again, it could be seen that their performance was not as good as before
It is obvious that they realize that no matter how hard they try, they can’t beat Lazio.
This reality is depressing. In that case, what’s the point?
Then Chang Sheng continued to replace him. modric replaced Motta ledesma and meireles.
This is a counterpoint substitution. The purpose is to continue to maintain control over the midfield, even to strengthen control over the midfield.
As a result, it will be very difficult for Inter Milan to get back the score.
The commentator of CCTV also boasted that Chang Sheng’s substitution was "how targeted", "how timely and famous" and "how uncomfortable Mourinho was …"
Finally, coming behind leads to a bad mood. Inter Milan fans can’t bear to watch it, even if there are ten minutes before the end of the game, they don’t want to watch it again.
Besides, in their minds, Inter Milan is doomed to lose …
These Inter fans made the right choice.
Because Inter Milan failed to break Lazio’s goal in the end, Lazio finally beat Inter Milan 2-0 at the Bird’s Nest Stadium.
Won the sixth Italian Super Cup in the history of the club.
It surpassed AC Milan and became the team that won the Italian Super Cup the most times in history!
At the award ceremony, the old captain Rocchi held the trophy high on behalf of Lazio, and the Lazio fans cheered.
Changsheng is clapping with a gold medal around his neck.
He has a faint smile on his face.
Whether winning the Italian Super Cup or beating Mourinho and Inter Milan is nothing new to him.
Lazio has become the team that has won the Italian Super Cup the most times in history, and it doesn’t matter if it always wins.
The Italian Super Cup is a make-up champion.
He doesn’t think that he won the Italian Super Cup and will definitely be the champion in the new season.
Although he is confident that he can win the championship, he still needs to work hard to win these championships.
And this season’s effort is no less than other seasons.
He also knows very well that Mourinho will not be knocked down by this Italian Super Cup failure.
Mourinho also lost the Super Bowl when he was familiar with it. As a result, he finally became the triple crown in the new season!
Mourinho and his Inter Milan are very tenacious, and this person has a team that does not lose.
Later, he turned to coach Real Madrid and encountered the same situation. Barcelona’s first national derby was swept away by Barcelona 5. As a result, he was not discouraged and finally broke Barcelona’s monopoly on La Liga.

"In addition to practicing hard and accumulating aura, we don’t deliberately do anything and deal with anything when we encounter it. The merits of Taoist cultivation have soared in the daytime and deliberately went to monasticism but fell into obsession."

"Click click!" As soon as my voice fell, three huge thunder sounded, and at the same time, three dazzling Lei Guang fell in front of us, and it was sunny immediately after Lei Guang.
"Does this blame us for killing too many people and give us a warning?" King Kong cannons are green in the face.
"No," three thunders made me feel good and my mind was clear.
"What does that mean? This LeiXian is directed at us. "King Kong cannon pointed to three lightning pits about a foot on the ground.
"You’re wrong, not for us, but for me." I stepped over the pit and turned into the avenue leading to the palace.
"What do you mean?" King Kong cannon also came up.
"This is my fault for letting the cat out of the bag." I nodded and smiled.
"Don’t you just guess? How did it become an open-air machine?" King Kong cannon asked doubtfully.
I ha ha smiled and didn’t connect with the lightning again. My previous guesses were all correct. The question department found the answer in my mind, so I was in a good mood. I will not repeat the mistakes of the previous two generations if I want to be kind and act in moderation.
When they talked, they finally found a clothing store, and they changed into a tattered blouse. As the saying goes, people change clothes by clothes and horses by saddles, and then they simply freshened up and changed their image.
We didn’t meet every door in the pedestrian street shops all the way. It seems that our arrival has had a serious impact on the daily life order of the people.
Outside the palace, thousands of pro-guards have lined up a phalanx. Outside, there are spear infantry, and inside, there is a long-distance attack on Gong Bing phalanx, leaving a three-foot passage in the left and right.
"What should I do?" King Kong cannon asked me for advice.
"Let me think." I nodded and smiled. Xiao Yanbu’s appearance is a test of my courage and IQ. If I am angry, I will surely rush in from the main entrance. At that time, these ranks will definitely attack us. It is a sea of tactics.
"Go around from other places and go directly to the palace to find the emperor," I said thoughtfully for a moment
"Good" King Kong cannon nodded in agreement.
"You tease them from the outside and I’ll go in myself." I pulled the eager King Kong cannon.
"Then you be careful. There are three helpers around him. You can’t see exactly what to fix." King Kong cannon was not assured.
"I’ll give him the things and I’ll go. Don’t worry, no one can stop me." I reached out and grabbed half of the rice cake in the gunner’s hand. This guy had previously taken two pieces and thrown away one piece. There is always a saying that I can’t go to the palace to see the emperor. I have to point my nose at him and scold him. I have to make him afraid. I can’t let him get angry with my parents and family. Even if I give him this half of the rice cake as a gift, of course, it’s a fake gift. My purpose is to tell him that the palace is big
Bypass the west side of the palace, and sure enough, I didn’t find the guards. After a moment of meditation, I swept in …
Chapter 54 Walk to the Imperial Court
Imperial palaces in the past dynasties, regardless of their size, can be divided into courtyards and courtyards. The courtyards are places where emperors deal with their daily affairs. The courtyards are places where emperors rest. On the east side of the courtyards, there lived Juntai, so generally speaking, Taitai was called the East Palace. On the west side of the courtyards, there lived concubines. Behind them were the back gardens, which were places where all the people in the palace enjoyed the scenery.
The capital of the Liang Dynasty established Jiankang Jiankang, which is today’s Nanjing city. Before the Liang Dynasty, the four dynasties of Wu, Dong Jin, Song and Qi had made their capitals. Later, Chen Dynasty was called the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, because there were four dynasties before it, so the size of the palace was quite large, and the small palaces were densely packed. If it wasn’t for Xiao Yanlong, who was in the outer court, I would have been lost.
Because I choose the route to enter from the west, the first place to pass is the place where concubines live. The Liang Dynasty also followed the system of concubines and concubines in the Han Dynasty. There were one hundred and twenty-one people in all dynasties, including the imperial concubine Jieyu. That is to say, the emperor can’t have more than one hundred and twenty-one wives, the princes can have nine wives, and the officials can have three wives, all of whom are brave. The orthodox rule has been continued, and later generations have followed this principle. In the harem, three thousand miles and three thousand fingers are not all wives, because there are a large number of handmaids and maids in the palace, and these people have no birthright.
Because there are a large number of women living in the palace, the west side of the whole palace is full of rouge gouache fragrance. The modern chemical fragrance is different. This fragrance is natural floral fragrance and body fragrance. There are thousands of perfect women in the whole palace, accounting for the vast majority. Xiao Yan is an old emperor in his seventies, and he can probably see it with his heart and effort.
At this time, it was afternoon, and a large number of concubines were basking in the sun outside Gonge, but they didn’t find me. Therefore, at this moment, I have put the popular tactic to the extreme and swept it to Xiao Yan’s court at a very fast speed.
I am so anxious to leave this harem area because those concubines remind me of Xu Zhaopei, and Xu Zhaopei will be one of them in the near future, quietly killing youth and slowly passing away in the deep palace compound.
With the distance getting closer, Xiao Yan’s breath of emperors and dragons is faintly visible, and the breath of the three monks hiding around him is gradually showing signs. Although these people have hidden the magic and practice, their methods are not as mysterious as Ziyang’s view of hidden qi, so I can still observe that there are two masters of purple gas and one master of lavender among the three.
I swept the front of the main hall of the outer court, and I stopped my body. I made a proud whistling with aura, and the court echoed.
I made a noise because I finally woke up completely. My mission is probably that all the founders of the four religions know that it is most likely that the founder of the three religions will be named after the Buddha. "It’s only three things. If he makes any mistakes this time and looks at the Taoist as if he is at home?" I’ve always wanted to intercept talented people, at the same time, I’m compassionate and cold-blooded, and I’m not the only one who singled me out. Now I finally realize that in addition to paying attention to my mind and body, it’s also very important that I am the younger brother of Ziyang, and I can see whether this person’s virtue is harmful to the king kong cannon according to the breath of returning to the earth when I was in Jiuhua Mountain. It was only when I got the key that I cracked three feet to save the real life of Huang Mei.
The art of observing Qi has a considerable defect of yin and virtue. I can kill those who have lost the world. It is also a merit to kill this person. This is also my future practice direction. Among the three purple gas masters, Xiao Yan has found two yin and virtue, one of which is harmful. I can kill the other one, and I will punish the lavender master. I will not touch him.
At this moment, I finally understand the mystery of the Tao. If I want to soar in the daytime, I must do three things. The first is to cultivate with great concentration. The second is to realize the Tao. The third is to do justice for heaven. I have been trying to reverse the dry Kun for the first two generations. I don’t know that it will never work to change the heaven by force. Modification and change are the right way.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey ….." King Kong cannon located outside the palace heard my noise and quickly echoed it, which also means he started work.
When the patrol guards in the palace heard the noise, they moved closer to the palace hall to escort them, but before they approached, three purple gas masters had jumped out of the hall.
These three purple gas masters are all from the south, which can be judged according to their delicate facial features and short stature. Liang is located in the southern natural society and is looking for an escort master.
Among them, one is tall, one is short, and two make Taoist Sword over 50 years old. The owner of lilac aura is a young monk in his thirties, holding a wrought copper stick.

In my mind, I silently reviewed the information of blue-eyed girls. The more I feel bitter in my mouth, the more I feel that the immortal commander-in-chief led hundreds of people to fight the war. It was very difficult to give birth to a little prestige and pride, and it was polished in front of two Tianjiao girls.

The Tao is one foot high and the devil is ten feet high!
Such an old sentence flashed in Chen Shaobai’s mind, and he suddenly gave birth to a world with great emotion. If he didn’t meet these immortal genies, I’m afraid he would be immersed in the glory of the head of the sword edge.
Slay Zhiyuan’ s brilliance is not something to boast about now.
Chen Shaobai’s body is baggy and holding a sword at will, but God J and jīng is very capable of breaking out at any time.
Seeing the leisurely performance of two girls, Chen Shaobai vaguely felt that perhaps tonight’s strangulation of Qing Xuan’s younger brother was an end rather than an end, which revealed the tip of the iceberg.
At present, the two men are not hard to fish in troubled waters without making Y and N Yang chaos clock take the opportunity to escape.
"Is refined oneself condition variation pseudo mana could be so pure Yang? People are also very spiritual … just can be used to refine spiritual gold resin as the highest day silver resin bursts of eyes. "
After Chen Shaobai swept away for a moment, Ma Jiajia held out her pink small tongue and licked her fingers. Naturally, she leaned out her little hand as if she had developed the habit of being the only one, and everything could be used at will to make things available to her if she wanted them.
I’m the only one, and the secular princess and princess are dwarfed in front of her.
As soon as Ma Jiajia made a move to Chen Shaobai, he felt a great fear coming over the whole body. After being locked up, the gas was viscous like a liquid, and he was ready to seek a chance with the Royal Seven Sword.
At this time, a moon flower was beheaded to lock the blue-eyed girl’s mana and destroy it. Chen Shaobai also got away with it.
"How horrible! This kind of absolute suppression … Their physical powers definitely exceed a hundred! "
Hundreds of millions of pores in the whole body are sweating, saying that flowing out of Chen Shaobai is still concerned.
If you want to accumulate a little more than a hundred mana, you can try to condense your life, and the sword pill will impact the quenching realm. Avatars can use magic weapons and occult arts at will, and they are not afraid of loss. One by one, they can be called true fairies on land.
Ma Jiajia blew the palm of her hand, which was blue with Y Ρ n cold, and her eyes were reddish as if she had been bullied. "If you don’t give it to me now and wait for my brother to come back, you will help me grab him!"
Hearing this, Guan Yue’s arch eyebrows rose slightly, and then he smiled. "The theory that the mad man killed the heartless cliff palm is the right way, and everyone wants to get the reward and take his magic treasure."
"Qing Xuanmen Stuart Yutang, Jin Yuanmen Fang Tangjing are sending people to kill him. How can he take care of himself now? This human body mana masculine is better than the practice of Yao Yang Shen Ji in Hehuan Valley, which makes the mana variation saints even better. It is just suitable for me to use it as a furnace tripod to reconcile the extreme Y and N mana to break through the quenching boundary. It is a cause and effect to give up him now. When I break through to the quenching boundary, I will naturally take care of you. "
"If you don’t get him, the perfection of Jia ‘er plough array will not necessarily solve Gao Feng’s traitor and he won’t get the Blue Sky Fairy Spring. It’s not good!"
The official moon jade refers to holding the hair. "I can help you solve him after getting the news of Gao Fengyue."
After hearing this, Ma Jiajia broke her fingers and calculated it carefully. After a while, she waved her pink fist and moistened her blue eyes. "My brother said that you have saved enough mana for a long time. What you can’t break through is that the cultivation method is flawed and needs Yang mana to reconcile. Now it’s even more terrible to save and compress. If you want to break through the shackles of life, you can quickly reach the advanced realm of quenching gas … So be it!"
"Officer elder sister waiting for you to break through to help jia son get rid of those annoying guys oh …"
Say five flying shura encouraged fascia general meat wings half a breath less than gold chariot disappeared in the field of vision.
Chen Shaobai’s heart sank gradually.
Officer months ago, the performance seemed to be loose. In fact, God J: ng has always been in his body, and now Ma Jiajia has left … even less.
By reciting Yuan World completely, he naturally knows that being regarded as a cauldron is not that men and women can kiss and tell, but that they are forced to draw all their mana and won’t leave him any source. Then Chen Shaobai will become a complete mortal, and there is no chance to break through the shackles and achieve magical powers in his life.
"After taking your mana, I will not treat you badly. Find a mortal country and let you be a prince of happiness, luxurious and luxurious, and enjoy a happy life like a cloud."
The official month’s expression is not awkward, but Se is sweet, waxy, soft, greasy, gentle and moving. Personally, it’s hard to accept it, but Chen Shaobai faintly feels that something is wrong. Suddenly, he bites the tip of his tongue, and a red-hot and sharp sting abruptly wakes himself up.
"Give me your yuan y and n, and I won’t treat you badly. Find a mortal country so that you can be a princess of peace and enjoy the rest of your life?"
Chen Shaobai turned the other side’s words around and retorted.
Which cultivator is willing to give up his own foundation? Neither he nor the girl in front of him will be willing to give up!
"You don’t want to?"
"If you want my mana source, come and get it yourself!"
Chen Shaobai deliberately showed some unruly and wanted to arouse each other’s anger, but secretly concentrated his mind on the gray Se bell-shaped pattern in the middle of the chest Tan.
"As you wish"
The official month’s expression was calm, but Chen Shaobai’s attitude of not eating stones made her angry and blue Se lotus skirt. In the middle, she gently turned her side, and the silver dumpling turned into a dragon, roaring and roaring with a deep power to Chen Shaobai.
Sudden rise of wind pressure
As far as the wind blows from the front, it almost beats Chen Shaobai. If it weren’t for his brainwave, the swordsmanship controls the flying sword behind him, I’m afraid it would have been directly on the ground.
The silver dragon roared and the waves were like a bomb. Chen Shaobai was dizzy, but the brilliance in his eyes gradually gathered.
Unyielding, determined and stubborn
The footsteps are deeply crushed into the earth like golden Se tongs, and Chen Shaobai does not retreat, but steps into the meteor with both feet, catching the moon with both hands, tearing the emptiness like a golden scale, and all kinds of postures gather in one furnace and exert their strength to the fullest.
The young silver dragon is about to collide
Chen Shaobai’s eyes were full of fighting spirit and licked the reflection of the silver dragon in the pupil.
"Come on!" ——————————————ps PS Thanks to Wan Xiaobai Kuxuan for exceptional, and thanks to the dummy for eating the evaluation ticket of Huanglian!
Chapter one hundred and nine Seize the moon!
Chapter one hundred and nine Seize the moon!
The huge wind pressure before the silver Se dragon pounces makes people breathless. If it is really hit to pieces, it must be the best result. The most reasonable field is the death of a dead body.
For this, Chen Shaobai knows very well that he doesn’t want to be shattered, dismembered and rebuilt, and he doesn’t want to be a dead body, and he wants to be stunned. While he is merging his learned posture, the speed of the furnace step is soaring to the extreme, dragging out a string of long ghosting in the wet land, which disturbs the silver dragon’s locking while controlling the swordsmanship, and at the same time controlling the seven swords to converge into the simplest, most direct and most lethal word sword array to attack and kill the past in front.
"Yellow teach outside the door standard sword is not a magic weapon, not a suit magic weapon can also be used to control at the same time? Either this person can break through the shackles of refining himself and concentrate on seven things, or he has won the ancient fairy power. "
Guan Yue’s eyes are several times higher than those of the Qing Xuanmen. At a glance, he saw that Chen Shaobai was driving seven swords at the same time, but he inferred something that was not the same.
"No matter if you catch him, you will know."
Seven handles flying sword silver moon sword, the silver dragon collided with the original god, blocking and killing the Buddha, and all the way was invincible. Blackwater flying sword met the silver dragon flying sword, but it didn’t leave any suspense and was immediately washed into dust.
A little blood spilled from the corners of the mouth. Chen Shaobai’s eyes showed a kind of emotion called "caught off guard"
Guan Yue was very satisfied because things developed exactly as she imagined.
Jade hand gently spins the silver Se, and black dragon winds around Chen Shaobai in order to capture him alive in good condition and seize the mana source.
Silver moon Jian almost overwhelmed Chen Shaobai with gas strength. He seemed to be in a hurry, and his mind was not even sacrificed again with the seven swords.
"It is also a wonderful opportunity for mana to be so pure, but it is a pity that he has too little experience, and he is too flustered to become a climate."
Shaking his head, Guan Yue gently flicked his finger to silver moon sword, and then in Sinochem, a streamer of silver belt completely wrapped Chen Shaobai up and waited for her mind to move easily.
"Sun is imprisoned! Coercion, impact and bondage! How wonderful is this silver moon sword? "
Feeling that the original body was lively and mana was instantly locked, Chen Shaobai’s eyes finally showed real horror, Se, but his plan was not hindered at all. His mind kept full mana at all times and he poured it into the Y and N Yang chaos clock in Tan Zhong acupoint on his chest.
After the input method was applied, the gray Se Jason Chung pattern immediately came to life, and all the traces of the sun were concentrated and poured into the streamer silver belt, and the silver moon sword was pulled into the clock face pattern!