In the 19th minute, Qinan was violently knocked down by Turin players in a middle dribble, and then changed to coach by Real Rinaludo. I don’t want Domenica to fall into the feet of this group of Turin people who have killed red eyes.

In the end, Naples won the game away from home, and the score of two to one made the lovers feel that it was easy to win. Only those who paid attention to this game knew how hard it was for the Rhea team to win. The score was simple, but the process of two to one was tortuous like a winding mountain road.
"I think we have been treated unfairly. Naples can take a point from here at the Olympic Stadium. I will complain to the Football Association about the referee’s wrong decision in this game. Yes, we will! ! ! !” Handsome de biasi looked a little angry. He almost growled and protested to the reporters present. His reaction after the game also made the reporters at the press conference quickly excited because it was another big news! ! !
Rhea made no excuses for de biasi’s protest. He repeatedly said that Napoli played well. In his opinion, Napoli’s performance deserved this victory, and Lavezzi scored a beautiful goal in Hamsik. There is nothing to dispute. de biasi can’t stop it if he thinks so.
After making a few polite remarks at the press conference, he left the venue with the big Cannavaro and Domenica. In de biasi’s view, Rhea’s silence became more guilty, and his condemnation at the venue became more justified.
The next day, the media comments in Turin were predictably all condemnation of Naples.
Tuttosport newspaper "Despicable" Domonica directed a "Despicable" competition.
Turin heart newspaper "the referee killed us"
Turin Weekly "Naples People Shamefully" Stole "a Victory"
The media in Turin pointed their guns at Napoli, but Rhea didn’t care about these counter-attacks against the media in Turin, which had "technical" requirements. Naturally, with the help of the media in Naples, he didn’t bother to chat with the media in Turin and de biasi. This game also made him happy and sad. The good news is that in several games at the same time, rival Juventus and Inter Milan scored 2-2, which means that Naples scored two points after two consecutive victories. The points advantage once again surpassed two consecutive teams of Juventus, thus successfully regaining the third place in the league, and chasing Rome hard behind Naples also won the game. But now it is not Naples who are in a hurry, because they are about to be "smashed" by Rome, and they are worried about Juventus. gargano’s injury is diagnosed as a hip fracture, and Ulla may be absent for a month. This is a big blow to Naples, but gargano’s delicate skills can be replaced in Naples’s frontcourt attack. Neither Brasi nor Montevino can support the frontcourt players in the attack as he did. Ura has become an indispensable part of Napoli in the past two seasons. The addition of a main player like gargano to the team’s injury list has somewhat diluted the coach’s joy of winning.
However, on the whole, this victory has also made the Napoli players and coaches have a good mood to face the coming games. After all, they are still in a good position. Domenica is still unstoppable. The new arrival in Cannavaro is still unstoppable. This "one old" and "one less" has made the Naples team stronger, and there are people who feel at ease at both ends. What else makes Rhea uneasy? Maybe the Neapolitan who can beat now has injuries! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Volume III
Chapter one hundred and seventy-seven
After arriving in Naples, Qinan had more schedule besides training lunch as usual, that is, going to Tini, argus to help him arrange driving school to learn to drive, which made Qinan feel ashamed. It was the first time to practice driving, and he was even more nervous than playing football for the first time. He remembered that he was not so nervous when he participated in the Cuju competition on behalf of Qiyun Shechang for the first time in the Song Dynasty, and Qinan had a feeling of being at a loss personally sitting in this coach car, which he used to call "a knot in one’s heart".
But fortunately, the coach who taught him to drive was also his fans, who seemed a little "stupid" when compared with the stadium. Domenica, a coach named Vigliani "fans", was not impatient at all. He explained and demonstrated Qinan over and over again, and explained every tiny place carefully. He didn’t want to cause any accident to Domenica in his later driving career because that tiny link was not explained. If that happened, Vigliani could imagine that the fans in Naples would not let him go.
Moreover, he beat many opponents to get the best coach in this driving training center. He hasn’t taught a new student how to drive so seriously for a long time, but the arrival of Domenica aroused the enthusiasm of Vigliani department. It was his dream to be able to teach his idol to learn to drive personally, because there were many Domenica fans in this training center. Finally, he got the beautiful job by being familiar with the department head.
On the first day, Qinan didn’t do anything except follow Vigliani in the car to learn basic operating principles and traffic rules. From time to time, the staff of the training center asked him for his signature. Qinan also met their requirements one by one. At the end of the study in the afternoon, the head of the driving training center personally drove him back. He also respectfully asked Qinan how he felt about the coach’s teaching. The respectful attitude made Qinan feel very embarrassed.
Hey! ! ! ! ! It feels bad to be respected too much! ! ! Sitting in the co-pilot’s cab, Qi Nan thought that cuju was a popular entertainment activity in ancient times. It was not a profession, and it was far from being standardized and commercialized in modern society. Before the Western Han Dynasty, cuju was played by people in the so-called social strata, so that football was popularized because of the love of the aristocratic class. In Huan Kuan’s "On Salt and Iron", it was said that in the Western Han Dynasty, "your family played cuju and fought chickens" for a long time, and people were also enjoying watching it in "Cuju". The bow movement "Han" records that Emperor Wudi often held cockfights in his palace. In spite of this, the social status of those "Juke" (similar to today’s stars) who could play football at that time was still not high. Most of them relied on their attachment to earn a living, that is, the so-called "diners". When Qinan lived in the Southern Song Dynasty, the status of football artists was high, but it was only high. The social status of football artists who lived by playing football skills was almost the same as that of street performers and jugglers, but they were more popular with the people. Where can you earn millions a year like modern society? Everywhere you go, people are crowding around and attracting thousands of people’s attention. Your words and deeds are magnified by the media several times and presented to the world as standard football stars for fans who worship you as a god! ! ! What an exciting career it is in modern society! ! !
Thought of here, Qinan is a bit of an ancient cuju master. Cuju masters like him had at least ten harms in Lin ‘an city at that time, but the level was not far from each other. If the Ministry is brought to modern times to carry out one-year unified training according to modern football standards and then form a team, don’t say that Naples is now the so-called super team in the mouth of world fans. This team can also beat them all over the place to find teeth, but Qinan is also breathing wildly. It is shocking enough to cross into modern times alone. If so many people come to this world again and again, it will really be a mess.
In the next few days, Rizzinandu will go to the Naples Driving Training Center for professional driving training at regular intervals. In addition to this, it was decided a week ago that the fans’ appreciation meeting will also come soon.
Zinan didn’t expect that the achievements made by argus Tini and Xiu Xiu at the Dominica Foundation this week were so amazing. When Zinan visited the warehouse in Tini, argus in the afternoon, he was almost stunned by the scene before him. In a large warehouse that can hold thousands of cubic meters of materials, the donated materials almost accounted for half of the warehouse. According to statistics from argus Tini, these clothes can keep warm and almost equip an army of 10,000 people.
Seeing that Naples people supported his foundation so much, Qinan felt that the thank-you meeting was even more necessary.
On Thursday afternoon, Neapolitan fans gathered in San Dommonica Square. The Indomonica Appreciation Meeting will be held in this downtown square at 3: 00. Qinan will appear in the already crowded San Dommonica Square on time, and come with him. Other Neapolitan teammates, including the big Cannavaro, are all present.
The thank-you meeting was planned by Napoli Club to help Qinan, otherwise it would be impossible for Qinan to take care of such a big meeting alone.
Thank-you-meeting procedure started with Qinan’s speech. Qinan’s most sincere voice thanked those who warmly responded to his call for fans to donate their love to the Domenica Foundation. He expressed his heartfelt thanks. After the speech, he promised to sign. All fans who donated money or material love from the Domenica Foundation can get an invoice-style voucher issued by the Domenica Foundation. With this voucher, fans can come to the platform specially built by the club organizer to get the signatures of Qinan or other Neapolitan players.
In his speech just now, Qinan has already explained to Taiwanese fans that there are too many fans asking for autographs, so he can’t be alone.
Meet the demands of so many fans in a few hours, so he didn’t bother to help him finish this arduous task together. The fans in Naples also expressed their understanding for this point, because they themselves saw how many fans came to the scene. If Dominica was allowed to sign one by one, it is estimated that it would not be possible to finish it by morning, and they don’t want their idols to sign cramps because of their signatures.
After the signing ceremony, Napoli fans with certificates issued by the Domenica Foundation came in in groups of twenty in an orderly manner from the special entrance to get the signatures of Qinan and other Napoli players, and then went out from the other exit in an orderly manner, because there were twenty other Napoli players in Qinan, and one of them could get Qinan’s signature, and the other 19 could get the signatures of other Napoli players.
This autograph session, which was called "the grandest historical scene in Naples" by Naples Sports Daily the next day, lasted for six hours before it was finished. It excited the fans but almost "collapsed" the team members including Zinan in Naples.
After the signing ceremony, Hamsik’s right hand trembled in the lounge, pointing at Nan like this and saying, "Do you know Dommonica? Now, as soon as I see my own name, I feel sick. This is the day when I have lived to be so old to write. ! ! ! For the first time, I hate my name, why there are so many letters! ! !”
In fact, it’s not just Hamsik, but everyone else’s reaction is similar, even the Grand Cannavaro is no exception. Qi Nan kept saying thank you, thank you, thank you for your generous help and so on. For teammates’ on-site help, it doesn’t count. The Dominica Foundation donated different amounts of money, of which the Grand Cannavaro donated 50,000 euros at most and 10,000 euros at least.
When I got home late, argus Tini reported to Qinan the amount of donations and materials raised in the past few days. Gazinan donated 600,000 euros by himself. Together, the Domenica Foundation actually raised more than 1.5 million euros and materials worth at least 500,000 euros in just one week, which made Qinan have to sigh that the Neapolitan people have great energy, and the saying that "everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high" does have its truth.
"What are you going to do with the money and materials? Are the materials directly transported to your hometown in China by plane? " Argus Tiny asked Qina, who carried it with him to record information and data.
"I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in such a thing. Anyway, you said that you should take care of the foreign affairs of the stadium. Just do what you say." Qi Na stretched himself and replied that he was tired one afternoon today, but he felt that it was nothing to help the affected villagers in Xiu Xiu’s hometown.
"Domonica, my suggestion is that the money can’t be directly handed over to the local government in your hometown. I’m a little unconvinced about the integrity of the government in China. I heard some friends studying abroad say that there is corruption in the local government in China, and some officials even dare to embezzle the disaster relief funds. For example, some people say that the central government allocated 10 million disaster relief funds to the victims, and at least 40% of them will be exploited by the relevant departments at all levels. If that’s the case, I think we can really raise 1.5 million euros to the victims in your hometown, which is about 900,000 euros, Argus Tini spoke out her doubts.
"I don’t know about this. There should be no such daring officials, right?" Qi Nan didn’t know how to answer argus Tini’s question. In his time, the problem of Da Song was really very serious. In the year of Xiaozong in the Southern Song Dynasty, such corrupt officials were everywhere. However, after modern times, he just didn’t know very well. Since he came to modern times, he has found some knowledge about modern times, and it is a little less involved in social news, so he has to answer now.
Argus’s tiny see JiNa is also a pair of dare not confirm expression then nai went on to say "ah! ! ! ! Why is my agent so miserable? I’d better go there myself on your behalf, but I want Xiu Xiu to help me get her to come back to China with me. After all, I’m not familiar with China, but you’re not worried. During those days when I stayed in Changsha, I met many Changsha media friends. I want them to help and supervise the corruption relief fund. This kind of thing should not happen. I believe that after these money and materials arrive in your hometown, your fame and hope in China will definitely reach a new height. "argus Tini" Hey "smiled. Obviously, he planned to set up the Dominica Charity Foundation this time.
"good! ! I’d like to go back with Agostini’s brother. I think I can help. After all, I know more about Xiangxi or surrounding areas in Hunan than you do. "Xiu Xiu heard this, but he went back to China with excitement, and his face turned pink and greasy.
The three men discussed it for a while, and finally decided to adopt argus Tini’s suggestion that he take Xiu Xiu back to China and bring the money and materials to China, and then hand them over to the most suitable people for distribution to the victims. 1.5 million euros, equivalent to nearly 20 million yuan, together with these materials should also help the victims a little.
Before it’s too late, the damage caused by the snowstorm in southern China is still going on, far from the end. This batch of money and goods just arrived. The next day, argus Tini took Xiu Xiu to China and flew to China with them. There were also several members of the Dominica Foundation and a cargo cabin full of goods. Will it be a smooth journey? ? ? ? ? ?
Volume III
Chapter one hundred and seventy
Is Xiu Xiu back yet? "Friday afternoon, just after hitting the iron gate outside the residence with the key from the driving training center, I habitually shouted into the house. No one should show off the familiar small figure.
Hmm? Didn’t Xiao Ni come back? After Qi Nanmen patted his head, it suddenly occurred to me that my girl had flown back to China with argus Tini yesterday.
Look at my memory! ! ! Qinan secretly shook his head and sat on the soft sofa. Qinan remembered that she seemed to be cooking by herself tonight! ! ! ! Headache! ! ! Accustomed to life in Xiu Xiu, Xiao Ni suddenly seems to be extremely unaccustomed when she is not around. Someone once said that some things are precious only after you lose them, but at this time, Qi Na thinks it can be added that some people can make you feel precious if they haven’t lost them, such as Xiu Xiu.
Qina will be a little tired and buried in the sofa, thinking of Xiu Xiu. At this time at ordinary times, if Xiu Xiu saw Qina’s tired expression, he would have come and gently massaged and relaxed him.
Qinan lay down for a few minutes, and waited for the brain nerve to relax for an afternoon before getting up and going to the kitchen to see what he could eat. This afternoon, Vigliani had taught him to practice driving, which made Qinan nervous for the first time. Although he knew that Vigliani was around to guide and protect Qinan for an hour, he was still scared to get wet with cold sweat. After more than three hours of the course, Qinan’s nerve almost collapsed and broke the car. At that moment, Qinan felt that his legs were a little weak and he was a "monster" for driving this iron. Zena used to sit in argus Tini Ferrari before he really felt a little scared, and he thought it was quite interesting to watch these "iron guys" fly past the streets of Naples in a coquettish way. Who knew that driving by himself was not the case?
Qinan thought it was "horrible" but his coach Vigliani thought it was very interesting to watch Domenica’s lips turn pale and sweaty in his heart, and he was at a loss to manipulate all kinds of button handles familiar with the coach car. Vigliani wanted to laugh but was afraid to laugh. Only then did he know that Domenica was also a human being, and there were things he didn’t understand from the football field. He was also an ordinary man, but he felt more cordial to Domenica, the "falling man", because of this. A big boy has the unique modesty of China people. He never puts any star stands in front of ordinary fans, but he is more polite than ordinary people. So many Monica will certainly win the respect of Vigliani. Vigliani has become more careful and meticulous in teaching Qinan.
Xiu Xiu’s first dinner after his departure, Qinan simply ate a bowl of noodles and hastily dismissed his "high protest" stomach. There are two places for men, one is hell and the other is the kitchen.
There is no Xiu Xiu, but life still goes on, just as the moon still revolves around the sun and the sea still flows from west to east.
On Sunday, the 22nd round of Serie A started on time. Napoli played against visiting Palermo at home. The two teams have already played once in the season. Napoli won a small victory away from home and joined the team. Recently, the team won three consecutive victories in the league and the cup. The morale of the Rhea team was really strong, and there was no reason to lose. Sure enough, after 90 minutes, the fans left the Sao Paulo Stadium with a relaxed and happy mood. Naples won the game here with no suspense. The whole process was hearty. Naples played at home. Although he didn’t score, the three goals scored by the team had two direct assists with him, and he also participated in and planned the other goal
In the 15th minute, he played the front waist. After he got the ball in the middle, he slipped past Palermo midfielder Lee vilani, and a hidden direct plug helped Dennis get a one-on-one "PK" chance with Palermo goalkeeper Armeria. The Argentine striker didn’t wave this opportunity. He went into the penalty area and shot Napoli’s first record vigorously.
In the 37th minute of the game, Qinan received Hamsik’s ball from the right side of the penalty area. Palermo goalkeeper struggled to save the ball, but failed to hold it firmly. Marjorie easily missed it and rewrote the score by two points.
Palermo stepped up their attack after losing two goals at half-time, but instead of scoring a goal, they were caught by Naples, who left the ground for a counterattack.
In the 70th minute of the game, Qinan sent a header Marjorie to catch the ball and then crossed the restricted area to replace the injured gargano. Brasi shoveled and scored Napoli, which completely sealed the victory.
After leading by three goals, Rhea Montevino and Rinaudo changed Qinan and Grand Cannavaro.
Palermo finally got several good chances by changing the strongest points at both ends of attack and defense. Finally, in the fifteenth minute of the game, they scored a goal to save face by striker Bhutan. He slipped past Rinaudo on the edge of the restricted area in Naples and volleyed successfully.

"You you are monkey Jade Emperor positions? !” Feng Dance saw Qi Jun’s evil spirit in front of her eyes, and then the random expression of one leng changed constantly. The dark color changed randomly from a slight one leng to a full face of excitement, and she was unconsciously hoarse and choked, saying that tears had filled her eyes in an instant.

"Qitian Jade Emperor?" For this Qi Jun evil spirit, such a fashionable name, Ye Guchen left the pie mouth, but it didn’t say much silly. All of them can see that this Qi Jun evil spirit and the phoenix dance of the elders in front of it are known and obviously not common to say such a thing.
"Ha ha, I didn’t expect you to know me. My demon race suffered heavy losses in the first world war. Your uncles and grandfathers all died in the war. It is rare to leave you such a little guy to support a large phoenix clan, but friendship belongs to friendship. Xiaofeng was also my granddaughter’s generation, but now you are also a master of Jade Emperor, but it is impossible to take away the five-color divine tower from my master! Xiao Feng Dance If you are still going to share the feelings of the year, then this matter will stop. Besides, give me the essence of Cheng Feng plus one or nine times of rebirth of the phoenix. " Qi Jun was there, and his mouth showed his eternal smile. He randomly asked the phoenix dance in front of him in a low voice
Feng Dance’s facial expression changed several times in a flash, and finally she looked at Ye Guchen at random and looked at Qi Jun’s evil expression a little pale. In her eyes, she flashed a hint of decisive and random sinking, saying, "Qi Tian Jade Emperor, you are always my demon clan veteran, and my Phoenix clan was also in your command. In principle, I shouldn’t object to your love for the Phoenix clan. If it is your words, I won’t give it to others, but it is not a problem." Nine times, I was reborn as a Phoenix. Although there are not many Phoenix people, there are hundreds of them. It is also a pity that you always want to make them beheaded. However, this five-color pagoda is a demon treasure, and even if you are old, you can’t give it to outsiders. I don’t know what happened and I don’t comment much. This is your old freedom. We also interfere, but this matter involves my demon treasure, the five-color pagoda, but I can’t ignore it. We are all demon days. I absolutely forbid the Buddha treasure to fall into the hands of outsiders, even if you are kind to me and to the Phoenix clan, I will fight you out by thunder, even if I end up being beheaded. If I win, I will definitely bring this five-color pagoda into the Phoenix clan, and I will give it to it when the demon clan genius rises, and then I will commit suicide. If I lose my Phoenix clan, even if it is smashed to pieces, I will never let this treasure fall into the hands of other races! "
Hearing this, Qi Junsha’s facial expression changed and looked at Feng Dance in front of him. He stared at each other for a long time. After seeing each other’s unyielding look at himself, his random expression changed and he laughed wildly. He looked at Feng Dance in front of him and said, "Well, it was Feng Dance after so many years, but it didn’t change at all. I like it! I admire you! I didn’t read it wrong at the beginning. You know that the interests of the demon race are important. Haha, but you have to promise me that the one in front of me is not only my master, but also your master. In the future, the whole demon race will be the commander-in-chief of the whole celestial world. This is my old master, Wan Yao Tian Zun Kong Xuan. No one will change it! "
"Is it really Kong Xuan?" Feng Dance is deeply suspicious of this, although she believes that Qi Jun will not deceive herself, but the recipient Kong Xuan will make a human heir and command the demon race. After all, this is a bit too strange, and it is no wonder that Feng Dance doesn’t believe it.
"Isn’t this also can have false? Phoenix dance takes orders! I’m ordering you to gather up the Phoenix clan and warrant the Phoenix clan experts from all over the country to quickly return to the defense of Baifengshan and let you bring the best phoenix eye essence and be reborn for one or nine times to practice for my master! " (a change of tone, a change of tone) Qi Jun said in a high voice here, but at this time, he didn’t know in his hand that there was a strange long banner printed with the sacred beasts of the four directions in his hand.
Seeing such a scene, I am still hesitating here. Feng Dance’s face suddenly becomes more dignified and kneeling on the ground without any hesitation, shouting "Feng Dance takes orders!"
Say that finish turned to leave this time just meet with two elders of the Phoenix clan who came head-on. When meeting these two elders, Feng Danchen said, "The Monkey Jade Emperor reappeared the gathering of demons and found out that you two quickly found the phoenix reborn from the fire for 19 times, and the best phoenix essence!"
When the two elders heard this, their faces became furious and they took a random look. Feng Dance knelt down at the door and bowed to the ground three times before hurriedly leaving. Such a scene made Ye Guchen stand there with a puzzled face and looked at Qi Junsha. He said, "What the hell is going on?"
"No, actually, it’s very simple. It’s not because of my appearance that they are like this, but because this gathering demon banner in my hand will show such piety. It’s my demon clan relic. If this five-color shekinah tower is the strongest magic weapon of my demon clan, it’s my demon clan’s top relic. It’s my demon clan’s symbol that I was the most powerful demon goddess at the beginning of my demon clan’s birth. Part of it was condensed into this gathering demon clan relic. The clan will feel something. All the demon clan masters in the celestial world can feel and absolutely follow the demon banners. This has been a warning from their ancestors from the depths of their souls. It is absolutely impossible to violate the demon clan’s tradition of regarding this demon banner as a handle. In those days, the demon clan was able to unify the messy chapter because it had the demon banners, and this demon banner was like a decree in the hands of an emperor, which was even stronger than that. It was necessary for the demon clan to wave the sky and obey. If you are bound, you must keep calling the demon clan. Once you turn around, the demon clan will be frightened out of their wits. Unless you become a master of the Buddha, you can get rid of the influence of the demon clan. Otherwise, there is absolutely no exception. Maybe the old master gave this to me in times of crisis, just for fear that one day someone else was not a demon clan, but the demon clan department would give it to me. I didn’t expect it, but I took it seriously. Hehe, but then again, Xiaofeng Dance did a good job. I appreciated it when she faced the five-color pagoda, but it was rare.At Ye Guchen, Qi Jun smiled and explained this story at random.
"People are Jade Emperor, and you still have an unlimited future, making you seem to be great. Aren’t you actually a Jade Emperor?" Ye guchen nodded his head at this, but he couldn’t help but think so when he saw the smelly fart behind Qi Jun evil spirit.
Ye Guchen’s expression, Qi Jun, looks at it in his eyes, but he smiled at Ye Guchen at random and explained, "The master may not know that Feng Longer and I wouldn’t still have that point of repair if our strength was not limited by magic weapons. You should be able to reach the level of Buddha and lift the seal. The two of us can be detached immediately and break through into the Buddha’s class at one stroke. Feng Longer and I are confident enough to say this. The master should not think about my affairs. You should still think about how to improve your strength. After all, my demon-gathering banner just came out, although it didn’t shake, but the experts in the demon clan will feel something. I’m afraid it won’t be long before this hundred Fengshan will be full of excitement. If there is still so much water, it will be hard to make those people bend. You know, if you want to dominate the demon clan like a cloud, you must first lower them and want to lower them. Even this demon-gathering banner will not work. After all, the most important thing in this demon clan is strength two.
"Dominate the divine world? Squeeze the demon family? Qi Jun, is it your idea to fight like a child? Now I want to improve my strength and upgrade myself to this level of Buddha, but I have never thought that you are trying to dominate the gods and suppress the demon race. How does it feel wrong? " Leaf solitary Chen not silly to listen to the qi jun evil spirit words face changed a random said
"This is natural, but don’t forget that once you become a Buddha, you will be taboo by this holy road. Then you can’t deal with the holy road. You must face the holy road and you want to deal with the holy road. All the superior forces must be in harmony with all the forces in the divine world. Otherwise, there is absolutely no chance of winning. It is necessary to be worse. If you want to improve your strength and have no certain forces, it is impossible to get up quickly. Let’s not say that it is just a soul realm. This problem is enough to give you a headache. In order to improve your strength quickly, it is necessary to have a large number of magical stones and treasures, and there are a large number of people. This is inseparable. I just wanted to help you shake this gathering demon, call the heavenly demon clan to let you fold them. Of course, before that, you have to have certain strength, but at least you have to look at it. The god class is too low. The root is that cannon fodder, gods and kings are not enough. You still don’t want to improve your strength. "Qi Jun has his reasons for this. Although he made Ye Guchen feel a little wrong on the phone, he said.
Chapter three hundred and twelve Poly Yao Zan moving clouds.
Chapter three hundred and twelve Poly Yao Zan moving clouds.
The essence of the phoenix phoenix is the treasure of the younger generation. The essence of every phoenix killed in battle is extremely rare. It is even harder to find the phoenix reborn after nine times. It is not easy for the phoenix clan to defeat them. There are many experts in the divine world, but few people can turn the phoenix at the same level into a state of rebirth after nine times of life and death, and even fewer people can still be reborn from the fire. However, if it is not completed, it will be reborn by leaps and bounds. However, it can be done. One step in this Phoenix clan is really not weak. The Phoenix clan has millions of people, but it can reach the realm of nine times of rebirth, but there are hundreds of people, all of whom are masters. These people are the backbone of the Phoenix clan. Theoretically, it is more precious than this Cheng essence.
If someone else wants it, the Phoenix clan will not even give it up if it is killed, but the Phoenix clan will never object to the best cheng essence when it comes out of the Qi Jun evil spirit, and the strongest one in the phoenix reborn from the fire for nine times voluntarily came out, which became a necessity for Ye Guchen’s cultivation. Of course, Ye Guchen’s cultivation does not refine the whole phoenix body, but it requires the other party’s Jingxue and the most important top feather. Although the consequences of doing so will not kill each other, it will inevitably make each other. After all, the top feather of the phoenix is the location of the elite gate of the phoenix clan, and the damage to it can be imagined. Generally, the master of the phoenix clan will not agree even if he is dead, but this time, Qi Jun is holding such an order of gathering demons, but no one dares to oppose it.
When the phoenix’s top feather was taken and the other party’s JingXie was absorbed, Ye Guchen was once again closed in the Phoenix clan. When Ye Guchen was closed, the five-color divine tower controlled the monkey Jade Emperor and the Qi Jun evil spirit was served in the hall by the Phoenix clan. Although Ye Guchen was closed, it had no effect on the five-color divine tower, but it was able to control the five-color divine tower flying in the five-color divine tower. This Qi Jun evil spirit quietly looked around the room at the moment. The hall is already full of demon tribes, and experts from all walks of life have conjured up human figures and sat in this hall in succession. Although these people have changed their human figures, they all maintain their own racial characteristics. Some have spikes on their backs, horns on their foreheads, some have colorful feathers on their heads, and some have tails. There are all kinds of strange things.
"You all know me? I haven’t seen many words in the wrong novel network for many years ~ "Qi Jun evil spirit appeared in this five-color divine tower, and immediately took one look at it. The masters of all ethnic groups slowly said that there was a smile at the corner of their mouth. Many people here are acquaintances. Although most of them were not young players in this time, they have gradually grown up. Now they have become the leaders of all parties and all races, while most of the older demon masters died in the war. Otherwise, the demon race wouldn’t be in such decline. You should know that in those days, the demon deity was divided with the Terran star deity, and the star deity was in charge of the six major races. But this demon deity had a demon race, which was able to oppose the star deity. It can be seen that the demon race was at its peak at that time, but during the first world war against this holy road, the elite of all ethnic groups fell in succession, and almost all the demon race masters died before they ended up in the present field. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be like this.
"See Monkey Jade Emperor!" Around those experts from all ethnic groups knelt on the ground and said to Qi Jun Shagao at random. These people’s eyes were full of reverence, but they didn’t grow up when they were in this Qi Jun Shaqi. At that time, Qi Jun Shaqi was their idol, and they naturally showed due respect for Qi Jun Shaqi. Obviously, now their strength is actually on a par with Qi Jun Shaqi, but no one feels wrong and refuses to kneel and salute this Qi Jun Shaqi.
"Ha ha you all remember me? Haha, that’s good, everyone. In that case, I won’t talk nonsense. When my old master, Lord Kong Xuan, died, he asked me to take away the multi-demon banner and the five-color divine tower to select people. Now my old master has come to this sacred world, which is in this hundred scenic mountains. I heard that the demon family has never been United for so many years, but it doesn’t matter because all this is over. Now listen to me, the demon family! Gather together a hundred Fengshan! Build my demon city, gather my demon army and rebuild my demon empire! " Qi Jun evil spirit smiled, and the random expression became more serious than before. He shouted at the demon clan masters around him, and the demon banners appeared again in his hand.
Around here, hundreds of miles away, the demon leaders knelt on the ground one after another, and then this gathering of demon banners suddenly became bigger and randomly floated to this half. At the top of this hundred Fengshan, it became bigger and bigger, and finally changed the size of a towering mountain. On this day, a blue light flashed, which changed the color of the surrounding days, and the Qi Jun evil spirit roared randomly all over the day. "Now listen to me, demon family! Gather together a hundred Fengshan! Build my demon city, gather my demon army and rebuild my demon empire! "
In a word, the restriction was penetrated, accompanied by the air flow all over the whole celestial world in an instant, and this sound wave shocked the whole celestial world. However, other races were shocked by this sound like thunder. All the demon races were like thunder, and the whole soul trembled. First, one by one, they bowed to the central Baifengshan position at random.
Whether it’s a higher demon race or a lower demon race, and even those demon races that have been captured kneel down in the direction of Baifengshan, such a scene shocked everyone, and many celestial forces instantly panicked, and their expressions became very ugly. If it weren’t for stupidity, we all know that once all demon races gather in Baifengshan in this relatively peaceful period, the consequences can be imagined. Even if it has been relatively calm for tens of billions of years, the celestial world will once again set off a bloody storm.
"wooshing wooshing ~" tens of thousands of demon tribes turned green one by one and went straight to baifengshan in the distance, while those tribes lived in groups. The demon tribes packed their bags and migrated in large numbers. Millions of demon tribes came in the direction of baifengshan. The imperial forces of demon tribes from all over the country did not come, but they also ruled out the envoys. Jade Emperor also personally came to worship baifengshan and explained why a large number of demon tribes gathered in this direction.
But as far as Ye Guchen knows, the whole celestial world has panicked, and some remote areas are to be said. But this is around the central Baifengshan exhibition. Jade Emperor experts from all ethnic groups have gathered together. Terran Angels, Titan, Ghost, Blood, five races and more than a dozen Jade Emperor experts have gathered together to sit in this angel castle to discuss this matter.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I invite you to come here today, and you must know the reason. This hundred mountains don’t know how a mysterious figure suddenly appeared. This person is not small. In a word, the whole demon race has been driven up. You know, the demon race is full of people, and even the whole celestial world can be a long time. Over the years, their departments have not separated from each other, although there are demon territories living there, but it is just a part of the demon race, and it has not been a mountain for a long time. Threats, but this time, the demon race gathered in Baifengshan to build a demon empire. I’m afraid it’s the first to bear the brunt. The demon race is powerful. If we fight alone, we’re afraid it’s not an opponent. You know, all other races in Baifengshan Fiona Fang have been cleaned up by the demon race. If they are allowed to gather in various places, it’s absolutely impossible for this demon race to accept them. When the time comes, it’s bound to expand to the outside world, and I’m afraid it’s the first to bear the brunt. What do you think about this? " The head of the angel family, an ancient archangel with 20 wings in Jade Emperor, sat in this central white chair and looked around at the master of all ethnic groups, Lang said.
A word made people around them frown. For this, they knew that they were able to come here, and they were already mentally prepared to face the powerful demon race. They were either United or passively beaten. Obviously, the strength of one person is not the whole opponent of the huge demon race. They need to unite, but the question is how to unite? Can we unite? After all, there are contradictions among people here, and they belong to different races, but they are not harmonious with each other. It is really not easy to unite them.
"There are soldiers to have means to resist him. The demon race will not expand outward. If you dare to expand to me, we will destroy them! Let them know that I am not easy to mess with! " A titan, cover with golden light, sat there and shouted, and there was a trace of tyrannical murderous look in his eyes when he said this.
It’s no surprise to the people around him that he said this. The Titan has always been so aggressive and bloodthirsty and cruel, with simple mind and strength. Although its fighting capacity is the first of all ethnic groups, it’s a pity that its head has never been so bright. It won’t surprise the people around it if they say this, but they will never follow blindly because the other party said this. That’s not what a wise person should do.
"This joint? Hehe, I don’t think it’s necessary for the demon race to gather troops. I don’t know how long it will take. Even if they gather successfully, I think they will be fine to attack. The demon race we are gathering now are all some small tribes scattered outside, and none of them are really powerful. Jade Emperor’s masters didn’t go to me. I think these calls are just for small tribes. You see who really moved the major forces of this demon race? I think it’s just an empty show. It’s really going to become a climate. Hum, if we don’t start work, other demon forces won’t let them be better than this demon family. Although the Buddha doesn’t care much about clan things on weekdays, it is said that it’s very autocratic and overbearing. Although I don’t know who it is, I dare to say such a big word. I think it will definitely cause dissatisfaction with the demon family. Do we still have to do things for his old man’s house to start work? I don’t think it will be fine if we go back to defend our own territory without a good alliance. "One of the Jade Emperor masters said lazily that he didn’t care about this. This Terran Jade Emperor had conflicts with all the ethnic groups around him. It’s not good if he didn’t want to jointly defend himself with them. Other people don’t care. Besides, the Terran is powerful and there is a Buddha behind him. He is naturally not afraid of others looking for trouble. In his view, it is death.
For this Terran Jade Emperor master’s speech, several other Terran Jade Emperor masters nodded in succession. On this issue, they are less consistent. The strength of the foreign Terran is now very strong. Although there is still struggle in the Ministry, it is less external than strong. No one dares to really caress this Terran tiger beard.
"People don’t commit crimes against me, I don’t commit crimes against me, and that’s the dogma of the ghost family." The ghost family simply threw out such a sentence. This is the case with the ghost family master. Generally, if you don’t invade their territory, they don’t care about outsiders’ lives or deaths, but those who dare to enter the ghost family territory will be hit by the ghost family thunder.
In a word, people around here shut up and don’t go to see this ghost clan Jade Emperor. In the end, everyone focused on this blood clan master. After all, now there are blood clan masters who haven’t discovered this alliance. It seems that it is definitely impossible for the Terran master to quit the ghost clan master to protect himself. Now the most powerful force has withdrawn from the two remaining ones. If they promise, then there may be a chance to form an alliance. If they all quit, then the alliance will definitely be impossible.
However, most people are not optimistic about the blood clan master’s answer. The reason is very simple. This has been a law for many years. Blood clan and angel clan are sworn enemies. It is simply difficult to write about the hatred between the two clans. Basically, the blood clan is opposed to the angel clan, and the angel clan is opposed to things. Even this time, the blood clan will support it.
Sure enough, after hearing this, sitting there, the extremely bloody Jade Emperor level master looked at each other and sneered at each other one after another. The lazy one in one of them lifted his eyelids and said randomly, "? Alliance? Alliance with your angels? Are you mistaken? How can the noble blood clan ally with the stupid angels? Even if there is only one soldier left in the blood clan battle, it will not ally with the angel clan, and we don’t think that the demon clan will be on our hands. You should know that in this central region, the scattered demon clan has been the most cruel in recent years, or your angel clan has visited Baifengshan for a long time. If it weren’t for the fact that Baifengshan Phoenix lives in groups and has a three-phoenix clan elder, a Jade Emperor master and two gods, even if it is now destroyed by you, it might be that Baifengshan gathers the demon clan first to move, that is, you angel clan will move with us. You make things yourself or solve it yourself. My blood clan will never interfere. "
After saying this, I actually got up and left. Others looked at each other. In the end, I also got away from knowing that Baifengshan has a special geographical position. At least half of the people in this celestial race, Jade Emperor, are connected with this Baifengshan neighborhood. People here are all masters of these sites, Jade Emperor. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been invited, but now it seems that it has little effect.
Chapter three hundred and thirteen Dark gods
Chapter three hundred and thirteen Dark gods
"pa ~ damn a bunch of shortsighted guys!" See the masters of all ethnic groups sitting here after leaving, leaving three angels Jade Emperor masters and two Titan Jade Emperor masters, among whom the angel master who just spoke first suddenly struck table and said with cold anger.
His words resonated with two angels, Jade Emperor, but it obviously made two titans, Jade Emperor, uncomfortable. He glanced at several angels in front of him, Jade Emperor, and one of the titans, Jade Emperor, got up and said coldly, "We’re leaving the alliance now that others don’t approve of me."
"Well ~ demon race dare to pounce on me, Titan race can resist the alliance or forget it." Say that finish and ignore a few blue angels, Jade Emperor turned around and left here with his companions and walked straight towards the door.
More than a dozen Jade Emperor alliances have been destroyed before they were established, which can be said to have alleviated a lot of trouble for Ye Guchen, but it is a pity that there is no trouble here for the time being, and the alliance has not been successful, while the Buddha is silent and does not interfere in this matter, but the demon family department is not so stable
Despite this gathering of demon banners, it is not a problem if you want to master the demon race, but it is not so easy to change it to Ye Guchen. After all, Ye Guchen’s identity is there with a demon Buddha and a distant brother. It should be good, but the problem is that if Ye Guchen is a demon race, everything is not a problem, but it happened that Ye Guchen belongs to Terran, which is a bit troublesome. It is definitely not that simple. This demon master even won’t promise this matter.
Although nowadays, demon masters are constantly entering the range of this hundred scenic mountains, Ye Guchen has not been able to imagine now. Once Ye Guchen comes out and is known as a terran, even trouble will follow. You know, even if there is a gathering of demons, there have always been more unruly people in the demon family. It took a lot of effort to reduce the demon family in Kong Xuan, not to mention Ye Guchen’s inability to repair human beings. This is definitely not a simple matter.
But at the moment, Ye Guchen naturally made a breakthrough in the meditation in the lost Baifengshan. After entering the level of the king of gods, Ye Guchen got a large number of sacred stones from the Qi Jun evil spirit of the five-color divine tower, which is being closed for meditation.
You know, it only takes more than ten years for Ye Gu-chen to absorb an extremely magical stone, and the absorption speed is even faster after entering the King of God class. The high level of Ye Gu-chen’s soul has also broken through to the seventh level of the Heavenly Demon Soul Training Solution, and the soul cultivation is comparable to the peak of the King of God. Ye Gu-chen can spare no scruples to absorb the energy in this magical stone and then replenish it into his body. After entering the King of God, it takes more than a year to absorb an extremely magical stone. This speed is several times faster than that of ordinary Jade Emperor, and Ye Gu-chen’s cultivation is rising every day
However, this kind of repair is still not enough to face the difficulties that may be faced soon. Those experts who want to suppress the demon race should not even think about it if there is no Jade Emperor peak repair, but Ye Guchen knows nothing about it.

In my mind, I silently reviewed the information of blue-eyed girls. The more I feel bitter in my mouth, the more I feel that the immortal commander-in-chief led hundreds of people to fight the war. It was very difficult to give birth to a little prestige and pride, and it was polished in front of two Tianjiao girls.

The Tao is one foot high and the devil is ten feet high!
Such an old sentence flashed in Chen Shaobai’s mind, and he suddenly gave birth to a world with great emotion. If he didn’t meet these immortal genies, I’m afraid he would be immersed in the glory of the head of the sword edge.
Slay Zhiyuan’ s brilliance is not something to boast about now.
Chen Shaobai’s body is baggy and holding a sword at will, but God J and jīng is very capable of breaking out at any time.
Seeing the leisurely performance of two girls, Chen Shaobai vaguely felt that perhaps tonight’s strangulation of Qing Xuan’s younger brother was an end rather than an end, which revealed the tip of the iceberg.
At present, the two men are not hard to fish in troubled waters without making Y and N Yang chaos clock take the opportunity to escape.
"Is refined oneself condition variation pseudo mana could be so pure Yang? People are also very spiritual … just can be used to refine spiritual gold resin as the highest day silver resin bursts of eyes. "
After Chen Shaobai swept away for a moment, Ma Jiajia held out her pink small tongue and licked her fingers. Naturally, she leaned out her little hand as if she had developed the habit of being the only one, and everything could be used at will to make things available to her if she wanted them.
I’m the only one, and the secular princess and princess are dwarfed in front of her.
As soon as Ma Jiajia made a move to Chen Shaobai, he felt a great fear coming over the whole body. After being locked up, the gas was viscous like a liquid, and he was ready to seek a chance with the Royal Seven Sword.
At this time, a moon flower was beheaded to lock the blue-eyed girl’s mana and destroy it. Chen Shaobai also got away with it.
"How horrible! This kind of absolute suppression … Their physical powers definitely exceed a hundred! "
Hundreds of millions of pores in the whole body are sweating, saying that flowing out of Chen Shaobai is still concerned.
If you want to accumulate a little more than a hundred mana, you can try to condense your life, and the sword pill will impact the quenching realm. Avatars can use magic weapons and occult arts at will, and they are not afraid of loss. One by one, they can be called true fairies on land.
Ma Jiajia blew the palm of her hand, which was blue with Y Ρ n cold, and her eyes were reddish as if she had been bullied. "If you don’t give it to me now and wait for my brother to come back, you will help me grab him!"
Hearing this, Guan Yue’s arch eyebrows rose slightly, and then he smiled. "The theory that the mad man killed the heartless cliff palm is the right way, and everyone wants to get the reward and take his magic treasure."
"Qing Xuanmen Stuart Yutang, Jin Yuanmen Fang Tangjing are sending people to kill him. How can he take care of himself now? This human body mana masculine is better than the practice of Yao Yang Shen Ji in Hehuan Valley, which makes the mana variation saints even better. It is just suitable for me to use it as a furnace tripod to reconcile the extreme Y and N mana to break through the quenching boundary. It is a cause and effect to give up him now. When I break through to the quenching boundary, I will naturally take care of you. "
"If you don’t get him, the perfection of Jia ‘er plough array will not necessarily solve Gao Feng’s traitor and he won’t get the Blue Sky Fairy Spring. It’s not good!"
The official moon jade refers to holding the hair. "I can help you solve him after getting the news of Gao Fengyue."
After hearing this, Ma Jiajia broke her fingers and calculated it carefully. After a while, she waved her pink fist and moistened her blue eyes. "My brother said that you have saved enough mana for a long time. What you can’t break through is that the cultivation method is flawed and needs Yang mana to reconcile. Now it’s even more terrible to save and compress. If you want to break through the shackles of life, you can quickly reach the advanced realm of quenching gas … So be it!"
"Officer elder sister waiting for you to break through to help jia son get rid of those annoying guys oh …"
Say five flying shura encouraged fascia general meat wings half a breath less than gold chariot disappeared in the field of vision.
Chen Shaobai’s heart sank gradually.
Officer months ago, the performance seemed to be loose. In fact, God J: ng has always been in his body, and now Ma Jiajia has left … even less.
By reciting Yuan World completely, he naturally knows that being regarded as a cauldron is not that men and women can kiss and tell, but that they are forced to draw all their mana and won’t leave him any source. Then Chen Shaobai will become a complete mortal, and there is no chance to break through the shackles and achieve magical powers in his life.
"After taking your mana, I will not treat you badly. Find a mortal country and let you be a prince of happiness, luxurious and luxurious, and enjoy a happy life like a cloud."
The official month’s expression is not awkward, but Se is sweet, waxy, soft, greasy, gentle and moving. Personally, it’s hard to accept it, but Chen Shaobai faintly feels that something is wrong. Suddenly, he bites the tip of his tongue, and a red-hot and sharp sting abruptly wakes himself up.
"Give me your yuan y and n, and I won’t treat you badly. Find a mortal country so that you can be a princess of peace and enjoy the rest of your life?"
Chen Shaobai turned the other side’s words around and retorted.
Which cultivator is willing to give up his own foundation? Neither he nor the girl in front of him will be willing to give up!
"You don’t want to?"
"If you want my mana source, come and get it yourself!"
Chen Shaobai deliberately showed some unruly and wanted to arouse each other’s anger, but secretly concentrated his mind on the gray Se bell-shaped pattern in the middle of the chest Tan.
"As you wish"
The official month’s expression was calm, but Chen Shaobai’s attitude of not eating stones made her angry and blue Se lotus skirt. In the middle, she gently turned her side, and the silver dumpling turned into a dragon, roaring and roaring with a deep power to Chen Shaobai.
Sudden rise of wind pressure
As far as the wind blows from the front, it almost beats Chen Shaobai. If it weren’t for his brainwave, the swordsmanship controls the flying sword behind him, I’m afraid it would have been directly on the ground.
The silver dragon roared and the waves were like a bomb. Chen Shaobai was dizzy, but the brilliance in his eyes gradually gathered.
Unyielding, determined and stubborn
The footsteps are deeply crushed into the earth like golden Se tongs, and Chen Shaobai does not retreat, but steps into the meteor with both feet, catching the moon with both hands, tearing the emptiness like a golden scale, and all kinds of postures gather in one furnace and exert their strength to the fullest.
The young silver dragon is about to collide
Chen Shaobai’s eyes were full of fighting spirit and licked the reflection of the silver dragon in the pupil.
"Come on!" ——————————————ps PS Thanks to Wan Xiaobai Kuxuan for exceptional, and thanks to the dummy for eating the evaluation ticket of Huanglian!
Chapter one hundred and nine Seize the moon!
Chapter one hundred and nine Seize the moon!
The huge wind pressure before the silver Se dragon pounces makes people breathless. If it is really hit to pieces, it must be the best result. The most reasonable field is the death of a dead body.
For this, Chen Shaobai knows very well that he doesn’t want to be shattered, dismembered and rebuilt, and he doesn’t want to be a dead body, and he wants to be stunned. While he is merging his learned posture, the speed of the furnace step is soaring to the extreme, dragging out a string of long ghosting in the wet land, which disturbs the silver dragon’s locking while controlling the swordsmanship, and at the same time controlling the seven swords to converge into the simplest, most direct and most lethal word sword array to attack and kill the past in front.
"Yellow teach outside the door standard sword is not a magic weapon, not a suit magic weapon can also be used to control at the same time? Either this person can break through the shackles of refining himself and concentrate on seven things, or he has won the ancient fairy power. "
Guan Yue’s eyes are several times higher than those of the Qing Xuanmen. At a glance, he saw that Chen Shaobai was driving seven swords at the same time, but he inferred something that was not the same.
"No matter if you catch him, you will know."
Seven handles flying sword silver moon sword, the silver dragon collided with the original god, blocking and killing the Buddha, and all the way was invincible. Blackwater flying sword met the silver dragon flying sword, but it didn’t leave any suspense and was immediately washed into dust.
A little blood spilled from the corners of the mouth. Chen Shaobai’s eyes showed a kind of emotion called "caught off guard"
Guan Yue was very satisfied because things developed exactly as she imagined.
Jade hand gently spins the silver Se, and black dragon winds around Chen Shaobai in order to capture him alive in good condition and seize the mana source.
Silver moon Jian almost overwhelmed Chen Shaobai with gas strength. He seemed to be in a hurry, and his mind was not even sacrificed again with the seven swords.
"It is also a wonderful opportunity for mana to be so pure, but it is a pity that he has too little experience, and he is too flustered to become a climate."
Shaking his head, Guan Yue gently flicked his finger to silver moon sword, and then in Sinochem, a streamer of silver belt completely wrapped Chen Shaobai up and waited for her mind to move easily.
"Sun is imprisoned! Coercion, impact and bondage! How wonderful is this silver moon sword? "
Feeling that the original body was lively and mana was instantly locked, Chen Shaobai’s eyes finally showed real horror, Se, but his plan was not hindered at all. His mind kept full mana at all times and he poured it into the Y and N Yang chaos clock in Tan Zhong acupoint on his chest.
After the input method was applied, the gray Se Jason Chung pattern immediately came to life, and all the traces of the sun were concentrated and poured into the streamer silver belt, and the silver moon sword was pulled into the clock face pattern!

God’s knowledge has been quacking and screaming. Sixty-six Red-faced Snow Department drives its wings. Tianma holds a big stick and jumps at each other excitedly. Red-faced Snow has always been belligerent. If it weren’t for Xi Fangping’s control, they would have come long ago. When Xi Fangping was talking nonsense with Che Zewu, the Red-faced Snow God was already quite impatient and eager to try. This time, it’s good that Xi Fangping finally ordered them to fight. What’s the point?

This is a one-sided battle. The red-faced snow stroke not only has a considerable advantage in repairing magic weapons and degrees, but also has an advantage in quantity. It is also the help of twelve-order wings and Tianma. The true spiritual disciples have no hope to win. Those monks in the early and middle stages of Yuan Ying just fell to the ground and died when they lasted for a cup of tea. Even Che Zewu, who was also the red-faced monk at the end of Yuan Ying, only lasted for half an hour. In particular, some red-faced snow Han joined the siege of two people after killing his opponent and struggled.
It was not until there was no figure of the other monk that Xi Fangping picked up all the 33 bags that fell to the ground and stuffed them into his belt. The harvest of this battle was still so-so, and Lingshi alone got about three million yuan. These king eggs have been stationed in Feixian City for decades, and there are so many things that have been scraped from the hands of the scattered monks. It is much richer than the average true spiritual monk. It is just cheaper for Xi Fangping to clean up the battlefield, and then Xi Fangping turned around and handed it over to the former Feixian Gate by memory. Yi, the cave flew two minutes later, and Xi Fangping flew to the cave. He stopped carefully to reveal his knowledge and carefully scanned everything around him. Soon Xi Fangping found that there were four smells in the cave, one of which was at the end of Yuan Ying, and the other three were at the middle of Yuan Ying’s repair. It was quite strange in Xi Fangping’s heart that when he was away from the Cape Star, the ten of them were just monks at the beginning of Yuan Ying’s repair, and the number of people did not match. What happened? Xi Fangping didn’t dare to go in directly. He took out the thunder stick, and at the same time, the thunder tortoise shell came out and covered the whole body. Only then did he let out his breath and slowly flew to the cave.
As soon as Xi Fangping’s knowledge of the gods came out of the cave, there was a reaction. Four figures flew out of the cave and silently looked at Xi Fangping. Although they were separated for more than 150 years, the four of them didn’t change much, but they looked more vicissitudes than coming. Xi Fangping smiled and said gently, "What happened to Wan Daoyou, Xie Daoyou, an ancient friend, and Park Daoyou?"
For a while, Gu Lingyi gently asked, "Are you really our boss?
XiFangPing waved the thunder stick "what’s the matter? Aren’t you sure when you see this thunder stick? Ok, I’ll show you again
Say that finish before wearing a mask flew out from the bag, tightly affixed to the XiFangPing face sheikh they are familiar with XiFangPing back GuLingYi huan cried and even said, "yes, it’s the boss.
Sheikh, Wan Xiu and Pu Wenli all smiled. They are old monsters who have lived for one or two thousand years. Naturally, they don’t show their feelings as easily as those ordinary people. But from their faces, Xi Fangping can still see that they are happy from their hearts, which makes Xi Fangping feel a little warm.
Xi Fangping looked around and felt an ominous tone in his heart. He hesitated and asked, "Why are there only three of you and seven Taoist friends?"
Sheikh looked a dark slightly shook his head and didn’t speak. It’s always pleasant. Gu Lingyi’s eyes turned red and said softly, "The other seven Taoist friends of the boss have fallen in the battle to protect Feixian City. The whole mat-writing firm is alive and well, and there are about one thousand people together with the three of us."
Although I had already been psychologically prepared, I suddenly heard the bad news, but my heart was still fierce. I shouted with a thunder stick in my hand, and my eyes rose into thirty flames. I slammed it on a nearby hillside with a loud noise, as if the whole ground shook. A large stone several feet square was smashed and my broken head rolled from the hillside.
Xi Fangping recalled the thunder stick, raised it and shouted at the sky with bare eyes, "Really Lingmen, I, Xi Fangping, you are immortal!"
Xi Fangping’s heartache, the five thousand bodyguards of Xiji Firm, but he managed to create a fairly powerful force. Although Xi Fangping imposed a ban on the brothers, he really didn’t treat these monks as his own, but as equal friends. He took good care of those guys and those guys were loyal to themselves. It didn’t take long for such a force to be formed, so it was in the hands of the real spirit gate. If you don’t report it, I’m really sorry for those guys.
Sheikh reluctantly smiled and said, "The boss doesn’t have to be sad. In the past 150 years, there have been at least 100 million monks who died in the corner star, and it is not our memory firm. These 4,000 people have lived and died. We have seen a lot of pits, pits and ditches in the past 100 years. Since these things are inevitable, we have lived longer than ordinary people."
Wan Xiu also bowed his hand and said, "It’s been more than 50 years since Xi Daoyou was sad. Please invite Xi Daoyou into the cave. It’s only a few hundred miles away from Feixian City. It’s easy for Che Zewu and other true spiritual monks to feel when they talk outside."
XiFangPing shook his head, "Wan Daoyou had been at ease. Just now, I was late to do it. Che Zewu and other thirty-three true spiritual monks have been wiped out by me. There is no true spiritual disciple in Feixian City. We can say goodbye outside.
Wan Xiu’s face was stunned. "You mean you killed all the monks in Che Zewu’s hand?" XiFangPing nodded "yes, but I didn’t kill it. I was killed by monsters. I haven’t been so strong.
Wan Xiu’s eyes lit up and he looked at Sheikh for a while before saying, "Come on, you are such a wonderful friend."
After entering the hole, Xi Fangping actually put some tables and chairs and a set of tea sets in the hole. Xi Fangping smiled and took out some gold coins from the bag. Gu Lingyi skillfully made tea and asked, "Where have you been in the past 150 years, boss?" Do you know that we miss you? "
XiFangPing was touched in my heart and nodded slightly and said, "I can’t help it. I was trapped in the YanLong Cave and had a hard time getting through the hole."
If I hadn’t studied law before, my generation might have stayed in the dragon cave. "
Sheikh and others nodded their heads, and they always thought so. Now that they said it from Xi Fangping’s mouth, it further confirmed their previous thoughts. Gu Lingyi looked at Xi Fangping and asked, "Is the boss’s Yanlong Cave really there? What’s good in it? "
XiFangPing ha ha laugh while handing a cup of tea to four people, respectively, and said, "The law of YanLong Cave has changed naturally because of the long time, otherwise I wouldn’t have been trapped in it for so long. I have been moved for a long time, and there are not many things left."
After that, I took out four Jiuqu trees from the bag and handed them over. "This is what I found in the Yanlong Cave. One tree for each of the four of you is believed to be very helpful for your meditation."
Wan Xiu took over the Qushen and looked at it for a while, then his eyes widened. "Is this, is this the Jiuqushen in the Year of 10,000 concubines?"
The other three people shook their hands slightly when they took the Jiuqu ginseng. More than 10,000 years of herbs. How much is this worth? You can just sell hundreds of millions of lingshi in the Cape Star and crush all their four bones. You can’t get some ginseng whiskers from Jiuqu ginseng.
Xi Fangping ha ha smiled. "Yes, Wan Daoyou really knows these things are seventeen thousand years old. When Hunyuanzong retreated, everything in Yanlong Cave was stripped down. When there were no seedlings left, seventeen thousand years passed. Those seedlings had already grown up and no one had been collecting and breeding them. Therefore, the number of herbs in Yanlong Cave for more than ten thousand years was still passable. When I left Yanlong Cave, I collected all the herbs in the year. With four Daoyou, I had some time to be quiet. I don’t think it’s difficult to make small progress, especially Wan Daoyou, who is already in the late stage of Yuanying. If you take part in this nine songs, it is estimated that the success rate of advanced deification can be at least 20% to 30% higher. "
Chapter one hundred and seventy-nine The situation
It’s terrible for thousands of monks to have a high success rate of 20% to 20%. This extra 20% to 30% chance that monks will lose everything is more willing than willing to fight for their lives. I didn’t expect there to be such a good thing in Yanlong Cave. No wonder Tianling sent people to find Yanlong Cave with such great efforts. I didn’t expect Xifangping to be cheaper.
As if afraid of Xi Fangping’s remorse, Wan Xiu quickly stuffed Jiuqu ginseng into his bag before he breathed a sigh of relief and gently asked, "Xi Daoyou, how did you get into Yanlong Cave?"
XiFangPing sighed, "I don’t want to. I was traveling in Xuan Bing Palace and created some troubles for the True Spirit Gate. Now the True Spirit Gate is preparing to attack Xuan Bing Palace on a large scale. I naturally won’t let it go, so I helped Xuan Bing Palace to destroy them. Hundreds of thousands of monks of the True Spirit Gate. Later, I tracked a true spirit gate army and arrived at Hongshan City, but now the Spirit Gate actually sent people to the Red Stop City.
Now that things are different, I followed Tianling to send people all the way to Yanlong Cave. After Tianling sent people to repair and hit Yanlong Cave, I killed their department and went into Yanlong Cave myself. I didn’t expect that the broken hole door would be inside on its own. "
Xi Fangping’s words are a little untrue. He can’t tell these four people that he had a thousand magic apes in the Yanlong Cave and then went back to destroy the magic star to repair himself all the way to the early stage of Yuanying. If these people know that he gave up the mat-keeping firm and took care of his own practice, there will definitely be some ideas in their hearts. Seriously, Xi Fangping still feels quite guilty about these people. If it weren’t for his own practice, the situation would not deteriorate to such a situation.
However, the four men believed that Wan Xiu frowned on Xi Fangping’s words. After a while, they said, "It’s strange that as far as I know, six deified monks were sent by Tianling to jointly crack the Dragon Cave. How did those Yuan infant monks get into the gate of the Dragon Cave?"
XiFangPing heart in a surprised, "Wan Daoyou said there are six godsworn to break the dragon cave?
Wan Xiu asked strangely, "Don’t you know? You weren’t in Yanlong Cave? "
XiFangPing leng hurriedly said, "I don’t know, I couldn’t break the door at that time, so I just hid in the corner and went to practice, so I didn’t know what was going on outside.
Wan Xiu wanted to think about it and nodded, "It’s possible that the situation was closed at that time. It’s quite normal that Xi Daoyou, a Hunyuan clan, didn’t know that the law would change after a long period of time."
Xi Fangping’s heart secretly praised this Wan Xiu, which is really refined to the extreme. He has already thought of this because he believes too much in himself, so he thinks of reasons for himself. Xi Fangping can say with a wry smile, "I didn’t know that those laws would have changed. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have left the gate for more than 10,000 years. I have roots myself, so I wouldn’t have to go in to find it. If it weren’t for Yan Long Cave, which is my Ganhunyuan Sect, I wouldn’t even bother to go in. Wan Daoyou have told me about my origins in Hunyuan Sect
Wan Xiu and others nodded their heads and were obviously quite satisfied with Xi Fangping’s explanation. Xi Fangping didn’t want to do more entanglement on this side, otherwise he might be noticed by them. Xi Fangping wanted to think, "What exactly was the situation of Wan Daoyou’s original battle of Feixian City?
Wan Xiuwei sighed and his eyes were blurred. Obviously, his thoughts had flown to the scene of war in those years. "Since Xi Daoyou disappeared, the five elders knew that things were not good. Therefore, instead of directly attacking Jin Guangding as previously planned, we set out to make a good plan. We carefully selected hundreds of thousands of brothers who are loyal to Feixianmen and have great potential. Let them spread around and then strengthen their defenses to buy various defense equipment to prepare for the Tianling Sect to decide the level.
I didn’t expect that the Celestial Sect didn’t come, but the whole Arcturus was in a mess. The True Spirit Gate suddenly attacked the enemy at Xuan Bing Palace for a year. At the same time, rumors about the Arcturus were circulating. All sects knew that the Celestial Sect had no way to maintain the order of the Arcturus, so they were prepared to lend the True Spirit Gate to clean the entire Arcturus to ensure that the entire Arcturus was still in the hands of the Celestial Sect. "
Xi Fangping’s eyes lit up. "The rumor is that you flew out of the fairy gate?"
Wan Xiu nodded with a wry smile. "That’s right. When we came out, the five elders recognized that it was good for Feixianmen to mess up the whole situation of Arcturus. It was that after the exhibition was over, to the surprise of the five elders, rumors came out that the whole situation of Arcturus was in chaos. The five most powerful sects joined hands and suddenly attacked all the medium-sized sects, and Bosheng suddenly fell into a bloody storm."
Xi Fangping asked strangely, "What about Xiaojin Guangding?"
Wan Xiu ha ha smiled. "Although Jin Guangding is very close to the Tianling Sect, their strength is too weak, and the Tianling Sect roots will not be taken seriously. Therefore, Jin Guangding has also suffered an attack and can’t escape the fate of extinction. Not only Jin Guangding is so fierce, but several sects near Feixianmen, including Xuan Bing Palace, Feilong Palace, Gu Qing and Niu Shan Department, were slain by five sects including Zhenlingmen.
For 150 years, the war in the Horn Star has been going on. Up to now, there are only five sects left in the whole Horn Star, and the rest have disappeared. Oh, no, it can’t be said that most sects have protected themselves like Feixianmen. Five sects have been fighting each other. However, because each sect has its own roots, it is not a threat to the five sects. The five sects have enough time and strength to slowly clean up the remnants of each faction one by one. If Xi Daoyou don’t show up, each sect will not find a leader. It is estimated that all the remnants of the sects will disappear in
Xi Fangping nodded his head. He didn’t expect that the situation of the whole Pleiades had changed so much in 150. He thought for a moment. Xi Fangping asked strangely, "As far as I know, the five sects always add up to their strength and the strength of other factions is about 60%. Even if they join hands to break each sect one by one, it is impossible to accomplish such a big thing without hundreds of years. Maybe all the sects are there waiting for the five sects to clean up?
Wan Xiu smiled bitterly. "Xi Daoyou was right. After Xuan Bing Palace and Fire Palace were destroyed, all sects felt the crisis, so many sects automatically joined forces to confront the five sects. Even we always disagreed with Jin Guangding and were forced to be with us, but no one thought that as the major sects reported good news, Seeing that the superiority was about to be regained, the Heavenly Spirit Sect suddenly dispatched them. As soon as they sent six monks from the Kikuk General Hospital, 3,000 monks in the early stage of deification, 3,000 monks in the infant stage and 2,000 monks in the Dan stage, they helped the five sects to attack us. Such a powerful force, if it weren’t for Xi Daoyou, no sect would be able to stop it. In fifty years, all sects will be destroyed, and Feixianmen is no exception.

It is said that your team suffered a difficult game at the Bernabeu, and various unfavorable factors troubled your team at the half time, but in this case, you didn’t even think of giving up the pursuit of victory. This is the real "champion heart"! This game can help you build a team with a championship heart. Of course, before that, you have to win this seemingly invincible opponent.

The goal is to beat Real Madrid at the Bernabeu.
Reward 1 million experience, hope 500 points of energy and 100 points of training skills [intermediate tactical training] and [competition training, attack and running intermediate]
Intermediate skills?
It’s really a reward for achievement.
Achievement rewards are better than ordinary rewards, but it also means that achievements are often difficult to accomplish.
Of course, it is difficult to complete the away game, the opponent is Real Madrid, the penalty is not awarded, and it is one goal behind … It is not generally difficult to lead the team to defeat Valencia in so many unfavorable factors.
But so what?
What’s the point of playing games without playing the highest difficulty? Abuse one brain, you score ten goals in one game, and you have no sense of accomplishment.
Changsheng pushed the locker room door, and the noise was quiet. Everyone turned to look at the head coach at the locker room door.
"It seems that you have made a decision." Changsheng said to everyone with a smile.
"That’s good. Now come out!"
The players got up and walked out of the locker room one after another.
Because winning at the door accounts for half of the passage, everyone can file out one by one
Every player will reach out and pat each other on the back or shoulder as encouragement when he passes in front of Chang Sheng.
Someone walked out with his head down and kept silent, and when someone turned to look at him, he smiled.
In this way, he sent them all to the stadium like soldiers on the battlefield.
Chapter ninety Come alive
Valencia and Real Madrid didn’t change players at half-time. Real Madrid naturally didn’t need to change players. After all, they were the leading side.
It is a little surprising that Valencia did not make a substitution.
At the half-time, many players in Valencia were in a bad state, which is obvious to all the blind players. If they want to win, they should at least change someone else.
Can always win this move.
This is hard to make people think that they will always win. Is this already resigned?
Those journalists from Madrid in the media gallery have a good face.
While Valencia journalists were indignant.
If Chang Sheng really gives up the game, they will lash out at Chang Sheng for being a coward even at the most Torra risk!
At this time, they certainly won’t remember how pessimistic they were before the game that Valencia couldn’t win Real Madrid away from home.
After half a game, Real Madrid’s home advantage and leading momentum launched a fierce attack on Valencia’s goal.
Valencia, on the other hand, remained steadfast.
I don’t see any difference from half-court.
Maybe Changsheng is really going to give up.
Real Madrid’s first offensive lasted for three minutes, with two consecutive shots but no goal.
Then the attack opportunity fell to Valencia.
Canizares didn’t directly throw the football big foot out, but took a short one and met his central defender Ayala outside the penalty area.
Real Madrid coach Bosco obviously also studied opponents specially, and he asked Real Madrid to form a forward and frontcourt oppression.
The advantage of this is that it can prevent Valencia from taking advantage of the football and sending it to the frontcourt, and force Valencia to long and high balls.
Although Ibrahimovic is 1.91 meters tall, he is not good at heading.

Compared with the match between Lazio and Manchester United, the "Champions League national derby" between Guardiola Barcelona and Mourinho Real Madrid on the other side is not so attractive.

After all, Barcelona and Real Madrid are still earth teams.
Barcelona used to be high, but after playing two semi-finals with Lazio last season, it was knocked down by Lazio and returned to the ground.
However, the match between Manchester United and Lazio was given such an interesting title by the English media.
"Defend the Earth!"
Lazio is an alien team and Manchester United is the earth guard. If Manchester United can beat Lazio, it will be considered as a successful defense of the earth.
Actually, this game really deserves such a name.
Before Manchester United’s home game against Lazio, many famous football players and professionals in Europe were enthusiastic about Manchester United’s suggestions and references.
Mourinho, who has had many experience against Lazio, said in an interview that he had given Ferguson a message about how to deal with Lazio.
"… Lazio’s characteristic is that their ball is very smooth. Once Lazio is allowed to play the football, it will be very difficult for them to attack. The most important thing is that they can’t make the football run smoothly."
Mourinho told reporter that this was his advice to Ferguson.
In addition, AC Milan coach allegri also told Ferguson through the media that "physical fitness is very important, but more importantly, if physical fitness is distributed reasonably, if the physical fitness is finished at half time, the half-court team will definitely collapse …"
Juventus coach Delli, who just played against Lazio, also said, "They are very fast, which is their biggest feature and threat. We should try our best to reduce their time …"
In addition to these coaches, there are many famous football players and experts who advise Ferguson in various ways.
Naturally, all these people who help Manchester United so privately have one purpose, that is, to hope that Manchester United can beat Lazio.
So one Manchester United team combined the wisdom of other teams.
This scene is really like the ball force in Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters in the United States to jointly fight against alien invaders
Some English media have given Manchester United a new name called "Man-Earth Coalition"
Changsheng has another interpretation of this matter.
"In fact, it is the six martial arts sects that besieged Guangding."
He said this to his coaching staff
Rudy Gonzá lez and dimatteo asked at the same time, "What do you mean,’ Six Wulin sects besieged Guangding’?"
Chang Sheng just wanted to open his mouth, and suddenly he felt that it was particularly troublesome to explain. He had to start with "Eternal Dragon Slayer" first, and then he had to explain what "martial arts novel" was. Explaining "martial arts novel" naturally bypassed Jin Yong’s introduction of the wrong person and went forward, which was the cultural background of martial arts novels in China …
Changsheng thinks that he has explained all these things clearly, and it is estimated that he will have to go to several chapters, that is, naked irrigation to make up the number of words
So he waved his hand. "Simply put, a group of people with different thoughts but high-sounding voices gathered in a place called Guangding under the banner of’ doing justice for heaven’ to jointly destroy the villain."
"We are the villain?" Dimatteo asked.
Ever-victorious nodded. "Of course, we are the big villains. We are besieged by those just men. The situation is very critical, but …"
His voice turned and he laughed. "The villain will win the final victory!"
Chapter four hundred and fifty Life is to fight and then triumph.
The media are talking about the cooperation of European football Qi Xin to help Manchester United beat Lazio.
Even in the press conference before the game, there were media reporters who got up and asked questions like Chang Sheng.
He said, "Does this phenomenon mean that Lazio is very unpopular?"
Chang Sheng sneered at this. He grunted, "This can tell how much Europe is afraid of us. It has done its utmost to beat us."
He shrugged his shoulders and spread his hand. "But I don’t care whether it is Manchester United plus Real Madrid plus AC Milan plus Juventus plus other cat, dog and dog teams that play against us … If someone thinks that this can beat us, I welcome them to try because they don’t really lose to us, they won’t be in vain."
The winning performance is very domineering. At Old Trafford, his momentum makes people feel that he is the owner here.
And journalists are also surprised by Chang Sheng’s confidence.
Maybe he’s bluffing.
Many reporters think so in their hearts.
Always winning doesn’t matter what journalists think. Anyway, they are going to win the game. These journalists’ thoughts are meaningless at all.
Compared with being confident, Ferguson is very cautious even at home.
He didn’t say before the game that it was an advantage to be behind by one goal, but said, "No matter how many goals we are behind, we are behind. I don’t know what the media will think of us. The hot spot is that Lazio is our home, but the score is behind us. This game is very difficult …"
The old fox hid his minions as if he were a cute Samoyed dog …
He wants to transfer all his bets to Lazio and let the pressure go to Lazio. Before the game, he tried his best to decompress his players.
He never talks about the factors that are beneficial to him, that is, repeating the difficulties of the game over and over again.
It seems that this is not his home but an away game.
The attitude of these two head coaches at the pre-match press conference is really interesting and tight.
The visiting coach is confident, but the home coach is cautious.
At the press conference before the game, both coaches also announced their respective starting lists for this game.
Judging from the starting list, both sides are the strongest players in the best condition.
A Premier League game breaks and Manchester United’s main squad starts.
And so is Lazio.
Just look at the starting list and you can imagine how fierce the game will be.
However, Manchester United’s starting list is not quite the same as when the two sides played in the first leg.
At home, Ferguson chose a strong attack array instead of defending as he did away from home.
Obviously, Manchester United is going to attack this game at home.
This is not unexpected.
If you don’t attack after losing a goal in the first round, then Manchester United is not Manchester United. It is necessary to attack. There is no suspense.
The key is to see how Manchester United attack.

However, if we say that the most gorgeous skill effect is still in the illegal meeting, the president of the illegal meeting will spend a lot of money and be dressed in gold. It is also solid, and his level can wear the highest level of equipment, and the golden staff is held high and dazzling.

Light Magician This is a profession with few flowers and few flowers. It also has another name called "Great Magician". It is said that it is the profession with the most gorgeous wisdom classification skills and the most considerable damage.
Many players, especially illegal congregation players, are looking at how many flowers there are, but they are a little confused about this injury.
"The great magician is not skilled enough to play so little," Xia said to the player next to him.
"At first glance, it’s just throwing skills around. It’s not a shame if 67 blood hurts," said another player
"Hey, how much damage can you expect from a Chinese currency player? It’s nothing but gold and jade. "
Summer ears listening to their comments, eyes staring at the family member hp hand syringe is always ready.
Three strings of injury figures emerged from the head of the haze beast. It was the three long arrows of Thunder that caused the injury. A cheer in the thunder field caused the illegal meeting to look askance.
"Ah, I forgot to add buff Thunder to you!" Xia heard a familiar sound and turned to look at it. It was a lovely girl wearing a wizard’s cloak, holding a magic wand in her hand, and there was something flashing around her. Look at the tears of the deputy chief of the family and the moon above her head.
"Thor arrival!" The moon cried out in tears, a magic wand flashed and flew to the thunder, and her hair crackled.
"Wow, will it be numb?" Xia looked sympathetically at the patriarch Lei Tong and put an "angel love" to add a handful of blood to the nearby family members.
"Eat my salted fish!" The sound of Viawood tired came again. Xia glanced at it and found that it was one of their slogans. No one attacked it with salted fish, but it really caught the attention of onlookers.
"Ah-!" Haze beast is not as cute as haze at all, but it is more advanced than haze because it can talk "Eat me pm25!" "
"poof!" Xia and many players couldn’t help laughing. Is this haze beast being sold now with Via logging? Even the members of the Viavamulet family couldn’t help saying, "Hey, Haze, are you the mascot that our family sneaked out?"
Chief Yue Ming heard the family idiot shouting this and shouted back, "What nonsense? Isn’t our family mascot a salted fish?"
Vija logging tired all qi qi show nai expression "heads of the adult this is you a bad taste ….."
The talking haze beast "pm25" fell on people’s heads like rain. Of course, it was not "rain" but "particulate matter"
"What kind of attack is this? It seems nothing?" The players watched the smoke and dust beating against the school quickly in the summer, and she felt that no matter what it was, even the dust could not be left in her body so carelessly.
"Ah, save lives! These dusts are poisonous!" The sharp girl is no longer charming and bared her teeth and ran away at the flower. The flower frowned slightly, and the player dressed like a robot behind him immediately stood in front of him.
"A generation of Tianjiao, be honest, don’t jump on the big and small!" Xia heard the robot say this, and then she didn’t have the heart to pay attention to it, because she saw that hp, the head of her family, was gradually decreasing, and their faces were all green.
"pm25…… … this name is really poisonous." Xia silently vomited a sentence to raise the "angel of the afterlife" and add blood to the family.
Pm25, a poison-releasing skill, brings persistent blood loss. In summer, "angel love" has a limited treatment range, so it is necessary to run back and forth in the family to hold their blood strips. After this wave of attacks, she has not come to breathe a sigh of relief. Seeing that the haze beast jumped up again, she shouted, "People who don’t know how to protect the environment are stupid! Let the great pm1 send you the way! "
Then, a big smoky ball was smashed from half to half like a hail.
"It’s too exaggerated to rely on this game. No matter how big pm1 is, it can’t be as big as table tennis!" Many players hold their heads to avoid the explosion of pm1, and the pressure on the haze beast is much less, and the haze skill is released, which makes the players miserable.
While avoiding pm1, Xia has to take care of the blood volume of family members. In a short time, her own blood is half. Xia Gang wants to eat a bowl of mushroom soup. Suddenly, she feels warm and sees that her hp has become%.
"Is it another nurse?" Looking around in the summer, I didn’t see similar players.
"Be careful!" A gentle woman rang behind Xia, and then pulled Xia back, and a huge pm1 landed in Xia. Just now, a small pit was blown out at the site.
Xia Yi looked back and saw a girl with big round eyes that were almost the same as the moon’s tears. Look at her head. The name and blood strips are the same family member. The name is simply called "Yingxue".
"Thank you," Xia said gratefully.
Ying Xue chuckled and shook her head gently and said, "I just worked hard for your treatment."
At this time, it seems that people in the family have just discovered that Yingxue is shouting "The big wet nurse is here, we are saved" and running around. It is normal that Xia is a little nai, maybe his treatment level is too low and he has just entered the family.
Yingxue cocked her head and sent a message on the family channel, "Thank you, Rose and other wet nurses. I’m sorry I’m late. Come on!"
In the summer, I didn’t expect Yingxue to do this specially. I felt warm in my heart. Two people smiled at each other and split up and infiltrated into the thunder field. Family members kept adding blood. The level of Yingxue was very high. In the summer, many people could not only add blood and blood skills to their members, but also free their hands to put one or two attack skills on the haze beast, which made Xia look envious.
"If I can do it like her, I will definitely earn more money," Xia thought.
Haze beast in Qi Xin together finally reached the residual blood state.
"Let’s stall the hostile family and leave the last blow to the patriarch!"
Chapter 40 Haze nightmare
"Be hostile to everyone and let the patriarch get the last blow!" Someone shouted on the family channel that before Xia could react, the members changed direction and fought against other family members, and other families were not to be outdone. Most people knew that this step would come, and strange players around them fought together.

No wonder this team can win the Triple Crown and the Champions League twice in three years.

When Ballack found out that he was a former Chelsea player, he had a record of playing against Lazio, but he didn’t know anything about this team.
It was not until he joined the team that he discovered many things that surprised him.
The more he knows, the more he feels that this team is terrible.
At the same time, I feel that in this team, I may really be able to successfully participate in the European Championship two years later …
After the game, Barak took the initiative to ask for the ball many times and was completely different from the performance in a game.
The commentator Caressa saw the difference at a glance.
"Today, Ballack is very confident … It’s amazing that he is still so confident after losing the German national team … What happened to him in this week?"
It is true that many stories have happened in this week, but it is a pity that these reporters have not paid attention to Vermelot, and their attention is on the national team competition.
So now they are surprised.
In this game, until the end, Ballack didn’t actually have a direct assist or score a goal.
However, he is something that everyone can’t ignore. Caressa kept mentioning Barak’s name in the game, because if he didn’t say Barak, there would be no explanation for the game.
In Lazio’s attack, the football passed Ballack’s foot many times.
Later, after the game, he was the player who scored the most goals in Lazio.
Although he didn’t assist and score goals, his contribution to Lazio’s attack can not be ignored.
It was his coordination in midfield that ensured Lazio’s smooth attack.
Lazio scored three goals in this game, none of which was assisted by him or initiated by him.
His performance in midfield can be seen by anyone who really knows the ropes.
Ballack’s performance in this game is much better than that in the last one!
Because he has been integrated into the tactical body of this team.
In the eyes of experts, this performance is much more meaningful than scoring a goal and assisting once.
You can’t score goals and assist in every game, but you have to integrate into the team in every game.
And Barak has done it initially.
This surprised the reporters in the commentary and media gallery.
It was more than a week ago. How did this change happen?
This is incredible!
Someone turned their attention to the coach’s seat and won.
Not only did they watch the broadcast, but they also pointed the close-up at him.
It seems that everyone wants to go together
Can Barack show such amazing changes in just over a week?
Changsheng has played for many times for a short time. When he was in Hertha, he was in a mood and let Hertha master ikiaka tactics initially, thus defeating the powerful Mallorca in the final of the King’s Cup and winning the King’s Cup.
He is capable of this.
But how he did it is not clear to everyone.
Ballack feels good. He always wins and feels good.
More than a week of special training is finally all the results.
Moreover, this is not the result of special training, but also the credit of training skills
Although training skills can’t integrate Ballack into the team’s tactical body, it can increase Ballack’s tacit understanding with the players and improve Ballack’s tactical execution ability.
All this ultimately transformed Ballack’s performance in this game.
Of course, it is not enough to rely on training skills, otherwise he will arrange training programs casually and then give the training skills directly to Barak.
The actual training skills do exist, but they need to be played on the basis of normal training. If you don’t arrange any training, the training skills will certainly increase the number of players, but the increase will be very limited.
Only with correct training can we achieve breakthrough growth.
For example, if you want to improve players’ physical fitness, you use aerobic training skills, but in actual training, you arrange tactical training subjects, so even if there are training skills, the number of teams [endurance] will increase very little.
It is necessary to cooperate with the correct training methods to receive the correct influence of training skills.
This is also a unified setting to prevent constant success and laziness. Since you are a head coach, you should have a head coach. You can beat the sky without relying on this system to train your skills.
If you don’t master what a real teaching assistant Lin should do, even if you have training skills, it doesn’t make sense. It’s not as good as a C-level coach from Europe.
All Barak’s changes have always won, so he is really proud of himself.
There are his painstaking efforts and sweat training skills, which are just icing on the cake and can’t be decisive.
Training skills will shorten Ballack’s integration into the team, which is what the winners value
Now Barak has found the right direction, and that is to accumulate experience and feelings.
Changsheng has nothing to worry about.
Although Barak hasn’t really flashed yet, he always wins. It can be said that Barak’s problem has been solved by him
Lazio beat Bologna at home 31.
Lazio won applause and cheers from the fans, and Ballack also got some cheers, but the focus of attention was still on those players who scored goals.

"Luckily! I got a math test of 39 for such a long time, and I was still the last one. It scared me a lot … "

In fact, a few days ago, when Muyang learned about the strength of several people in the original team, he even got Wang Yan’s exam results. At that time, he was amused and looked forward to seeing that Wang Yan’s math score was 3, so he was particularly impressed by this score …
It will rot in the stomach, but who knows that Wang Yan’s goods are all right? This mouth is naturally made to accommodate others and let everyone know that you are happy …
Chapter 7 lose all three games!
Wang Yan knows that it’s not a good crop to graze Yang. When he can sit and sulk, he can turn a deaf ear to the laughter of this shameful group of pages around him.
Just now, Wang Yan talked about Zhang Shaotian’s words with the whole liberal arts class. People in the liberal arts class were unhappy with him. However, Mu Yang’s words were aimed at Wang Yan. One person didn’t ridicule the science class, so the people in the science class were not very happy in their hearts, but they all shrugged their shoulders.
Liu Xintong’s rosy little face is smiling and has no scruples about the image of a lady.
Mo Tianyuan glanced at the crowd and didn’t see Xiao Yuying’s heart relieved. "Look, that kid didn’t know that today’s game was so good that he distracted me here."
"All right! Now say that grades can have an egg! Does the score test make you run farther? "
Wang Yan testily waved his hand to stop the ridicule of everyone next to him. "Let’s not dawdle. It is important to hurry up and play."
A few days ago, I learned the exact strength of Zhang Shaotian’s several people. Wang Yan once went to Class Five to find Shi Fei. As a result, Shi Fei said, "You are no match."
Lie in the trough! You can’t do it yourself, so you say that others are no match?
However, since Wang Yan, who wants something from others, is unhappy with this answer as white as white, but he also choked back his anger. Finally, the general result of the competition between Shi Fei and Genesis Team was mastered in his hands.
Among the information he learned, Zhang Shaotian and Mu Yang Xia Qiu were all suspicious because they all ran so far away from Class Four in front of Shi Fei, and that little Mo Tianyuan won without running far at that time, and he didn’t know his real strength.
After getting this result, Wang Yan was really surprised. It’s a little scary to know that there are so many people in a team who can run ten thousand meters …
But everyone in senior two already knows about this competition. Now, even if it’s not better than that, it’s difficult to ride a tiger. If you lose the competition, you can’t lose momentum!
But what if you are abused by Zhang Shaotian again? I ran to Class 3 and went back in anger, which made Wang Yan feel ashamed. If I lost to Zhang Shaotian again this time, I would really vomit blood. How can I pick up the soap together twice in a row?
According to the information obtained, it is estimated that Zhang Shaotian is the strongest herding sheep and summer and autumn, followed by Class Four.
Wang Yan had a dispute in his heart at this time.
"Let Zhang Shaotian and Mu Yang, who should be the strongest in the game, sum up the square of the week and Lu Yadong in our team. Let Zhu Jian and Xia Qiu be a group. Finally, I will deal with that Mo Tianyuan, so that even if we lose in the first two games and win in the last two games, we can get the score back. Then we still have hope of winning."
According to the previous rules, the game adopts the point system, with 1 point in the first three games and 2 points in the last game.
Knowing that Zhang Shaotian and Mu Yang can run to 10,000 meters, Wang Yan has no hope for Zhou Square and Lu Yadong, praying that they can lose well and don’t lose too much face to the team.
In summer and autumn, although he also ran to 10,000 meters in this competition, Zhu Jian also has the strength to play a good word! There is still a great hope of winning in the end if we can stabilize on the track
And in the end, Mo Tianyuan, who competes with himself, seems to Wang Yan to want to win him. That’s a word. It’s nothing!
In fact, Wang Yan is still a little selfish about this arrangement. Even if the three of them lost the first three games, they will try their best to win one in the last game, so the failure is not their own responsibility. If you want to blame them, blame them!
From this point of view, no matter how you say it, you won’t lose much …
"Yes, just a few of us can’t wait! Let me see if you have made any progress since you lost in our class last time! " Zhang Shaotian said at this moment
Wang Yan also don’t angry shrugged his shoulders face hung a smile "day elder brother sex is still so hurry! Yadong, go and run with Brother Tian! "
Sitting not far behind Wang Yan Luyadong face one leng stupefied tunnel "? Me? "
"Nonsense! It’s up to you. "Wang Yan’s face showed a little impatience.
Seeing that the game is coming, the atmosphere in the meeting room is high and everyone is following the input.
"Come on!"
"Brother Tian abused him to death!"
Luyadong reluctantly went, but there was no way to let Wang Yan be the captain. Perhaps his arrangement was meaningful …
Zhang Shaotian, the body party, was also surprised to see a face of unwilling obese boys and looked at the side cheerfully Wang Yan and left the pie mouth, saying, "No guts."
Wang Yan to the in the mind also looking forward to Luyadong and his drought-striken fields can take a Wang Xiangyun to win a game, but when his drought-stricken face came out from Mu Yang, he completely broke the idea. These two expectations were not delivered, so it was not surprisingly unreliable.
"Zhu Jian, you should be careful in this game. If you lose, we won’t have a chance." Wang Yan looked solemn
With the first two victories, the Genesis team has already got two points. If the third game wins again, there will be no suspense in this game.
"Don’t worry, I’ll try my best." Zhu Jian said in a very uncomfortable way.
You, the smallest and strongest person, chose the weakest person to be inferior to the three of us, but you let us take the lead! Even if you lose in the end, you have to take the main responsibility for this failure!
Zhu Jian, who is sitting in the competition seat, looks a lot more serious. If you lose this game, you will really lose!
The first two victories made everyone in the liberal arts class in the meeting room feel high. From time to time, the slogan "Liberal arts class must win" came out from the side and Zhu Jian was upset.
Opponent Xia Qiu heard that he also has the strength of 10,000 meters … I’m afraid this game is still not very easy …
Looked at the front screen projection Zhu Jian point this game sprint.
"If you can make it to the other side, just hang up first."
However, the idea in my heart is beautiful, but the reality is that when Zhu Jian strained a nerve and finally fell into a fault more than a thousand meters later, the handsome and elegant boy next to him still didn’t hang up. Look at the screen in front of him, and his performance has already left him far behind …
Lose every game in three games!
Chapter 79 Let’s have another game!
"I wipe! Still lost! ?” Wang Yan got up from his chair
Now there are three points in the hands of the Genesis team, even if Wang Yan miraculously pulls back one in the last game, it will not change the foregone conclusion that the game will fail!
"Ha ha! I said that our liberal arts class will definitely win, as I expected! "
"That must be the last game of our liberal arts soldier Ma Zhuang. I have long thought of it!"
"The Creation Team is really amazing!"
The discussion around the liberal arts class made Wang Yan’s face gradually gloomy, but he lost the game with the Creation Team!
"Wang bro, your performance didn’t surprise me …" Zhang Shaotian said lazily.
Mo Tianyuan’s faces are covered with smiles. This game may be a little difficult, but who knows that Wang Yanpai’s order seems to be based on their strength from weak to strong. These three people in front are Zhu Jian, who ran more than a thousand meters and could see something, but finally lost to the summer and autumn near 10,000 meters.
Wang Yan, who should be the strongest in their team, is no longer necessary …
At this time, dozens of people from the science class seem to lack interest, and some people have already walked out.
I’m going to see the abuse of liberal arts classes, but this Wang Yan is too disappointing! It’s good to win even one of the three games, but now I finally won a grand slam!
Zhu Jian Zhou Square, three people sitting on one side with their heads down, dare not look straight into the disappointed eyes of the science class.
Wang Yan’s heart turned sharply. "These guys have nothing. It’s too lame. Now the failure of the game has caused me to lose face here. Now I can win the last game and make my face look better …"
Thinking of this, he looks very righteous and tunnel, "It’s true that you won this game, but we still have a game that I want to get my own victory at last!"
Wang Yan’s words are not only exported by Mo Tianyuan, but also by several people, even those students who are going out in science classes have stopped at this time.
Although the score of the fourth game is 2 points, it doesn’t change the situation. It’s actually unnecessary for Wang Yan to say this at this time …
Everyone knows that it is good that the Creation Team has won now, but this Wang Yan is said to have a real strength of 10,000 meters. If he is determined to give this last game, the only Mo Tianyuan left in the Creation Team will not be able to outrun him.
"This guy seems to want his own strength to make the final result of the war sound better."
If Mo Tianyuan didn’t win him in the last game, wouldn’t it make everyone in the liberal arts class feel happy in the end?
"hey! Do you want to die? "

She is willing to understand!

But heaven and man who can understand her!
Ling has suffered too much during this period, and she has done more than everyone else!
She can no longer be selfish and ask for the warmth of her body!
She is Huang Yin-li, the wife of the Southern Xia Kingdom, who said,’ Go away and go back to your palace!’ Words almost instantly broke her fantasy of wanting to follow him far away.
Sure enough, she thinks too much, but the reality is too cruel!
The palace … Yes, there seems to be a place where she can go now. It’s not a palace!
But …
When Shinohara snow stumbled out of Ju ‘an Restaurant, she didn’t know that at this time, the windows of three rooms on the second floor of the restaurant were open, and each window had eyes full of pain, watching her walk into the twilight instantly.
Su Ling, covering her mouth, did not dare to make a sound at the first window on the second floor of the restaurant.
Seeing that Shinohara Snow has entered a one-person street, she turned and wanted to rush out of the door to follow in her footsteps.
But around burn old timely stopped her from moving.
"Don’t go to let her calm down! Someone protects! "
Words fall Su Ling tearful eyes dancing along the burn old line of sight, and sure enough, I saw Qi Hei, who was more than ten meters behind Shinohara Snow, following carefully.
So many days, it turns out that Qihei has always been there!
In the end, Huang Yin-li still can’t let go of Shinohara Snow. How can you let go when you love someone so deeply?
Strange things often make people!
On the other side, two windows were opened, except for Huang Yinxuan, who looked obscure and looked at Xiao Yu’s snow figure. One person left was the pale Huang Yinli.
Walking in the street, Shinohara’s steps have gradually become calm, and her eyes are dry and she can’t cry.
A person’s back looks thin and lonely.
This is where she grew up, but now walking alone makes her feel strange as never before.
The street is dark and the lanterns on both sides of the bluestone road are swaying, and the restaurant behind her is getting farther and farther with her pace.
When passing by a dim light, Xiao Xue was exhausted physically and mentally, and looked up at the twilight sky with a touch of candlelight.
"It seems that with the appearance of Huang Yinxuan, you have not escaped the injury!"
When Lou Zhan’s low voice rang through Xiao Xue’s ears, she looked back with irony and contempt, and her expression was as cold as ice. "You came to see my joke again?"
I don’t want to think about Shinohara snow, and Bai Louzhan appears in front of her again and again, not with the palace.
She always knew that when she refused to marry Lou Zhan, she must have always made him bear a grudge!
Now she feels that nothing can disturb her gradually frozen heart lake, including Lou Zhan means. It is not difficult to know the identity of Huang Yin Xuan in a short time!
Lou Zhan’s eyes drooped, then he squinted slightly, glanced at Yu Guang in the direction behind him, then converged all his expressions and said, "Grandmother, you should know that I have never hurt you!"
"So what?" Xiao Xue’s tight cheeks were a little stiff because of too many tears, so she said to Lou Zhan, "The Seven Emperors are trying to force me to marry you, but my answer is no, yes, yes!"
Maybe I thought I would get such an answer long ago, but Lou Zhan’s cheeks were not surprised at all. Instead, she smiled faintly and suddenly said, "Madam, I have a suggestion. I wonder if you would like to hear it!"
LouZhan smell breath again eyebrows glanced at behind and then close to shinohara trail "TaiNv I want to say things for your present situation may be a good choice!
I can tell you who assassinated you in the state of Qi and Chu! But before I need your position as a waitress and … "
"What else?"
Is almost consciousness shinohara snow asked 1!
For her, the person who tried to assassinate her in the state of Qi and Chu has always been a thorn in her heart!
And LouZhan since can say to the shinohara snow intuition is white what is his purpose!
Secretly thought that Shinohara’s snow was as lonely and cold as a moment of loss! It turns out that she still has it for others! Isn’t it!
"Why don’t you and I go back to the palace to discuss it in detail?"
Lou Zhan’s eyes looked at the rear more than once, but even if Shinohara’s snow heart was heavy, she also noticed something!
See Shinohara snow and some hesitation LouZhan abrupt in the previous step beside Shinohara snow suddenly dropped a word in her ear.
It is precisely because of this sentence that Shinohara Snow’s eyes are wide open and looking at Louzhan’s expression has begun to become somewhat suspicious.
"Believe me, I am not your enemy!"
After Louzhan finally uttered these words, Shinohara Snow took a deep breath and closed her eyes again. All the emotional departments disappeared.
When Shinohara’s eyes were still attached, she finally looked into the distance, which was not clear. After Ju ‘an Restaurant, she looked at Lou Zhan intently and nodded, "Go back to the palace!"
It was in Shinohara Snow and Lou Zhan that they quickly disappeared in the street and soon appeared. Qi Black looked dignified and anxious. He saw the appearance of Lou Qi Huang, but he actually took away Tainv. !
This ….. How did he tell the Lord? !
No matter how anxious Qihe is to find out, everything has ended.
Because of the decision from Shinohara Snow and Lou Zhan’s return to the palace in a short time, Xia Xiaoxue, the wife of the Southern Xia Dynasty, is about to marry the seven emperors of Lou Yue.
Palace courtyard Tainv Palace
After a long absence, Tainvgong seems to have been involved in the days when Shinohara Snow left.
It was when she and Lou Zhan entered the Tainv Palace together that a dusty smell in the palace made her lip corner unexpectedly cross a touch of irony.
Imperial nobles are nothing but a word from the emperor!
She used to be the most valued daughter of the mother emperor, but now it’s ironic to think that she has become a lost dog because of a man
Behind Shinohara Snow, the pace of Louzhan was steady and followed step by step, and just as two people stepped into the hall of Tainvgong, the whole hall was lit up in an instant.