Compared with the match between Lazio and Manchester United, the "Champions League national derby" between Guardiola Barcelona and Mourinho Real Madrid on the other side is not so attractive.

After all, Barcelona and Real Madrid are still earth teams.
Barcelona used to be high, but after playing two semi-finals with Lazio last season, it was knocked down by Lazio and returned to the ground.
However, the match between Manchester United and Lazio was given such an interesting title by the English media.
"Defend the Earth!"
Lazio is an alien team and Manchester United is the earth guard. If Manchester United can beat Lazio, it will be considered as a successful defense of the earth.
Actually, this game really deserves such a name.
Before Manchester United’s home game against Lazio, many famous football players and professionals in Europe were enthusiastic about Manchester United’s suggestions and references.
Mourinho, who has had many experience against Lazio, said in an interview that he had given Ferguson a message about how to deal with Lazio.
"… Lazio’s characteristic is that their ball is very smooth. Once Lazio is allowed to play the football, it will be very difficult for them to attack. The most important thing is that they can’t make the football run smoothly."
Mourinho told reporter that this was his advice to Ferguson.
In addition, AC Milan coach allegri also told Ferguson through the media that "physical fitness is very important, but more importantly, if physical fitness is distributed reasonably, if the physical fitness is finished at half time, the half-court team will definitely collapse …"
Juventus coach Delli, who just played against Lazio, also said, "They are very fast, which is their biggest feature and threat. We should try our best to reduce their time …"
In addition to these coaches, there are many famous football players and experts who advise Ferguson in various ways.
Naturally, all these people who help Manchester United so privately have one purpose, that is, to hope that Manchester United can beat Lazio.
So one Manchester United team combined the wisdom of other teams.
This scene is really like the ball force in Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters in the United States to jointly fight against alien invaders
Some English media have given Manchester United a new name called "Man-Earth Coalition"
Changsheng has another interpretation of this matter.
"In fact, it is the six martial arts sects that besieged Guangding."
He said this to his coaching staff
Rudy Gonzá lez and dimatteo asked at the same time, "What do you mean,’ Six Wulin sects besieged Guangding’?"
Chang Sheng just wanted to open his mouth, and suddenly he felt that it was particularly troublesome to explain. He had to start with "Eternal Dragon Slayer" first, and then he had to explain what "martial arts novel" was. Explaining "martial arts novel" naturally bypassed Jin Yong’s introduction of the wrong person and went forward, which was the cultural background of martial arts novels in China …
Changsheng thinks that he has explained all these things clearly, and it is estimated that he will have to go to several chapters, that is, naked irrigation to make up the number of words
So he waved his hand. "Simply put, a group of people with different thoughts but high-sounding voices gathered in a place called Guangding under the banner of’ doing justice for heaven’ to jointly destroy the villain."
"We are the villain?" Dimatteo asked.
Ever-victorious nodded. "Of course, we are the big villains. We are besieged by those just men. The situation is very critical, but …"
His voice turned and he laughed. "The villain will win the final victory!"
Chapter four hundred and fifty Life is to fight and then triumph.
The media are talking about the cooperation of European football Qi Xin to help Manchester United beat Lazio.
Even in the press conference before the game, there were media reporters who got up and asked questions like Chang Sheng.
He said, "Does this phenomenon mean that Lazio is very unpopular?"
Chang Sheng sneered at this. He grunted, "This can tell how much Europe is afraid of us. It has done its utmost to beat us."
He shrugged his shoulders and spread his hand. "But I don’t care whether it is Manchester United plus Real Madrid plus AC Milan plus Juventus plus other cat, dog and dog teams that play against us … If someone thinks that this can beat us, I welcome them to try because they don’t really lose to us, they won’t be in vain."
The winning performance is very domineering. At Old Trafford, his momentum makes people feel that he is the owner here.
And journalists are also surprised by Chang Sheng’s confidence.
Maybe he’s bluffing.
Many reporters think so in their hearts.
Always winning doesn’t matter what journalists think. Anyway, they are going to win the game. These journalists’ thoughts are meaningless at all.
Compared with being confident, Ferguson is very cautious even at home.
He didn’t say before the game that it was an advantage to be behind by one goal, but said, "No matter how many goals we are behind, we are behind. I don’t know what the media will think of us. The hot spot is that Lazio is our home, but the score is behind us. This game is very difficult …"
The old fox hid his minions as if he were a cute Samoyed dog …
He wants to transfer all his bets to Lazio and let the pressure go to Lazio. Before the game, he tried his best to decompress his players.
He never talks about the factors that are beneficial to him, that is, repeating the difficulties of the game over and over again.
It seems that this is not his home but an away game.
The attitude of these two head coaches at the pre-match press conference is really interesting and tight.
The visiting coach is confident, but the home coach is cautious.
At the press conference before the game, both coaches also announced their respective starting lists for this game.
Judging from the starting list, both sides are the strongest players in the best condition.
A Premier League game breaks and Manchester United’s main squad starts.
And so is Lazio.
Just look at the starting list and you can imagine how fierce the game will be.
However, Manchester United’s starting list is not quite the same as when the two sides played in the first leg.
At home, Ferguson chose a strong attack array instead of defending as he did away from home.
Obviously, Manchester United is going to attack this game at home.
This is not unexpected.
If you don’t attack after losing a goal in the first round, then Manchester United is not Manchester United. It is necessary to attack. There is no suspense.
The key is to see how Manchester United attack.

However, if we say that the most gorgeous skill effect is still in the illegal meeting, the president of the illegal meeting will spend a lot of money and be dressed in gold. It is also solid, and his level can wear the highest level of equipment, and the golden staff is held high and dazzling.

Light Magician This is a profession with few flowers and few flowers. It also has another name called "Great Magician". It is said that it is the profession with the most gorgeous wisdom classification skills and the most considerable damage.
Many players, especially illegal congregation players, are looking at how many flowers there are, but they are a little confused about this injury.
"The great magician is not skilled enough to play so little," Xia said to the player next to him.
"At first glance, it’s just throwing skills around. It’s not a shame if 67 blood hurts," said another player
"Hey, how much damage can you expect from a Chinese currency player? It’s nothing but gold and jade. "
Summer ears listening to their comments, eyes staring at the family member hp hand syringe is always ready.
Three strings of injury figures emerged from the head of the haze beast. It was the three long arrows of Thunder that caused the injury. A cheer in the thunder field caused the illegal meeting to look askance.
"Ah, I forgot to add buff Thunder to you!" Xia heard a familiar sound and turned to look at it. It was a lovely girl wearing a wizard’s cloak, holding a magic wand in her hand, and there was something flashing around her. Look at the tears of the deputy chief of the family and the moon above her head.
"Thor arrival!" The moon cried out in tears, a magic wand flashed and flew to the thunder, and her hair crackled.
"Wow, will it be numb?" Xia looked sympathetically at the patriarch Lei Tong and put an "angel love" to add a handful of blood to the nearby family members.
"Eat my salted fish!" The sound of Viawood tired came again. Xia glanced at it and found that it was one of their slogans. No one attacked it with salted fish, but it really caught the attention of onlookers.
"Ah-!" Haze beast is not as cute as haze at all, but it is more advanced than haze because it can talk "Eat me pm25!" "
"poof!" Xia and many players couldn’t help laughing. Is this haze beast being sold now with Via logging? Even the members of the Viavamulet family couldn’t help saying, "Hey, Haze, are you the mascot that our family sneaked out?"
Chief Yue Ming heard the family idiot shouting this and shouted back, "What nonsense? Isn’t our family mascot a salted fish?"
Vija logging tired all qi qi show nai expression "heads of the adult this is you a bad taste ….."
The talking haze beast "pm25" fell on people’s heads like rain. Of course, it was not "rain" but "particulate matter"
"What kind of attack is this? It seems nothing?" The players watched the smoke and dust beating against the school quickly in the summer, and she felt that no matter what it was, even the dust could not be left in her body so carelessly.
"Ah, save lives! These dusts are poisonous!" The sharp girl is no longer charming and bared her teeth and ran away at the flower. The flower frowned slightly, and the player dressed like a robot behind him immediately stood in front of him.
"A generation of Tianjiao, be honest, don’t jump on the big and small!" Xia heard the robot say this, and then she didn’t have the heart to pay attention to it, because she saw that hp, the head of her family, was gradually decreasing, and their faces were all green.
"pm25…… … this name is really poisonous." Xia silently vomited a sentence to raise the "angel of the afterlife" and add blood to the family.
Pm25, a poison-releasing skill, brings persistent blood loss. In summer, "angel love" has a limited treatment range, so it is necessary to run back and forth in the family to hold their blood strips. After this wave of attacks, she has not come to breathe a sigh of relief. Seeing that the haze beast jumped up again, she shouted, "People who don’t know how to protect the environment are stupid! Let the great pm1 send you the way! "
Then, a big smoky ball was smashed from half to half like a hail.
"It’s too exaggerated to rely on this game. No matter how big pm1 is, it can’t be as big as table tennis!" Many players hold their heads to avoid the explosion of pm1, and the pressure on the haze beast is much less, and the haze skill is released, which makes the players miserable.
While avoiding pm1, Xia has to take care of the blood volume of family members. In a short time, her own blood is half. Xia Gang wants to eat a bowl of mushroom soup. Suddenly, she feels warm and sees that her hp has become%.
"Is it another nurse?" Looking around in the summer, I didn’t see similar players.
"Be careful!" A gentle woman rang behind Xia, and then pulled Xia back, and a huge pm1 landed in Xia. Just now, a small pit was blown out at the site.
Xia Yi looked back and saw a girl with big round eyes that were almost the same as the moon’s tears. Look at her head. The name and blood strips are the same family member. The name is simply called "Yingxue".
"Thank you," Xia said gratefully.
Ying Xue chuckled and shook her head gently and said, "I just worked hard for your treatment."
At this time, it seems that people in the family have just discovered that Yingxue is shouting "The big wet nurse is here, we are saved" and running around. It is normal that Xia is a little nai, maybe his treatment level is too low and he has just entered the family.
Yingxue cocked her head and sent a message on the family channel, "Thank you, Rose and other wet nurses. I’m sorry I’m late. Come on!"
In the summer, I didn’t expect Yingxue to do this specially. I felt warm in my heart. Two people smiled at each other and split up and infiltrated into the thunder field. Family members kept adding blood. The level of Yingxue was very high. In the summer, many people could not only add blood and blood skills to their members, but also free their hands to put one or two attack skills on the haze beast, which made Xia look envious.
"If I can do it like her, I will definitely earn more money," Xia thought.
Haze beast in Qi Xin together finally reached the residual blood state.
"Let’s stall the hostile family and leave the last blow to the patriarch!"
Chapter 40 Haze nightmare
"Be hostile to everyone and let the patriarch get the last blow!" Someone shouted on the family channel that before Xia could react, the members changed direction and fought against other family members, and other families were not to be outdone. Most people knew that this step would come, and strange players around them fought together.

No wonder this team can win the Triple Crown and the Champions League twice in three years.

When Ballack found out that he was a former Chelsea player, he had a record of playing against Lazio, but he didn’t know anything about this team.
It was not until he joined the team that he discovered many things that surprised him.
The more he knows, the more he feels that this team is terrible.
At the same time, I feel that in this team, I may really be able to successfully participate in the European Championship two years later …
After the game, Barak took the initiative to ask for the ball many times and was completely different from the performance in a game.
The commentator Caressa saw the difference at a glance.
"Today, Ballack is very confident … It’s amazing that he is still so confident after losing the German national team … What happened to him in this week?"
It is true that many stories have happened in this week, but it is a pity that these reporters have not paid attention to Vermelot, and their attention is on the national team competition.
So now they are surprised.
In this game, until the end, Ballack didn’t actually have a direct assist or score a goal.
However, he is something that everyone can’t ignore. Caressa kept mentioning Barak’s name in the game, because if he didn’t say Barak, there would be no explanation for the game.
In Lazio’s attack, the football passed Ballack’s foot many times.
Later, after the game, he was the player who scored the most goals in Lazio.
Although he didn’t assist and score goals, his contribution to Lazio’s attack can not be ignored.
It was his coordination in midfield that ensured Lazio’s smooth attack.
Lazio scored three goals in this game, none of which was assisted by him or initiated by him.
His performance in midfield can be seen by anyone who really knows the ropes.
Ballack’s performance in this game is much better than that in the last one!
Because he has been integrated into the tactical body of this team.
In the eyes of experts, this performance is much more meaningful than scoring a goal and assisting once.
You can’t score goals and assist in every game, but you have to integrate into the team in every game.
And Barak has done it initially.
This surprised the reporters in the commentary and media gallery.
It was more than a week ago. How did this change happen?
This is incredible!
Someone turned their attention to the coach’s seat and won.
Not only did they watch the broadcast, but they also pointed the close-up at him.
It seems that everyone wants to go together
Can Barack show such amazing changes in just over a week?
Changsheng has played for many times for a short time. When he was in Hertha, he was in a mood and let Hertha master ikiaka tactics initially, thus defeating the powerful Mallorca in the final of the King’s Cup and winning the King’s Cup.
He is capable of this.
But how he did it is not clear to everyone.
Ballack feels good. He always wins and feels good.
More than a week of special training is finally all the results.
Moreover, this is not the result of special training, but also the credit of training skills
Although training skills can’t integrate Ballack into the team’s tactical body, it can increase Ballack’s tacit understanding with the players and improve Ballack’s tactical execution ability.
All this ultimately transformed Ballack’s performance in this game.
Of course, it is not enough to rely on training skills, otherwise he will arrange training programs casually and then give the training skills directly to Barak.
The actual training skills do exist, but they need to be played on the basis of normal training. If you don’t arrange any training, the training skills will certainly increase the number of players, but the increase will be very limited.
Only with correct training can we achieve breakthrough growth.
For example, if you want to improve players’ physical fitness, you use aerobic training skills, but in actual training, you arrange tactical training subjects, so even if there are training skills, the number of teams [endurance] will increase very little.
It is necessary to cooperate with the correct training methods to receive the correct influence of training skills.
This is also a unified setting to prevent constant success and laziness. Since you are a head coach, you should have a head coach. You can beat the sky without relying on this system to train your skills.
If you don’t master what a real teaching assistant Lin should do, even if you have training skills, it doesn’t make sense. It’s not as good as a C-level coach from Europe.
All Barak’s changes have always won, so he is really proud of himself.
There are his painstaking efforts and sweat training skills, which are just icing on the cake and can’t be decisive.
Training skills will shorten Ballack’s integration into the team, which is what the winners value
Now Barak has found the right direction, and that is to accumulate experience and feelings.
Changsheng has nothing to worry about.
Although Barak hasn’t really flashed yet, he always wins. It can be said that Barak’s problem has been solved by him
Lazio beat Bologna at home 31.
Lazio won applause and cheers from the fans, and Ballack also got some cheers, but the focus of attention was still on those players who scored goals.

"Luckily! I got a math test of 39 for such a long time, and I was still the last one. It scared me a lot … "

In fact, a few days ago, when Muyang learned about the strength of several people in the original team, he even got Wang Yan’s exam results. At that time, he was amused and looked forward to seeing that Wang Yan’s math score was 3, so he was particularly impressed by this score …
It will rot in the stomach, but who knows that Wang Yan’s goods are all right? This mouth is naturally made to accommodate others and let everyone know that you are happy …
Chapter 7 lose all three games!
Wang Yan knows that it’s not a good crop to graze Yang. When he can sit and sulk, he can turn a deaf ear to the laughter of this shameful group of pages around him.
Just now, Wang Yan talked about Zhang Shaotian’s words with the whole liberal arts class. People in the liberal arts class were unhappy with him. However, Mu Yang’s words were aimed at Wang Yan. One person didn’t ridicule the science class, so the people in the science class were not very happy in their hearts, but they all shrugged their shoulders.
Liu Xintong’s rosy little face is smiling and has no scruples about the image of a lady.
Mo Tianyuan glanced at the crowd and didn’t see Xiao Yuying’s heart relieved. "Look, that kid didn’t know that today’s game was so good that he distracted me here."
"All right! Now say that grades can have an egg! Does the score test make you run farther? "
Wang Yan testily waved his hand to stop the ridicule of everyone next to him. "Let’s not dawdle. It is important to hurry up and play."
A few days ago, I learned the exact strength of Zhang Shaotian’s several people. Wang Yan once went to Class Five to find Shi Fei. As a result, Shi Fei said, "You are no match."
Lie in the trough! You can’t do it yourself, so you say that others are no match?
However, since Wang Yan, who wants something from others, is unhappy with this answer as white as white, but he also choked back his anger. Finally, the general result of the competition between Shi Fei and Genesis Team was mastered in his hands.
Among the information he learned, Zhang Shaotian and Mu Yang Xia Qiu were all suspicious because they all ran so far away from Class Four in front of Shi Fei, and that little Mo Tianyuan won without running far at that time, and he didn’t know his real strength.
After getting this result, Wang Yan was really surprised. It’s a little scary to know that there are so many people in a team who can run ten thousand meters …
But everyone in senior two already knows about this competition. Now, even if it’s not better than that, it’s difficult to ride a tiger. If you lose the competition, you can’t lose momentum!
But what if you are abused by Zhang Shaotian again? I ran to Class 3 and went back in anger, which made Wang Yan feel ashamed. If I lost to Zhang Shaotian again this time, I would really vomit blood. How can I pick up the soap together twice in a row?
According to the information obtained, it is estimated that Zhang Shaotian is the strongest herding sheep and summer and autumn, followed by Class Four.
Wang Yan had a dispute in his heart at this time.
"Let Zhang Shaotian and Mu Yang, who should be the strongest in the game, sum up the square of the week and Lu Yadong in our team. Let Zhu Jian and Xia Qiu be a group. Finally, I will deal with that Mo Tianyuan, so that even if we lose in the first two games and win in the last two games, we can get the score back. Then we still have hope of winning."
According to the previous rules, the game adopts the point system, with 1 point in the first three games and 2 points in the last game.
Knowing that Zhang Shaotian and Mu Yang can run to 10,000 meters, Wang Yan has no hope for Zhou Square and Lu Yadong, praying that they can lose well and don’t lose too much face to the team.
In summer and autumn, although he also ran to 10,000 meters in this competition, Zhu Jian also has the strength to play a good word! There is still a great hope of winning in the end if we can stabilize on the track
And in the end, Mo Tianyuan, who competes with himself, seems to Wang Yan to want to win him. That’s a word. It’s nothing!
In fact, Wang Yan is still a little selfish about this arrangement. Even if the three of them lost the first three games, they will try their best to win one in the last game, so the failure is not their own responsibility. If you want to blame them, blame them!
From this point of view, no matter how you say it, you won’t lose much …
"Yes, just a few of us can’t wait! Let me see if you have made any progress since you lost in our class last time! " Zhang Shaotian said at this moment
Wang Yan also don’t angry shrugged his shoulders face hung a smile "day elder brother sex is still so hurry! Yadong, go and run with Brother Tian! "
Sitting not far behind Wang Yan Luyadong face one leng stupefied tunnel "? Me? "
"Nonsense! It’s up to you. "Wang Yan’s face showed a little impatience.
Seeing that the game is coming, the atmosphere in the meeting room is high and everyone is following the input.
"Come on!"
"Brother Tian abused him to death!"
Luyadong reluctantly went, but there was no way to let Wang Yan be the captain. Perhaps his arrangement was meaningful …
Zhang Shaotian, the body party, was also surprised to see a face of unwilling obese boys and looked at the side cheerfully Wang Yan and left the pie mouth, saying, "No guts."
Wang Yan to the in the mind also looking forward to Luyadong and his drought-striken fields can take a Wang Xiangyun to win a game, but when his drought-stricken face came out from Mu Yang, he completely broke the idea. These two expectations were not delivered, so it was not surprisingly unreliable.
"Zhu Jian, you should be careful in this game. If you lose, we won’t have a chance." Wang Yan looked solemn
With the first two victories, the Genesis team has already got two points. If the third game wins again, there will be no suspense in this game.
"Don’t worry, I’ll try my best." Zhu Jian said in a very uncomfortable way.
You, the smallest and strongest person, chose the weakest person to be inferior to the three of us, but you let us take the lead! Even if you lose in the end, you have to take the main responsibility for this failure!
Zhu Jian, who is sitting in the competition seat, looks a lot more serious. If you lose this game, you will really lose!
The first two victories made everyone in the liberal arts class in the meeting room feel high. From time to time, the slogan "Liberal arts class must win" came out from the side and Zhu Jian was upset.
Opponent Xia Qiu heard that he also has the strength of 10,000 meters … I’m afraid this game is still not very easy …
Looked at the front screen projection Zhu Jian point this game sprint.
"If you can make it to the other side, just hang up first."
However, the idea in my heart is beautiful, but the reality is that when Zhu Jian strained a nerve and finally fell into a fault more than a thousand meters later, the handsome and elegant boy next to him still didn’t hang up. Look at the screen in front of him, and his performance has already left him far behind …
Lose every game in three games!
Chapter 79 Let’s have another game!
"I wipe! Still lost! ?” Wang Yan got up from his chair
Now there are three points in the hands of the Genesis team, even if Wang Yan miraculously pulls back one in the last game, it will not change the foregone conclusion that the game will fail!
"Ha ha! I said that our liberal arts class will definitely win, as I expected! "
"That must be the last game of our liberal arts soldier Ma Zhuang. I have long thought of it!"
"The Creation Team is really amazing!"
The discussion around the liberal arts class made Wang Yan’s face gradually gloomy, but he lost the game with the Creation Team!
"Wang bro, your performance didn’t surprise me …" Zhang Shaotian said lazily.
Mo Tianyuan’s faces are covered with smiles. This game may be a little difficult, but who knows that Wang Yanpai’s order seems to be based on their strength from weak to strong. These three people in front are Zhu Jian, who ran more than a thousand meters and could see something, but finally lost to the summer and autumn near 10,000 meters.
Wang Yan, who should be the strongest in their team, is no longer necessary …
At this time, dozens of people from the science class seem to lack interest, and some people have already walked out.
I’m going to see the abuse of liberal arts classes, but this Wang Yan is too disappointing! It’s good to win even one of the three games, but now I finally won a grand slam!
Zhu Jian Zhou Square, three people sitting on one side with their heads down, dare not look straight into the disappointed eyes of the science class.
Wang Yan’s heart turned sharply. "These guys have nothing. It’s too lame. Now the failure of the game has caused me to lose face here. Now I can win the last game and make my face look better …"
Thinking of this, he looks very righteous and tunnel, "It’s true that you won this game, but we still have a game that I want to get my own victory at last!"
Wang Yan’s words are not only exported by Mo Tianyuan, but also by several people, even those students who are going out in science classes have stopped at this time.
Although the score of the fourth game is 2 points, it doesn’t change the situation. It’s actually unnecessary for Wang Yan to say this at this time …
Everyone knows that it is good that the Creation Team has won now, but this Wang Yan is said to have a real strength of 10,000 meters. If he is determined to give this last game, the only Mo Tianyuan left in the Creation Team will not be able to outrun him.
"This guy seems to want his own strength to make the final result of the war sound better."
If Mo Tianyuan didn’t win him in the last game, wouldn’t it make everyone in the liberal arts class feel happy in the end?
"hey! Do you want to die? "

She is willing to understand!

But heaven and man who can understand her!
Ling has suffered too much during this period, and she has done more than everyone else!
She can no longer be selfish and ask for the warmth of her body!
She is Huang Yin-li, the wife of the Southern Xia Kingdom, who said,’ Go away and go back to your palace!’ Words almost instantly broke her fantasy of wanting to follow him far away.
Sure enough, she thinks too much, but the reality is too cruel!
The palace … Yes, there seems to be a place where she can go now. It’s not a palace!
But …
When Shinohara snow stumbled out of Ju ‘an Restaurant, she didn’t know that at this time, the windows of three rooms on the second floor of the restaurant were open, and each window had eyes full of pain, watching her walk into the twilight instantly.
Su Ling, covering her mouth, did not dare to make a sound at the first window on the second floor of the restaurant.
Seeing that Shinohara Snow has entered a one-person street, she turned and wanted to rush out of the door to follow in her footsteps.
But around burn old timely stopped her from moving.
"Don’t go to let her calm down! Someone protects! "
Words fall Su Ling tearful eyes dancing along the burn old line of sight, and sure enough, I saw Qi Hei, who was more than ten meters behind Shinohara Snow, following carefully.
So many days, it turns out that Qihei has always been there!
In the end, Huang Yin-li still can’t let go of Shinohara Snow. How can you let go when you love someone so deeply?
Strange things often make people!
On the other side, two windows were opened, except for Huang Yinxuan, who looked obscure and looked at Xiao Yu’s snow figure. One person left was the pale Huang Yinli.
Walking in the street, Shinohara’s steps have gradually become calm, and her eyes are dry and she can’t cry.
A person’s back looks thin and lonely.
This is where she grew up, but now walking alone makes her feel strange as never before.
The street is dark and the lanterns on both sides of the bluestone road are swaying, and the restaurant behind her is getting farther and farther with her pace.
When passing by a dim light, Xiao Xue was exhausted physically and mentally, and looked up at the twilight sky with a touch of candlelight.
"It seems that with the appearance of Huang Yinxuan, you have not escaped the injury!"
When Lou Zhan’s low voice rang through Xiao Xue’s ears, she looked back with irony and contempt, and her expression was as cold as ice. "You came to see my joke again?"
I don’t want to think about Shinohara snow, and Bai Louzhan appears in front of her again and again, not with the palace.
She always knew that when she refused to marry Lou Zhan, she must have always made him bear a grudge!
Now she feels that nothing can disturb her gradually frozen heart lake, including Lou Zhan means. It is not difficult to know the identity of Huang Yin Xuan in a short time!
Lou Zhan’s eyes drooped, then he squinted slightly, glanced at Yu Guang in the direction behind him, then converged all his expressions and said, "Grandmother, you should know that I have never hurt you!"
"So what?" Xiao Xue’s tight cheeks were a little stiff because of too many tears, so she said to Lou Zhan, "The Seven Emperors are trying to force me to marry you, but my answer is no, yes, yes!"
Maybe I thought I would get such an answer long ago, but Lou Zhan’s cheeks were not surprised at all. Instead, she smiled faintly and suddenly said, "Madam, I have a suggestion. I wonder if you would like to hear it!"
LouZhan smell breath again eyebrows glanced at behind and then close to shinohara trail "TaiNv I want to say things for your present situation may be a good choice!
I can tell you who assassinated you in the state of Qi and Chu! But before I need your position as a waitress and … "
"What else?"
Is almost consciousness shinohara snow asked 1!
For her, the person who tried to assassinate her in the state of Qi and Chu has always been a thorn in her heart!
And LouZhan since can say to the shinohara snow intuition is white what is his purpose!
Secretly thought that Shinohara’s snow was as lonely and cold as a moment of loss! It turns out that she still has it for others! Isn’t it!
"Why don’t you and I go back to the palace to discuss it in detail?"
Lou Zhan’s eyes looked at the rear more than once, but even if Shinohara’s snow heart was heavy, she also noticed something!
See Shinohara snow and some hesitation LouZhan abrupt in the previous step beside Shinohara snow suddenly dropped a word in her ear.
It is precisely because of this sentence that Shinohara Snow’s eyes are wide open and looking at Louzhan’s expression has begun to become somewhat suspicious.
"Believe me, I am not your enemy!"
After Louzhan finally uttered these words, Shinohara Snow took a deep breath and closed her eyes again. All the emotional departments disappeared.
When Shinohara’s eyes were still attached, she finally looked into the distance, which was not clear. After Ju ‘an Restaurant, she looked at Lou Zhan intently and nodded, "Go back to the palace!"
It was in Shinohara Snow and Lou Zhan that they quickly disappeared in the street and soon appeared. Qi Black looked dignified and anxious. He saw the appearance of Lou Qi Huang, but he actually took away Tainv. !
This ….. How did he tell the Lord? !
No matter how anxious Qihe is to find out, everything has ended.
Because of the decision from Shinohara Snow and Lou Zhan’s return to the palace in a short time, Xia Xiaoxue, the wife of the Southern Xia Dynasty, is about to marry the seven emperors of Lou Yue.
Palace courtyard Tainv Palace
After a long absence, Tainvgong seems to have been involved in the days when Shinohara Snow left.
It was when she and Lou Zhan entered the Tainv Palace together that a dusty smell in the palace made her lip corner unexpectedly cross a touch of irony.
Imperial nobles are nothing but a word from the emperor!
She used to be the most valued daughter of the mother emperor, but now it’s ironic to think that she has become a lost dog because of a man
Behind Shinohara Snow, the pace of Louzhan was steady and followed step by step, and just as two people stepped into the hall of Tainvgong, the whole hall was lit up in an instant.

But … He has to wait.

Waiting for him to grow up a little.
If precious little also feel hungry, he nodded his head.
Ji Yue Yun Luo took her hand and walked to the table.
And ordered someone to send some food.
If you cherish the food behind the table, you will bury yourself in eating a lot.
Ji Yue Yun Luo’s lips are full of spoiled smiles, and she wiped off the grease stains on her lips with a handkerchief.
It seems that … she is really hungry, and this eating can be wolfed down.
After dinner, if you cherish a face of satisfaction, stretch out your hand and touch your belly.
Ji Yue Yun Luo looked at her and asked softly, "Are you full?"
If precious little nodded, well, not only was I full, but my stomach was full.
Ji Yue Yun Luo got up and went to her side and stretched out a hand toward her and smiled gently. "Now that you are full, go out for a walk now."
If precious little leng leng looked at him and held out his hand for a while …
Then he handed his hand over shyly [
Ji Yue Yun Luo firmly held and led her out of the room.
The moonlight is just right.
There is a bright moon hanging in the middle of the month
He walk hand in hand with her in that corridor covered with red lantern.
All kinds of flowers are planted on both sides of the corridor.
As soon as the breeze blows, charming flowers float into the nose.
It is quiet all around.
Two people footsteps in such a quiet night gently ring.
Silent month YunLuo tilting head looked at her from time to time.
Looking at the lip angle can’t help but evoke a happy smile.
Xiao Ruoxi … has become his bride.
His heart has never been so satisfied.
That happiness seems to overflow from my heart.
It turns out that being with someone you like, even in silence, is happy and happy.
Just like at this moment, they
Walk slowly hand in hand without saying a word to each other.
I don’t know where to go …
Walk without direction
Because there is such a person around me, even if he wants to go to the ends of the earth, he will not hesitate to go with him.
There is still a long way to go.
He knows that Ruoxi doesn’t love him yet.
She has a crush on him … It’s just that [
But this is enough for him.
If she likes him, he has the confidence to let her love herself.
After all, they are all young, aren’t they?
If I like you …
Looking down at her delicate little face like a flower, he couldn’t help whispering something like a sigh
Ruoxi looked back and blinked, and there was a trace of doubt in her eyes. "What did you just say?"
He smiled and held out a hand and gently brushed a judo on her head. "There are no flowers blowing on your head."
The palm of your hand speaks faintly white.
When he opened his palm in her eyes, there was a petal in his white palm.
"Ruoxi, do you know what this flower is?"
If precious little shook his head …
This flower is very beautiful, but … she has never seen it before.
Ji Yue Yun Luo hooked her lips and held her petals gently in her palm. "This is the Phoenix Flower …"
"Phoenix flower?"
That’s a nice name …
Ji Yue Yun Luo nodded.
Phoenix flower … Words will never change from generation to generation, love-
The whole article of this fox is finished. Section 554: New article.
The light dance new article "Mommy, don’t run, the president catches the runaway wife" is wonderful ~
Introduction "Miss Tong, thank you for coming to my wedding." At the wedding, he appeared in front of the bride with his lover who was pregnant for six months. She laughed cruelly and sent her from heaven to hell three months later. "The president has good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" There is a dangerous light in the man’s eyes. "The good news is that Miss Tong is pregnant, and the bad news is that she escaped with her three-month-old master."
Link hp:/ Section 555: New Text
The light dance new article "Mommy, don’t run, the president catches the runaway wife" is wonderful ~
Introduction "Miss Tong, thank you for coming to my wedding." At the wedding, he appeared in front of the bride with his lover who was pregnant for six months. She laughed cruelly and sent her from heaven to hell three months later. "The president has good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" There is a dangerous light in the man’s eyes. "The good news is that Miss Tong is pregnant, and the bad news is that she escaped with her three-month-old master."
Link hp:/ Section 556: New Text
The light dance new article "Mommy, don’t run, the president catches the runaway wife" is wonderful ~
Introduction "Miss Tong, thank you for coming to my wedding." At the wedding, he appeared in front of the bride with his lover who was pregnant for six months. She laughed cruelly and sent her from heaven to hell three months later. "The president has good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" There is a dangerous light in the man’s eyes. "The good news is that Miss Tong is pregnant, and the bad news is that she escaped with her three-month-old master."
Link hp:/\
= finished =
For more information, please visit Love, Simplified: hps://idzs8; Traditional: hps://idzs8w
8 it is in
"Smell the Three Taitai/Zhe: Puppet Darling"
"Status: Finished"

Sending light is more and more shining, and it is a big move to wander. He is an emotional spell machine gun to cooperate with his teammates to play the harvesting rhythm.

Shi Qiangqiang is also fighting at the blue buff. He has been impatient and ready to show an epic exercise at the blue buff. He watched the eyes send light from strong to weak and finally failed, but his brain didn’t react. For a second, he was in a state of crashing.
Failed. Wait for him? The delivery failed
Shi Qiangqiang’s heart is roaring. What is this situation? I didn’t fuck myself. Why didn’t I send it there?
Tang Qinling and others found this deadly situation instantaneous and messy.
"What’s the matter with A Qiang?"
"I am strong in history, and you cancel your death."
"I went to Qiangqiang, did you slip your hand? This is a team battle, dear uncle."
Tang Qinling, Wang Qiang, and Zhou Xiong all expressed their messy feelings about this cancellation. History is strong and blushing at the moment. What is the situation?
"I definitely didn’t cancel. I don’t even have a keyboard? I see. It’s a barrel trick."
Shi Qiangqiang moved his perspective back to the circuit and just saw the barrel carrying the defensive tower, hurting and burping with a comfortable face, which made Shi Qiangqiang hate not stepping on this fat body.
"Well done" Di Qiu is relieved to see that the vagrant failed at the moment. If the vagrant can’t come, then this team battle is absolutely proper.
Go back to the front of the camera
Wandering and barrel-to-barrel brushing both sides wandered back to the tower when the blue buff was about to have a team battle, and disappeared into the barrel field of vision. This distance was definitely a strong one, and the perspective was moved to the road.
It’s not enough to stop the wandering from coming at the first time. Send this single barrel with an E skill, then decisively add a flash, and after a long displacement, finally reach the limit distance and throw a big move. The instantaneous explosion directly blows the wandering away from the original place and successfully interrupts his delivery.
In this way, Shi Qiangqiang’s wandering has caused tons of blows to his teammates. Although the wandering is not satisfactory, the team battle is still going on. The opposite side will not become soft-hearted because the wandering has not arrived, but will become worse. Zhang Hao and others are black in the face.
Jiela handed over the big move group aoe, which hurt well and hit the opposite three people. Zhang Hao looked at the situation, adjusted his position, pulled out the hook and pulled it to the opposite ad Levin.
It is important to pull Draven. He is the second tallest guy in the opposite output. At present, it is imperative for Silas to kill Draven.
Zhang Hao’s combination of boxing, pulling and hammering knocked out Draven’s half blood, which shows that the robot’s injury in the early stage is really terrible
After the Emperor eq went to the crowd, he directly made a big move to the ice and instantly framed Pan Sen, Jiela and Ice, which limited their output.
The old man of time set a bomb on the emperor in front of the emperor eq, which made Zhang Hao and others speak the heroic language of time. The bomb can be released to friendly forces. At this moment, the emperor’s head with this bomb is also weighing heavily on everyone’s mind. This is aoe skill.
Tang Qinling and others can be prepared to smash the skills of this emperor who is not meat. Let the emperor die in the power of aoe skills before considering starting work on the people behind him.
However, Diqiu’s party had a plan and didn’t worry about the emperor’s follow-up staff quickly arranging with Diqiu Zelas at this moment, and all of them were exporting his skills.
Every skill of Silas has a distance that he can’t bear to look straight at. Silas can play wave after wave of damage skills in an extremely safe place, and the hit rate is surprisingly high when he releases the pit directly at the emperor.
I’ve been to the Emperor as a tactical hero, and now it’s also powerful. This pit is simply tailor-made by Di Qiu and others, and Draven’s big move is released. I can dodge at the root of the pit and watch two big axes fly.
After the axe swept through the crowd, Draven instantly pulled back the axe and hit a wave of perfect output to the people in the pit, causing second-stage damage.
Zhang Hao watched the people in the pit constantly reduce their blood volume but their ability.
Pan Sen’s experience is a little poor. It’s very tragic to have level five. There is not a big move. Wang Qiang has to jump into Dreven and get dizzy until his teammates keep up with a big wave of skills
Draven is like a crispy skin. In the end, Draven’s body is a crispy skin. Before eating a big trick from Gera and letting the robot beat him up, the blood volume is also urgent and he will die.
However, Levin didn’t give up. After handing over a treatment, he threw a sharp axe, which hindered Zhang Hao’s pursuit and kept attacking the foremost robot.
At this time, the robot is just carrying an eye stone. How can it resist Draven’s output of several levels of A blood volume and drop more than half? But Zhang Hao still hasn’t backed down, and you won’t stop until you kill him.
There is no big move to release the skills of ice behind the robot. Ice is simply a chicken rib. Only a Q skill slows down a little, so that Dreven can’t escape the attack range of Zhang Hao and others
When the ice slows down, Dreven is finally about to die. It is at this time that his head appears. The icon that Tang Qinling and others don’t want to see is Kieran’s back-in-time icon, a skill that can revive teammates who died during the specified period. It is so precious at this moment.
Although I really want to stop, Draven has been killed by aoe, and his body will slowly come back to life in two seconds.
"Did you fight for nothing?" Wang Qiang cursed a lot of skills, but the effect was the same as not playing. But when it was urgent, there were so many complaints that it was still a team battle at the moment
It’s very anxious that the former ice is anodyne and the output hits Draven’s body.
The effect of heaven and earth were finally over. People who came out of the pit experienced two big moves, and after baptism, they all went to the opposite side of half blood. Can’t two great things be done?
Tang Qinling looked at the screen, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her slender fingers were rhythmic when she swam dexterously on the keyboard, and sometimes she was anxious. Her elegant combination of hand-pulling skills hit one set after another, and her two fists were hard to beat four hands. No matter how good her personal ability was, she couldn’t beat a big group.

The head coach said they would win the game, but they didn’t have time to celebrate the goal.

Popovich scored in the 76th minute, and now Keku scored in the 79th minute.
Give them another goal and say how much it is. There are eleven minutes left.
It’s only 14 minutes when injury stoppage time is counted.
With two goals behind, we have to fucking reverse it!
Everyone feels full of surging power and strong fighting spirit when they think about it.
Reverse the temptation and let everyone stop moving forward. They will never give up until the last second!
Kaiku came to hold the football Popovich, and the two men hugged each other and continued to run.
Then Popovich stretched out his hand to Carlos Campo next to him and motioned for him to come over.
When Campo came running, he put his arm around Campo with the other hand.
"Not bad!" He said to Campo
Carlos Campo smiled and said, "Your foot in front of the door is beautiful, big brother!" "
Popovich was very impressed by Campo’s flattery. He grabbed Campo’s hand and grabbed it on Campo’s shoulder. "Just do it well. I am very optimistic about you!"
Changsheng finally smiled when he saw this scene.
Even when the team equalized the score, he never smiled so brightly, as if the sun was shining directly on his face.
Because he knows very well that Carlos Campo has been integrated into the team, which is slowly being squeezed into a whole by him …
This is the foundation of the team’s relegation success.
Changsheng firmly believes that a United team can have combat effectiveness.
Coming to Hertha has been a mess, but now they are reuniting with one goal.
If the team can keep doing this, he will be more confident to lead them to avoid relegation.
Javier Miranda, president of Osasuna next to Flores, looked at the stadium with an incredible expression. He couldn’t believe that just three minutes ago, his team was leading by two goals. Now why did this advantage swing away?
Is Hertha lucky?
However, the two scoring methods are almost identical. Can this be solved simply by "dumb luck"?
Javier Miranda is not stupid. He knows that there is always something inevitable behind "luck"
It’s not that he doesn’t know what Hertha was like before. Hertha was still at home when the two teams played each other for half a season. Both of them were beaten back by Osasuna.
What caused all this to change like this?
He turned his eyes to the man in front of the visiting coach’s seat. He was young and terrible, but he seemed to have injected some fresh blood into Hertha’s dying team …
Francisco Flores turned his head and glanced at Vicente Moscow. He said with a smile, "It was a wonderful three minutes, wasn’t it?"
How much Moscow can smile "is really wonderful, Mr. Chairman … I really didn’t expect that we could finally take a point away from El sardar Stadium …"
I didn’t expect Flores to shake his head. "There are still more than ten minutes before the end of the game, Vicente."
With that, he turned back and looked at the stadium without saying a word.
Moscow gritted his teeth in his heart. "Don’t you think Hertha can win? This is so arrogant! We can pull two balls in three minutes, but we have to say that the opponents with luck didn’t react. Now they have been completely angered by us … At this time, we should strengthen our defense and strive to hold this point instead of pursuing any three points! "
He turned his attention to the sidelines and always won
He doesn’t believe that this young man can really lead Hertha to avoid relegation. Even if he wins a draw in the end, there are too many accidental elements in his opinion-if Osasuna’s ball was intercepted by Carlos Campo without mistakes, if Osasuna adjusted her mentality immediately after losing the first goal …
He still doesn’t like winning.
Just one point … Not decisive for relegation!
He has decided that the team will always win after demotion, and he must try his best to say that Flores should stop bossing the personnel of the team. He needs to keep pouring money into the team, and it is best not to worry about other things.
When Hertha players ran back to half-time, many people turned their attention to the coach’s seat.
They saw the young China coach comparing a gesture "V" to them, which means "victory".
"I came here to pursue victory."
The head coach’s participation in the press conference before the game reappeared in their minds.
They no longer doubt the truth of this sentence.
The head coach is really a man of his word …
They looked back.
We are here to pursue victory!
Each of them repeated it in his mind.
The referee blew the whistle again.
Three Hertha strikers, like three sharp arrows, shot into the restricted area of Osasuna.
They were so fast that the players in Osasuna didn’t react.
Then when they turned their eyes to Hertha players again, for the first time, they felt that this team on the verge of relegation was a little different from before …
Chapter 20 A good play
Miguel Angel Lotina, head coach of Osasuna, looked dignified on the sidelines.
Hertha surprised his team with two goals in three minutes.
When Osasuna was two goals ahead of Hertha, Lotina’s team had already won, and he was also considering the next game. When the club invited him to coach this season, it was plain that Osasuna was back in the first division, a team that had won the UEFA Cup semi-finals. They had been sinking in the second division for a long time.
At present, Osasuna ranks first, but this ranking is not safe. First, las palmas ranks second. Secondly, the gap between them and Villarreal, Salamanca, Lerida and levante is not very obvious.
In addition to this round of the league, there are nine rounds of the league, which is enough for a lot of things to happen.

As soon as the ethereal fairy came into this cave, he felt the breath of Song Changgeng. When he flew in, he knew that he had come here, so he twisted his beard and waited there. Sure enough, after a few breaths, he saw a brilliant golden light flying in the middle, showing that Song Changgeng was floating in the middle. Song Changgeng just handed over and smiled. "I didn’t think that Brother was the first guest to meet him. Brother, don’t blame me."

The ethereal fairy smiled faintly. "Teacher younger brother is welcome. I didn’t know what I came here in a hurry until I listened to the master’s news. The main thing is to help teacher younger brother do something to meet a guest. When the master wanted me to be your reincarnation protector, he didn’t want teacher younger brother to find another way to get out of trouble. So I can do you a little favor here. In addition, I brought several other senior brothers and sisters an introductory gift.
I’ll give you your wedding gift when they personally arrive. These introductory gifts are for you. Teacher younger brother is not as thin as us old guys and has spread such a big thing that we can’t lose our face. This time, several students have made great efforts to invite friends from all walks of life and invite celestial students to the next meeting. "
As he spoke, he took out six dried Kun bags suspended in the middle, each of which was finely made and had complicated patterns. Although each bag was inches long, it was much wider than the dried Kun bags. Song Changgeng bowed and thanked him respectfully when he saw it. He knew that this was the intention of intercepting students. No matter what calculations he had before, he really regarded him as a student now.
At this time, the ethereal fairy pointed to one of them and drew a Kirin bag. "All six of us were practicing in the era of the universe, and we barely came when we sealed the gods. It was very United. After thousands of years of sealing the gods, the master has been confiscating your brother. You are the first one of us brothers and sisters to prepare introductory gifts for you. You can prepare this bag for you.
When the teacher elder sister knew that your brother was numerous, she collected many materials from her magic weapon’ cornucopia’ for several years, which was enough for you to refine the magic weapon for Wan Di. There are materials and medicinal materials in this bag, as well as various jade books. Please read it slowly. "
Song Chang Gung thanked him for taking the bag and putting it in the sleeve. His splendid clouds and beads changed out. The clothes were covered outside the armor. The wide robe and big sleeves fluttered like a fairy. You can’t see anything when you put something on them. Song Chang Gung is also a pick of Jin Xian. This spell can also be cast simply, but it can still be hidden simply.
The ethereal fairy smiled and ordered the other two bags. "I once told you that the two brothers, Sleeping Yunxian and Lingfengxian, always don’t like fighting, but like to study those strange machine puppets. They all prepared a lot of machine puppets for you. These things have nothing to do with you, but your cousins can."
Brother Wo Yunxian is good at making all kinds of biological forms. The puppet house has prepared thousands for you. This bag is all freely changeable in size. The materials are carefully selected and refined through various processes. It’s very good. You can sit in it and walk instead of walking. It can also help fight and have good defense. These are all ordinary. It’s best to make a wedding and send it to you personally.
Brother Ling Fengxian is good at making flying boats and palaces. This time, he specially prepared 3,000 boats for you. I told you what I saw here. He heard that your brother is a simple boat, and he felt embarrassed and specially added 2,000 more boats to you. These boats can fly, enter the ground and have a magic weapon for attack and defense on the sea. It is very good.
There are ten palaces and caves. I heard that you, Ziyun Palace, have been completely destroyed. Destroy it. These ten palaces and caves are many times better than Ziyun Palace. Do you want Ziyun Palace? The master often says that the two of them are not doing their jobs and put all their energy into this aspect. Now it is Jin Xian, but doing things is really good. "
Song Chang Gung didn’t look at it, but put two bags in the sleeve, but Zi Xuanfeng looked at Song Chang Gung with flashing eyes and couldn’t help but laugh. "What’s not a knowledge here?" When I see it, I’ll give it to you. Do whatever you have to do. Just talk to your teacher. No, wait on you.
Chapter seven hundred Make friends
After listening to the master’s words, Zi Xuanfeng turned red and quickly bowed to the two of them and went back. He also knew that the master couldn’t be so dull to look at them in front of the ethereal immortal, but the master definitely didn’t want to give them to his younger brother, so that the strength of the door would be greatly improved and the master’s wishes could be better fulfilled. I don’t know what the master’s wishes are. Form an alliance?
See ZiXuanFeng ethereal fairy point after leaving one of the remaining three bags, "Hehe, you also know that my personal number’ ethereal fairy’ is a feather-like Taoism, which means I like to walk around a lot, but when it comes to being able to take out my hand, there is nothing good to seal the gods. I escaped from the Wanxian Array and got a congenital spiritual treasure when I was recovering. It’s not bad. I hope you don’t abandon my humble teacher younger brother.
Ha ha! The one with the golden bird bag is that my brother has his own life and the accompanying magic weapon, and other magic weapons are also taken advantage of. We practitioners are not the more magic weapons, the better, but we should specialize in a few powerful ones. After all, although our life is long, our energy is limited. It is very boring to sacrifice more magic weapons every time, and sometimes it is just right to increase training.
This innate treasure of mine is called Vientiane Map, which is a powerful thing with a balanced attack and defense. I like to study array methods. Brother Kuzhu Xian said that this thing is very suitable for array, so we joined forces to change this magic weapon and add something. There are also ten sets of array maps given to you by Brother Kuzhu Xian in the bag, all of which are very powerful. It is a rare magic weapon that can be formed the day after tomorrow.
Of course, that’s temporary power, and it’s not very complete. If you find the combination, you can make an array according to the array layout, and the most wonderful thing is that each array has different power, but you can stack multiple arrays, and the power will increase by more than seven times. Even the master admires his wonderful idea and has specially helped him improve it, but these medium arrays can be stacked up to six times, and it won’t be possible if there are more. "
Song Chang Gung’s eyes lit up. He was just hesitating about what kind of array to arrange the light. The ethereal fairy sent the array. It is most important to arrange it simply. These arrays can be superimposed and matched with the magic weapon of "Fairy Mountain" in the center of the cave. The whole cave must be fixed. If it is not too strong, there should be no big problem.
After seeing Song Chang Gung’s thanks, the ethereal fairy put away the bag and pointed to the last two bags. "Thousand feather fairy teacher younger brother likes swords and prepared thousands of good swords and two sets of sword arrays for you. That’s because he pondered the evolution of the whole fairy sword array, Wan Xian array and Zhou Tianxing fighting array. One set is very powerful. It is suitable for one person to join the sword, and one is suitable for many people.
The other bag is a gift from three generations of brothers in the door. You have everything in it. Sometimes you search for it yourself. Brother, this time you are a pioneer. One is to send something for you. The other is to see if there is anything you can do. No master has specially asked me to come back. He said that your affairs are complicated. He is busy looking for someone to discuss and deal with other saints. Let me help. "
Song Chang Gung thanked me again, put away the two bags and laughed. "Brother’s coming has scared the younger brother. How dare you work? But I’ll let you stay like this. I’m sure you don’t like it. Why don’t you find a mountain here to help me sort out the reception door?" I don’t know what they like or my brother knows best. "
The ethereal fairy smiled and nodded his head, just to make a gesture. This little teacher younger brother is already a master of the same order with himself, and he can’t help much. This is good, so he nodded his head. "So brother went to look for it first! If the younger brother remembers anything that needs to be done by the elder brother, just say hello. I’m here to help. Don’t mention it to me. "
Song Chang Gung nodded his head and saluted him. Just after watching him fly away, he was about to go back to the center to control the palace. He saw not far from the place where the cards were delivered. A light flashed until his brothers came.
Before he left, he saw the light disappear. A hearty voice laughed. "Brother Song came here for your prestige. Hehe, you let me and your sister-in-law wait for the first seven days!" As you talk, you will see that God camel Hugh came out in a big red cassock, followed by the stunning Han Xian and the girl riding a gourd, followed by two female apprentices Han Xian.
Song Chang-geng couldn’t help rejoicing at the sight of it, and hurried to welcome the past. The husband and wife were different from each other. They really liked the little girl Jade Butterfly and didn’t mean anything. God Yu made these treasures willing to give them away. When they fell to the South Pole, they were the only ones who were willing to bring their brothers to find friends. Later, Song Chang-geng came to send him the Black Knife Gorge in Beihai, but he didn’t want a series of things to delay.
As soon as I saw them coming, I knew that they really came to help a few people meet. Naturally, there was a burst of greetings and excitement. Song Changgeng asked and realized that it was their husband and wife who came to Beihai after sensing their words. They didn’t want to be in the light, so they followed. Everyone said a conversation. Song Changgeng simply told them about himself and let them know the general situation.
Song Chang Gung didn’t talk to them politely. After the conversation, they asked their husband and wife to help them find a place to arrange the reception of the VIP peak palace in the light. At this time, Gan Biwu’s three daughters and several younger brothers flew to Song Chang Gung to introduce them to everyone, and then they took out all their exquisite jade que, so that Gan Lvqing would also take herself out and be responsible for arranging visitors in the whole cave.
Then, after a few words, I said goodbye to everyone and went to the central fairy mountain. As we all know, there was not much time to decorate. Although it was said that there was a month or so, there were too many things. The basis was to start all over again, and the original things might not fit in. After a few commonplaces, I went to do my own thing and left Zixuanfeng to receive it here.
Soon after they left, they saw the light flashing, and then Xu Feiniang led a man and a woman and two 23-year-old children out. When Zixuanfeng saw it, he went to salute quickly. When Xu Feiniang saw it, he laughed. "Why are you alone here? What are the others busy with?" I was in a hurry to bring the reincarnation of Elder Yin and Elder Red, but I didn’t catch you to the master! "
ZiXuanFeng know that a man and a woman two 23-year-old children is the door Yin Su Tang and sincere metempsychosis dare not neglect not to say that their identity is there, although the strength is lost, but it is still a master of YuanYing. After the ceremony, he didn’t say with smile, "My master was just here with the ethereal immortal who came first, and said that he had a conversation with the elder couple of B Xiu and then went to Xianshan."
If it’s not urgent, the three elders should help first. The master is busy arranging the defense array here for a short time, and the younger brothers are not mobilized now. I also contacted the elder martial sister just now. She said that because the elder martial sister Zhaoren and the emperor’s brother are coming, she is helping to arrange the other side, so it’s better to help me direct the master to do things. "
All three of them nodded their heads. Xu Fei Niang was most concerned about these younger brothers. It can be said that these younger brothers trained in Xiaoyao Island in the South China Sea. She paid more energy than Song Chang-geng, which was equal to half of their teachers, especially after Stuart Ping and Lian Gongyao defected. She devoted all her spirit to this place and was familiar with it. It was natural and convenient for them to command.
Just as their commanders were sending them over one after another, my brothers were doing all kinds of things, suddenly the whole light suddenly shone brightly, and Xu Feiniang and others looked at it for a few minutes and knew that it was because the aura of the array was changing dramatically, which led to different astronomical phenomena. She called her brothers to continue to do things while feeling dark.
At the beginning, I didn’t want to associate with Song Chang Gung because I had a number of foreign AIDS. He had such a potential to show up to this extent. Although his wish to revitalize Wutai became weaker and weaker, the idea of revitalizing Worry Gate became stronger and stronger.
This is because these younger brothers are excellent and trained by themselves. Song Changgeng is so strong and restrained. Those messy Wutaishan brothers let them get together and conspire against each other. It is better to be here sincerely and watch the younger brothers grow stronger in the door. I sincerely respect myself and have fun.
In fact, she gradually turned to her heart, and several other elders felt it, but he didn’t have time to care more about them. After all, there were too many things to talk to them this time. But the ethereal fairy sent the array, and he was busy arranging it. He also saw Xu Fei Niang and them through the shadow array method in the control palace in the center of Xianshan.
However, the arrangement of the array is not distracting. Just now, the ethereal fairy simply said a few words about what can be the most superimposed array, but Song Changgeng realized that it is difficult to do it. In fact, these arrays are not very powerful. The fairy level can fight and destroy, but the wonder is that they can be superimposed. When three arrays are superimposed, it will take a fairy to fight. After six stacks, it will be treated by a fairy.
It’s a pity for Song Changgeng that these ten figures are medium-sized. I don’t know that the advanced and top figures are as powerful as six figures. After the central console defends the whole light environment, Song Changgeng takes out the ethereal fairy and sends it to the innate treasure’ Vientiane Figure’ to study it. Although it is a simple study, he can’t help but be overjoyed that the ethereal fairy sent such a gift.
Song Chang-geng saw that the modified array of this innate treasure’ Vientiane Map’ should belong to the top array. Unfortunately, I wonder if there is one that can be superimposed with it at the same level. I wonder if it is powerful. He sighed that he would put this array into his right chest, and then study it carefully after the "magic tripod" was medium.
After looking at the remaining four arrays, Song Chang-geng put them away, and then sent the ethereal fairy to other bags for a simple look. He put away all the materials sent by the Virgin Mary, and brother Ling Fengxian sent ten palaces to the abode of fairies and immortals to put them away, and checked out 100 of the 3,000 planes and ships and treasured them himself. The rest are now for my brother.
In the three generations of brothers’ gifts, Song Chang-geng now turns out that one-third of them are thousands of gold rings. If you look closely, it turns out to be defense, one-third of them are some Dan medicine, and the other one-third is all kinds of ordinary materials. It seems to the master that people have calculated it. Song Chang-geng just thought about it. Since he is United, he can’t send things separately, but return them together, taking into account his own unity.
Chapter seven hundred and nine Alliance plan
After reading it briefly, he saw that there was no big problem, so he came out of the central palace and arranged such a kung fu. It took him more than a day to fix the array law and then cooperate with the whole cave. It was not easy for him to have a little insight. No wonder Master Tongtian said that this is not the right way. After all, it is too much trouble to arrange it, but it is not convenient to make it inconvenient to fight the enemy.
He didn’t go out and went directly to the palace group in the middle of Xianshan Mountain, and then greeted everyone in the cave to discuss things. At the same time, his brothers also came to the party. Soon after his voice fell behind, all kinds of dodging lights in the whole cave were flying directly to the palace group in the middle of Xianshan Mountain, but all the original life in the light world lurked and dared not show up.
Song Chang-geng chose a particularly spacious hall to receive everyone. The hall is about ten feet high, 100 feet deep and 300 feet wide. There is also a 300-square square outside. Song Chang-geng called his brothers to wait in the square, while others with status entered the hall. After everyone arrived one after another, Song Chang-geng invited them to sit down, and introduced them to the ethereal fairy.
The ethereal fairy didn’t dial him. He smiled and said a few words to these fairy people. Because Song Chang Gung got together, we naturally wanted to give our host a face. In fact, now we are all closer to Song Chang Gung. Outside the ethereal fairy, we are the husband and wife, and then the elders in the door, including several others who came back from everywhere. Now all the twelve elders in the worried door have arrived.
After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Song Chang-geng told us about the whole thing now, so that everyone could have a clear understanding, and then we should arrange the key things. Others also said that there was nothing in their opinions, and it was a process to increase or decrease. After all, he was the most familiar with the ethereal immortals.
While husband and wife B receive visitors from all walks of life, sisters Xu Feiniang and Qin Qingyi and Qin Gui are responsible for receiving guests from all walks of life, and couples Bin Longxuan, Narcissus, Yin Sutang and Chicheng are responsible for receiving individual guests from all walks of life. Three sisters Li Yingqiong and Yu Yingnan are helping Zi Xuanfeng and Changping to arrange their food and shelter problems, and Zi Xuanfeng and Changping respectively lead their outside brothers to help with the reception.
Gan Biwu, Qin Ziling and Qin Han Calyx are the main people in charge of logistics this time. They don’t come forward to get anything they need. After briefly saying something, the ethereal fairy will go back to Song Changgeng to stop it. He laughed. "Brother, I just want to distribute it to my brothers. How can I not see it?"
Say hello to purple Xuanfeng and Changping to bring something to the ethereal fairy, let them take it separately, and then take out the magic weapon hidden in the original door, so that two people can be responsible for distributing a princess Changping and simply look at it, and then say to Song Changgeng, "Shifu, look at these flying swords with the same quality and style, which is also a magic weapon. It is better to have a hand than Jin Dandi."
The magic weapon of the golden ring defense is also the same. Add the door to the sky, the water is concise, and the splendid cloud clothes are given to Jin Dandi. The machines and beasts are also assigned to Jin Dandi one by one, and there is nothing else. Jin Dandi has his own dry bag, and all the materials of Dan medicine are collected in the door. Those machines and boats are in the charge of the original Thunder Corps brother. "
Purple XuanFeng also nodded a little excited tunnel "in those who don’t knot Dan Di also wear uniform distribution magic weapon, etc. It is a door to make a medium magic weapon to let them be in charge of chores, or should they have the original deacon brother and Jin Dan Di Lord? They should be able to protect themselves by adding their original spirit beasts and magic weapons."
Song Chang Gung nodded and asked them to be responsible for distributing the rest to Qin Ziling’s collection. Gan Biwu was responsible for recording Qin Han’s calyx, collecting tea, fruits and other things. It was a little personal thing.
Then, I watched my brothers receive the distribution according to their positions, and the ethereal fairy could not help but smile. Many of these brothers are well-qualified and are the backbone of three generations of interception. In the future, they will rely on them to teach, and the couple who repaired B are also eager to consider whether to speed up the construction of their own sects.
When these chores are finished, all the younger brothers get something back. Song Chang Gung suddenly primly said, "You should know that I asked the Middle-earth monks to come to discuss the establishment of the’ Chinese Friar Alliance’ seven days ago, regardless of the factions of good and evil or scattered practice, right? Now that the trivial matters have been handled, I will talk about this matter. My wedding ceremony is a guide. This is the main thing I have to do. "
Before the others could speak, the ethereal fairy plugged in and said, "Brother, things are complicated. You have too many things now, so it’s better to suppress the karma entanglement and now you are in charge of other people’s affairs. Isn’t that good?"
Song Chang-geng wry smile way "this also can’t help things, this idea is that I want to do our practitioners practice at first, that is, my mind is tied up, and I can read smoothly before I can enter the avenue. This idea is too heavy to let it be completed, and I’m afraid it will be bad for the future. I got my mother’s merit of supporting heaven, which should be able to support this karma, and it’s not for me to do it, but for others to do it."
The conversation between the two people silenced everyone else. This topic is too high for them, especially Li Yingqiong and Yu Yingnan. They are Song Changgeng’s sisters, but their skill is the youngest and lightest here. It is because they have become the elders with Song Changgeng that they are qualified to sit here and listen to everyone talk about others.
The ethereal fairy nodded his head and understood what he meant. It is normal for him to say this. If the idea is not smooth, it will always be very troublesome for the post-cultivation in his mind. Maybe he will be possessed, but he doesn’t know what Song Changgeng is going to do, so he said, "Since the younger brother thinks so, I won’t advise what to say. Just tell us what the younger brother is going to do."
Song Chang Gung nodded and said, "It’s rare for senior brother to understand what I mean. In fact, this is very simple. I came forward to advocate the establishment of an’ Huaxia Friar Alliance’ to organize the principle of seeking common ground with Chinese people, including Buddhism, Taoism, demons and demons. The purpose is’ not to interfere in all things!’ We are a loose alliance.
I mean, unite everyone so as to minimize the consumption of fighting. When you think about it, you also feel that when I told the sky and the place, those who resisted me and fought against the three forces. Do you all feel that they are powerful? Although I defeated them, the last one hid himself, and I also detected their origin in that state.
However, it is not easy to defeat them. Although there are many monks in Middle-earth, it will become more and more difficult in the future as people’s aura disappears. If we don’t huddle together at this time, we will find ways to fight all the forces in the sky and master all the residual spiritual treasures. It is not good for us and China to estimate that all the traditions will disappear after hundreds of years.
So I’ve always wanted to unite everyone. In fact, the so-called good and evil doesn’t matter to me. Although evil factions like sex and practice at the same time is a method of harming others and benefiting themselves, since they are here, they have a reason. Since heaven allows them to be in front of us, they are not qualified to tell us what to do. Because of their different ideas, the two factions of good and evil have been fighting for thousands of years.
After I set up the alliance, I let Zi Xuanfeng lead my brother to be the basic force of the alliance, and let other sects and Yuan Ying form a Presbyterian church to distribute materials to mediate disputes, and at the same time, to fight against external forces. Only by combining everyone’s strength can we protect the Chinese monk in the last few hundred years. What do you think? "

For her, it is really a small expense to hire someone to build a road and then pay her salary, but for the people in Shenshen Town, a stable job will make them more willing to stay in Shenshen Town and will therefore be willing to abide by the rules of Shenshen Town.

Wu Xiujie once again lost in thought.
Chapter two hundred and nine Need to upgrade
Seeing that Wu Xiujie was thinking, Tian Tang spoke again, "There is also one of the most important reasons why Shenzhen is different. I can ensure that even if Shenzhen is suddenly exposed one day, it will not lead to accidents for the people."
Needless to say, Tian Tang is confident enough about the protection ability of the gods’ town security zone. What’s more, besides the security zone, she still has the number of wall repairs in her hand.
Of course, because every war is now in the era of cold weapons, the active weapons of both sides, that is, long-range weapons of swords, spears and halberds, are mainly trebuchets and sharp arrows, which are much less lethal than those hot weapons in her memory. She can ensure that all the people in Shenzhen can live a stable life.
Wu Xiujie looked up and said, "I have long heard that the Shen Zhen’ an District is strange. Is this really the case?"
Tian Tang smiled at him. "Why don’t you try attacking me? But before to make it clear to Wu, the consequences of attacking me may be much more serious than Wu’s imagination. "
The cage in Shenshen Town looks ordinary, but if you want to see Li Erzhu and cheat people go to the cage, you will know that it must be uncomfortable to stay in that cage.
At the beginning, Wei Liang wanted to control that she was trapped in the cage, but until now, the person who started in Yangnan County was still unable to come out in the cage.
Thought of here, Tian Tang’s face showed an awkward look. During this period, she has been busy dealing with the affairs of Linchun Mansion. She completely forgot that there are people in the town of gods.
At the beginning, Li Erzhu couldn’t bear to stay in the cage for a few days. Now those people seem to have been trapped for a while and I don’t know what happened now.
Shi Xiong gave her a quick look.
Tian Tang leaned over a little and talked to him in a low voice. "Stone’s adult had heard that his hands were still in the cage."
"All the time?" Shi Xiongwei froze and saw Tian Tang nod and look a little weird.
He heard about the cage from Li Erzhu more than once and knew that it was not pleasant to be in the cage. However, it is said that Li Erzhu was released after three days in the cage, and Wei Liangcai made more trouble, but Tian Tang’s intervention was not long.
Therefore, they don’t know much about how long the cage can hold people.
I didn’t expect those people who were forgotten by them to be forgotten until now.
Wu Xiujie didn’t understand the situation, but he couldn’t wait to know about the safe area. After careful thinking, he quickly chose "God has offended adults"
Tian Tang also looked at him and nodded his head to prepare for it.
Wu Xiujie nodded gravely and suddenly raised my hand and clenched my fist and rushed straight to Tian Tang’s face.
Tian Tang knew he wouldn’t get hurt or closed his eyes.
She didn’t open her eyes until Wu Xiujie’s boxing wind swept away and gradually recovered, and she saw Wu Xiujie at a glance.
Take the game of life to the ancient section 174
"No effect?" Wu Xiujie looked down at himself.
Tian Tang thought for a moment and quickly came to the conclusion that "it should be the safe area that decided that Wu’s adult wouldn’t hurt us, so it didn’t trigger the safe area protection"
"That is to say, you must have a hurting mind to trigger protection?" Shi Xiong sat on the side, and after he came to this theory, he had a new understanding of Shenshen Town.
"Yes," Tian Tang nodded and looked at Wu Xiujie. "Master Wu might as well try not to stop?"
"But if I hurt you …?" Wu Xiujie was hesitant.
"Don’t try how do you know? And I’m sure Wu Daren can’t hurt me, "Tian Tang said seriously." Try it. Wu Daren has tried it himself to confirm the safety zone. "
Wu Xiujie hesitated again and could not help but look at Shi Xiong’s eyes and ask Shi Xiong’s opinion.
Several of them are well aware that Wu Xiujie’s hesitation is not only because of the security zone, but also because of his future choice.
Wu Xiujie is a member of the imperial court, so it’s good to get back together in Shenzhen, but it’s not easy for him to make a decision. He needs something to help him settle down and let him stay here completely.
For example, an area
Shi Xiong naturally knows Wu Xiujie’s idea. If Wu Xiujie can also be completely in Shenzhen, it is not only a big boost for him, but also a big boost for Shenzhen’s powerful forces.
And it is also very clear that Wu Xiujie’s temper, if he makes a choice, he will never betray again if he does not have the same problems as the court in Shenshen Town and can ensure the people to live and work in peace and contentment.
In the final analysis, whether he or Wu Xiujie betrayed the court, the main reason is that the court can’t give the people a good life, but no matter how good the life of the court people is, even if the town of God is no better, they will not be with the town of God.
This matter is said to be small because the people have to make a choice for their sake, and it is said to be "collaboration with the enemy and treason" since ancient times, no matter which generation it is, it is a capital crime to punish the nine families
Shi Xiong nodded when Wu Xiujie made eye contact.
Wu Xiujie was determined to hand over to Tian Tang, "God made adults really offend this time."
Tian Tang nodded instantly and Wu Xiujie made a surprise hand.
Even Tian Tang can easily feel the difference before this time from Wu Xiujie’s boxing style.
If there was no comparison, she might recognize that Wu Xiujie had already made efforts before. After all, that boxing style did have a certain impact on her face.
But before the contrast, the force was collected.
Tian Tang didn’t close her eyes again this time and watched Wu Xiujie’s fist get closer and closer, which became more and more obvious in her pupil.
Seeing that his fist was about to hit Wu Xiujie, he suddenly disappeared from his place.